Saturday, August 31, 2019
Neighborhood Watch
The theory of Opportunity-Reduction supports Neighborhood Watch program. This theory assumes that the initiative of potential crime victims or the citizens could help reducing the risk of criminals’ attack (Kilpatrick, 2004). The Opportunity-Reduction model involves four categories such as (1) increasing perceived effort, (2) increasing perceived risks, (3) reducing anticipated rewards, and (4) inducing guilt or shame (or removing excuses, Clarke, 1997) (Clarke and Homel, 1997). The last category which is inducing guilt or shame was eventually omitted in the work of Wortley (2002) since the strategies under this category do not involve the reduction of criminal’s opportunity to attack but rather it encourages and gives the offender more chances of doing illegal actions (Wortley, 1997, 1998). Instead of inducing guilt or shame, Wortley replaces it with precipitation-control. Accordingly, this can be more effective in reducing permissibility for potential offenders or criminals. Wortley (2002) also adds another category which is increasing anticipated punishments which is based on the learning theory that views anticipated rewards can reduce crimes. This is an effective mean of overcoming crime problems and it is also applicable in real prison management (Severson, 2004). Opportunity-Reduction approach also supports Neighborhood Watch programs through crime prevention and self-defense training courses available for community police and citizens as well as focusing on quality of life by citizen participation  (Kilpatrick, 2004; Whittemore, 1989; Baker, Wolfer, & Zezza, 1999). The Canterchase residents should be able to create partnerships, support and collaborate with each other. They need to communicate effectively by reporting or sharing information, use security or warning devices, use detectors or watchdogs. They must also apply problem-oriented policing in order to discuss the nature of problems, assign citizens in taking their responsibilities on crime reduction and solving crime-related problems. Techniques like the SARA or scanning, analysis, response, and assessment (Baker, Wolfer, & Zezza, 1999; Wolfer, Zezza, 2001) are useful in community policing and crime prevention. References Baker, T. E., Wolfer, L., & Zezza, R. (1999) â€Å"Problem-Solving Policing Eliminating Hot Spots.†The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 68(11). Clarke, R. V. (ed.) (1997) Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies 2nd ed. Albany, NY: Harrow & Heston. Kilpatrick, D. G. (2004) Interpersonal Violence and Public Policy: What about the Victims?. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 32(1), 73+. Whittemore, L. S. (1989) Appendix C the Success of Community Crime Prevention. Canadian Journal of Criminology 31(4), 489. Wortley, R. (1997) Reconsidering the role of opportunity in situational crime prevention. In G. Newman, R. V. Clarke and S. G. Shohan (eds.), Rational Choice and Situational Crime Prevention, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, pp. 65–82. Wortley, R. (1998) A two-stage model of situational crime prevention. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention 7, pp. 173–88. Wortley, R. (2002) Situational Prison Control: Crime Prevention in Correctional Institutions. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Â
Friday, August 30, 2019
Mi Ultimo Adios Essay
Mi Ultimo Adios was the farewell poem of Rizal that originally had no title and was unsigned. This was believed as Rizal’s last will because he wrote it on the night before he was executed. Also through this poem, Rizal was giving his last message to his countrymen. For him, offering his life was the best way he could show his love for the country. Even he was going to die, he was not resentful instead he challenged the each of the Filipinos to serve and love our country. However he was also hopeful that his death would serve as inspiration to everyone. He encouraged the youth to continue to dream and fulfill it. The poem ‘My Last Farewell’ was Jose Rizal’s patriotic goodbyes, first to his country, his family and above all to his Heavenly Father. To his country he said, ‘With gladness do I give you my life.’ He tried to comfort his parents and dear ones with these lines: ‘I’ll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen; where faith does not kill and where God alone does reign.’ The last line of the poem says: ‘To die is to rest.’ Mi Ultimo Adios was the farewell poem of Rizal that originally had no title and was unsigned. This was believed as Rizal’s last will because he wrote it on the night before he was executed. Also through this poem, Rizal was giving his last message to his countrymen. For him, offering his life was the best way he could show his love for the country. Even he was going to die, he was not resentful instead he challenged the each of the Filipinos to serve and love our country. However he was also hopeful that his death would serve as inspiration to everyone. He encouraged the youth to continue to dream and fulfill it. The poem ‘My Last Farewell’ was Jose Rizal’s patriotic goodbyes, first to his country, his family and above all to his Heavenly Father. To his country he said, ‘With gladness do I give you my life.’ He tried to comfort his parents and dear ones with these lines: ‘I’ll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen; where faith does not kill and where God alone does reign.’ The last line of the poem says: ‘To die is to rest.’ Reference:
Michael Graves Essay
Art Appreciation Michael Graves Michael Graves is a post-modern architect born in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 9th 1934. He graduated from Broad Ripple High School; he then attended and got his bachelor degree at the University of Cincinnati. After getting his bachelors, he went to Harvard where he got his masters in Interior design. After college he started career as an architect, it was in 1968 when he designed and built the Hanselmann House in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He built houses for about 10 years until he started building all kinds of buildings. He built anything from the Dolphin Resort at Disney world from the Denver Public Library. Graves has been designing buildings of all types since 1968 very rapidly, some years designing four or more buildings a year. One of Graves’s most famous buildings is the Portland building in Oregon. This building was made in 1980 and is unique because of how he surprised everyone with the exterior design. He used a pair of classical columns that have no structural function. He made these columns stand out by setting them in a reflecting pool. The Portland public says the building is both formal and playful, governor Ivancie says that most big city building were beginning to be built to simple with Just glass outsides. He says the Portland building doesn’t lack design features like other big city buildings. Some did criticize the design but most were thrilled by the uniqueness of the new building. People say there is type of humor to his designs and buildings. â€Å"Graves has become an opponent of modern works who uses humor as an integral part of his architecture†(1). Graves uses designs from the past and puts his own twist on them. â€Å"Graves re-interpreted the rational style that had been introduced by Le Corbusier in the 1920s into a neoclassical style†(1). Michael Graves has many building that are very famous, but his design on the Humana Building in Louisville, Kentucky is maybe his best design he’s had. His design on this building got him in the time magazine. â€Å"TIME Magazine listed it as one of the 10 best buildings of the decade†(2). The building looks different from every side. Many say it is one of the most unique and distinctive skyscrapers in America. Critics say it is a textbook example of Postmodernism. Grave’s Humana building is said to have its fair share of flaws but the brilliant design more than counteracts the flaws. â€Å"While the building has undeniable flaws, they are easily outweighed by its attributes, hich have only grown stronger with time†(3). Humana Humana - Michael Graves Architecture & Design window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.9.8"}}; !function(a,b,c){function d(a,b){var c=String.fromCharCode;l.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,a),0,0);var d=k.toDataURL();l.clearRect(0,0,k.width,k.height),l.fillText(c.apply(this,b),0,0);var e=k.toDataURL();return d===e}function e(a){var b;if(!l||!l.fillText)return!1;switch(l.textBaseline="top",l.font="600 32px Arial",a){case"flag":return!(b=d([55356,56826,55356,56819],[55356,56826,8203,55356,56819]))&&(b=d([55356,57332,56128,56423,56128,56418,56128,56421,56128,56430,56128,56423,56128,56447],[55356,57332,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56418,8203,56128,56421,8203,56128,56430,8203,56128,56423,8203,56128,56447]),!b);case"emoji":return b=d([55358,56760,9792,65039],[55358,56760,8203,9792,65039]),!b}return!1}function f(a){var c=b.createElement("script");c.src=a,c.defer=c.type="text/javascript",b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c)}var g,h,i,j,k=b.createElement("canvas"),l=k.getContext&&k.getContext("2d");for(j=Array("flag","emoji"),c.supports={everything: !0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},i=0;i
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Tattooed Soldier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
The Tattooed Soldier - Essay Example The story is based on two men who are haunted and the disastrous intersection of their lives. Antonio Bernal, who lives in San Cristobal Acatapan, is seen packing his worldly belongings in an untidy apartment full of blood, and this is after his wife and kid of two years old were killed by a death squad. This was the main reason that made him leave Guatemalan for the fear of being attacked. His mind is full of memories of that fateful day; his freaked flight; and the yellow tattooed killer that he managed to see. As he strolls, he joins the evicted community that comprised of individuals from every situation conflicting the tides of bad luck with scrapings of tins and cardboards and humor and friendship. The writer in his fiction debut brings the metropolitan landscape to persistent life on the page and reveals that the inner setting of his characters with stunning precision and immediacy (Tober, 1). This novel is a fascinating story of revenge set on the lowermost rung of Los Angeles social ladder, within the hardscrabble lives of the homeless and illegal immigrants. The tattooed killer known as Guillermo Longoria was the veteran of the death squad in Guatemalan that was aimed at driving out the contamination of socialism. Furthermore, as Antonio strolled he saw Longoria calmly eating a chocolate flavored ice cream in the city center at a place known as MacArthur and he was thrilled with the likelihood of revenging his loved ones. He even went to the extent of acquiring a gun so as to use it in his mission of revenge to the death of his wife and child. This was not his wish, but circumstances had started converting him to a retaliator. Accordingly, â€Å"During the day, soldiers dressed as civilians came to kidnap professors and students†(87). In addition, Longoria, who was a peasant farmer and involuntarily joined the army, nevertheless, in the end he developed to love the authority it gave him.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Select ONE of the following essay questions to answer Assignment
Select ONE of the following essay questions to answer - Assignment Example The developing nations have increased their participation in world trade from 19 percent in 1971 to 29 percent in 1999 (Saggi, 2002). However, variations were noted in terms of economic development among the different countries. For example, the African countries performed poorly in comparison with the newly industrialized economies (NIEs) of Asia that greatly prospered. The developed countries and NIEs dominated the export of manufactured goods, thereby reflecting positively on the Balance of Payments (BOP). Then again, export share of the developing countries in commodities such as, food and raw materials, declined over the period. Another major aspect of globalisation is capital and investment movements. "Aid" or "development assistance" forwarded to the developing countries, before 1980s, were replaced by private capital during 1990s. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) became a major form of investments made in the developing countries. The migration of people between the developing and less developed nations doubled in the period 1965–90 (Saggi, 2002). A very small portion of the masses, implying the industrialists, can compete on an international level, besides the national level. For example, Lakshmi Mittal, who is a powerful presence in the global steel market, do not need to restrict his business expansion to any one nation after globalisation, unlike previous business tycoons. This fact also holds true for the banking classes because globalisation has facilitated the free flow of finance among various countries. Sportsmen and entertainers of international acclaim has also benefitted due to globalisation. For instance, the famous tennis player, Maria Sharaprova, does not only earn from the games played, but also from the international endorsements made for various multinational corporations. Even film-makers are presently able to draw greater income as the domestic earnings of films have been
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Enzymatic Analysis of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase Lab Report
Enzymatic Analysis of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase - Lab Report Example A similar experimental design was used to analyze the effect of prior presence of varying concentrations of ethanol in the reaction mixture to evaluate its effect on the recovery of MTT formazan, thereby indicating the effect of alcohol on aldehyde dehydrogenase activity. Ethanol presence enhanced the alcohol dehydrogenase activity at all concentrations. A Vmax value of 0.0224Â µmol/min and Km value of 1.171 M were obtained. Alcohol dehydrogenase is the main enzyme involved in fermentation of carbohydrates for the commercial and industrial production of alcohol. It is derived from yeast, which is added to carbohydrates to induce anaerobic fermentation. Chemically, Alcohol dehydrogenase is a homotetrameric enzyme of approximately 150 kDA size which catalyses the reversible oxidation of alcohols. It is responsible for converting ethanal to ethanol and other alcohols during fermentation. Fermentation is the process in which glucose, a major constituent of all carbohydrates, undergoes glycolysis under anaerobic conditions with the resultant production of alcohol. The reaction is characterized by the regeneration of oxidized nicotinamide dinucleotide (NAD+), which is essential for maintenance of glycolysis under anaerobic conditions with resultant seizure of mitochondrial respiration. Estimation of NAD+ spectrophotometrically can therefore serve as an important method of estimating and monitoring the oxidati on of ethanol. Two experiments were designed for the purpose. In the first experiment, the optimal conditions necessary for the catalytic activity of yeast dehydrogenase (yADH) were studied by first preparing yeast extract under identical conditions and then subjecting these extracts to variable factors like dilution, time, pH and temperature. The production of NADH was measured indirectly by following the reduction of 3-[4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
Monday, August 26, 2019
Research method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Research method - Essay Example The idea of having collaborations done online is to allow learners to share knowledge, interact with their colleagues, and exchange thoughts through online portals (Geiss & Roman, 2013). Online learning incorporates collaborative learning, which is recognized as a greatly valued opportunity (Tsai, 2011). It not only of involves access to fellow students, but also there is the chance of working together, which makes the online learning more effective, when compared to the traditional face-to-face classroom setting Generally, collaboration has become one of the essential skills necessary for effective functioning within the online community. It is necessary that we know how students learn and communicate and that we understand how the increasing functionality of technology is raising the bar of communication and collaboration (Sulisworo, 2012). Collaborative learning by definition refers to environments and methodologies in which learners engage in a common and authentic task wherein each peer depends on and is accountable to the others (Tsai, 2011). Bouroumi and Fajr (2014) have defined collaboration and cooperation in the light of the strategies used by teachers in making it possible for interactions among the students while working together in order to be more efficient. Cullen, Kullman & Wild (2013) explained that the practice of collaboration involves the attempt to have learning together or otherwise where two or more individuals gather for learning purposes. Some theoretical perspective s including cognition, social cohesion, and motivation should support the process. Collaborative learning has been defined as a pedagogy in which learners come together in groups and learn from each other through cooperation. Each student takes responsibility for the learning of other students in the group as well as his or her own learning, and each helps
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Change management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Change management - Assignment Example As a result of diffusion of global trends to various markets around the world, demands of various nature are continuously rising from the markets and consumers located in the developing and developed economies. This essentially promotes a significant amount of business opportunity for various organizations around the world. Because of the rise of digitized communication trends, the barriers to accessing information of various markets around the world have become almost nonexistent and redundant. The ease of access of information by organizations around the world, are essentially encouraging them and providing them with the potential to move forward and enter into new markets. This is in return resulting in the process of increase of competition in the global marketplace. Companies and organizations around the world are increasingly feeling the pinch of this increase in competition in the marketplace. ... It has to be said that change management is very essential as it plays a crucial role for the purpose of attaining sustainable growth in the business while changing as per market conditions and requirements. While viewing change management from the theoretic and academic point of view, it is important to mention the fact that the change management denotes a broad arena of activities that is related to managing change at the workplace. The change management must focus on the process of integration on the lines of a range of elements which might comprise of communication, training , testing , implementation of the program as well as various new policies and procedures (Gustin, 2008, p. 209). It is of high importance to mention the fact that while trying to implement changes in an organization, it is necessary to design and implement the right tools that are required for effective management of change within the organization. It has to be said that the change management tools should be capable of addressing the requirements on the lines of identification of opportunity or problem, assessment of the organization, ability for project planning as well as preparation of sponsor, training and implementation (Pershing, 2006, p. 272). It is relevant to mention that the factors of change are largely dependent on a large number of variables. Talking in an elaborate manner, it can be said that the variables like nature and style of change , change consequence, history of the organization, nature of the individuals as well as individual history all plays a major role in identifying the possible outcome and response of a change that is going to happen within the organization (Cameron and Green, 2012, p. 60 ). Source: Cameron and Green, 2012, p. 60
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Internet Marketing and an Impact on Buying Behaviour of Teenagers Personal Statement
Internet Marketing and an Impact on Buying Behaviour of Teenagers - Personal Statement Example Page, K., & Uncles, M (2004) define Internet marketing as a marketing strategy adopted by many entrepreneurs to reach out their customers through the Internet with an organized plan and a smart marketing campaign. The author argues that the online market is growing at a rapid pace compared to the retail market so that anyone with the need to make money select Internet as his first choice. As per the statistics available, in the fourth quarter of 2005, US retail e-commerce sales totaled $26.5 billion with an increase of 27.5% just from the third quarter of 2005. At the same time, millions of people are exploring opportunities on the Internet that made the competition stiff in online marketing. The author put forward two things; an effective plan and aggressive marketing for success in Internet marketing. He has pointed out that a website without planning and the identification of the target market will definitely end in failure whereas in-depth planning will increase the chances of su ccess more. The author also argued that even amidst the stiff competition, the future of Internet marketing is bright (Hartman, J. B., Gehrt, K., & Watchravesringkan, K., 2004). Mick, D.G., & Fournier, S (1998) defines In... strategies he has pointed out other methods such as site optimization, linking, and indexing, implementing online marketing partnerships with high-profile online businesses, paid keyword advertising, etc. as the successful strategies for Internet marketing. Buying behaviors of the teenage community Lenhart, A., Rainie, L., & Lewis, O (2001) reflects on buying behaviors of the teenage community in terms of their attitude toward appearance. They argued that the marketers should make advertisements to target "jockettes" (young women who have active lifestyles) and "young metrosexuals"(young men focussed on their outward appearances) in order to convince the teen community. Gender and brands can influence the buying habits of teens according to the author. Park, C., & Jun, J.K (2003) summarizes buying behaviors of teenagers with respect to the cool looking technology and customizations of products are essential for attracting teen customers. Personalization, style, and functionality are the major features of a product which influence the teen community. Impact of Internet marketing on buying behavior of teenagers The online purchasing behavior of teens for goods like books, apparels, dining, music, practices is around half of the teenage consumers that has risen significantly from the 31 percent of statistical from the result December 2000 (Park, C., & Jun, J.K., 2003). Teens are the major segment of Internet visitors. This is not easy to convince the teen community with conventional methods of marketing. A business plan and marketing strategies are essential for canvassing the teen community through Internet marketing.Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Virgin Group of Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The Virgin Group of Companies - Essay Example The Virgin Group of Companies has managed to grow over the years from being a simple student magazine to mail order music retailer to one of the easily recognizable global brand names today. Despite its size, it has remained an entrepreneurial company that values innovation and risk-taking whenever an opportunity exists and wherever a market beckons. Contrary to what most business experts would opine, it has benefited from the diversity of its business lines by using synergies between related industries. Becoming a conglomerate did not make the Virgin Group lose its small business mindset which is to take calculated risks after conducting a rigorous market study on its prospective investments. Further, this small firm mentality translates into not only a constant search for innovative ideas but also to some powerful business drivers like employee empowerment and customer feedback. All of this is due to the fact Sir Richard Branson maintains a hands-on approach to management, reflecte d in its thin management layer, a tiny corporate board and an even tinier corporate offices. Besides having a somewhat unique business name, this group thrived on the concept of working harder to exploit certain market distortions, customer dissatisfaction and decidedly calculated risk taking. Its diverse businesses is a source of its strength, contrary to what some experts say. Having a maverick chief executive with a penchant for publicity stunts is a big help but that is not the only success factor. The diversity of its business areas allowed for synergies to be derived from related companies and nowhere is this shown concretely than in the case of Virgin Holidays in relation to Virgin Atlantic Airways. It basically catered to the same market segment – people who took flights from London to either New York or Miami. The global travel industry can be characterized as an oligopoly where a few market players control a big size of the industry. This is known in economic theory as C4 where the top four firms control 60% or more of an industrys total sales.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Compare Ode to a Nightingale and A Draught of Sunshine by John Keats Essay
Compare Ode to a Nightingale and A Draught of Sunshine by John Keats - Essay Example Much of his youth was stigmatized by poverty and poor health. He also got into an understanding with Frances â€Å"Fanny†Brawne but the relationship didn’t last long because of Keats’ failing health, although Fanny was loyal to Keats and tended him very near to his last days. It was during this period of his failing health when he wrote Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820) which included the poem â€Å"Ode To A Nightingale†. Ode To A Nightingale is a poem that was very close to Keats’ personal life. The poem was evocative of all the sufferings that Keats faced in his short-life like the death of his parents; the suffering and pain which he witnessed in people as a surgeon apprentice, the death of his brother and ultimately his own vain life spent in convalescing from the deadly disease of tuberculosis and the pangs of a relationship that couldn’t shape up. The poem speaks of the life of a nightingale in which the poet compares it with that of the life of a human being. Keats says in the poem that the life of a nightingale is blessed because it hasn’t seen the stressed life of humans which is impregnated with worries and sickness. He further says that the life of humans is so sad where beauty is not perpetual and affection is not consistent but the nightingale is above all this and its music is fluid and it is immortal. The writer wishes very hard to flee from the human world to the world of the nightingale. Keats also further wishes to succumb to death painlessly by delightfully listening to the melodious music of the nightingale. The nightingale’s song has been taken to be the ticket to the other world which is free of materialism and physicality. Keats achieved to flee to the world of the nightingale by alcohol and opium but later agreed that the sweet musical chants of the nightingale will help him transport to Utopia. â€Å"A Draught of Sunshine†is another of Keats’ poem which
Sherlock Holmes Essay Example for Free
Sherlock Holmes Essay How does Arthur Conan Doyle create an atmosphere of mystery and build suspense in The Speckled Band? To what extent are his methods typical of all the other stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? The story The speckled band was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1982 and is one of the many stories in the large Sherlock Holmes series of stories. As known the stories are based on inquiries and investigations, because of course Sherlock Holmes is an investigator, this in itself gives a sense of excitement to the story because you know that there will e a constant thrill throughout the story, especially seems as it is likely that it will be based on something like a murder, or an affair, etc. As soon as the story starts, Holmes gets straight into the action, as a poor victim comes round to his home and asks him for help. She is portrayed to the reader as being in a very poor and vulnerable position by her face (being) all drawn and grey, with restless, frightened eyes, like those of some hunted animal, she is also shivering from fear and so now the reader knows that there is a vulnerable victim, that something is wrong, and that something unjust will be done against her, and so it builds the excitement and suspense in the readers mind. This same scenario is presented in A case of Identity when Miss Sutherland comes to Sherlock Holmes in a similar vulnerable state, frightened. As usual straight away Holmes picks up on all the little details, such as the mud stains on the victims clothes, and manages to create a clear picture in his mind of the situation. The victim is called Miss Helen Stoner. When she first came into the story she was wearing black, veiled and grey haired. She was shivering and terrified, which creates a scary if not intriguing scene leaving the reader asking why is she in this state?!, the lady also gave a violent start, by saying It is fear Mr Holmes, It is terror. The story then goes on and Holmes is told about the ladys step father, who instantly Holmes recognizes as the murderer. We can make out from the story, that her step father Doctor Grimesby Roylott was a violent man who had a bad and short temper, and after his wife dies he shut himself up at home and became very violent, and we are told that he is a man of immense strength, and absolutely uncontrollable in his anger. The suspected murderer is described as being a very strong and powerful person, and extremely dangerous, this adds suspense and excitement to the story because from this description you can instantly tell that something out of the ordinary has got to happen with this man. The killing motive is also freaky in a way, because what he was trying to kill Miss Helen Stoner for was money. His wife left money for her daughters, but if they die he would receive the money. Personally I dont feel sympathy for Doctor Roylott because hes sick and twisted, hes also very selfish, but a very dangerous man. The scene of the murder adds a considerable amount of suspense to the story, this is because as it is first described, the building is made out to be a scary if not haunted freaky place. The house is described as The building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone, with a high central portion and two curving wings, like the claws of a crab, thrown out on each side. In one of these wings the windows were broken and blocked with wooden boards, while the roof was partly caved in basically making it look like a picture of ruin. This creates a spooky and scary atmosphere, which makes the reader feel very cautious because its a typical description of a haunted house where anything could suddenly happen. This atmosphere can be easily related to a typical atmosphere of a murder mystery. To add to the atmosphere or fear and horror, the reader is told about the Doctors hobby of keeping wild dangerous animals, and that there is a Wild baboon and a cheetah in the grounds of the house. In the story Holmes suspects Grimesby Roylott as the murder suspect, and he treats the case as urgent, and helps Helen Stoner straight away. This gives the reader the impression that it is important, and so it adds to the feeling that something big is going to happen, and that the case is dangerous. The addition of creepy objects in the house also helps relate an atmosphere, such as the useless ventilator, and the ropes which hung down to the ladys bed. Holmes also suspects the animal as a dangerous exotic one, in this case it being a snake, and this is not obvious to the reader, and so they will be kept waiting to see what these strange object, and weird animals are all there for. In the end, the murderer who correctly turns out to be Doctor Roylott, gets killed by his own weapon the deadly snake. This makes the story come to an exciting end, and it in many ways sums up the complete suspense and mystery that has been throughout the book, and makes it all clear to the reader at the end. The readers will also think about if they think he deserved to get killed because he is sick and twisted, and because he does not care for any one apart from himself. I like my murder mysteries to have a twist at the end and that good always wins.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
John Cheever: The Five-Forty- Eight | Analysis
John Cheever: The Five-Forty- Eight | Analysis John Cheevers The Five-Forty- Eight explores how actions have consequences through his portrayal of the character Blake. Blake is introduced in the story as a heartless, selfish, and immoral man who is the victim of a stalking by an obviously upset woman. While married he has had a one night stand with Miss Dent, his secretary, and then he had her fired. He believed that Her diffidence, the feeling of deprivation in her point of view, promised to protect him from consequences (Cheever 319). Unfortunately for him, Miss Dent is mentally impaired. Therefore, she seeks revenge by stalking him and then holding him at gun-point on a train near his home. Through the character Blake, Cheever uses irony, imagery, and flashbacks to stage this story in order to demonstrate that actions have consequences, but not all who experience aftermath, even negative aftermath, change from it. Blake, like a predator, seeks out weak women to quench his sexual appetite, and he has no emotional attachment to any of them. The story shows that he observed Miss Dent for awhile before he decided to use her being lonely to his benefit. Harold Blooms summary of the story puts it well; Bloom states that He is interested in his secretary because of the power that he has over her, because she imagines his life as full of friendships, money, and a large and loving family and herself has a peculiar feeling of deprivation. He has gotten used to this scandalous life style because Miss Dent is not the first woman to be seduced by him: Most of the many women he had known had been picked for their lack of self-esteem.(Cheever 319) It is not surprising that he commits adultery because he does not value his marriage and does not care how it will affect his wife. Through Cheevers use of flashbacks, scenes from a characters past that identify who the character used to be or some significant background information about that character that explains why the character is presently, a reader can see who Blake really is. He reveals Blakes relationship with his wife through Blakes flashbacks. In this flashback, Blake is married to Louise Blake for possibly 8-10 years. Also, the reader is introduced to Mrs. Compton, Louises neighbor and confidant, whom Louise Blake would go to whenever she was troubled by her husbands quarrelling. Apparently, he has decided not to speak to her for two weeks because she did not fix him supper one night. Although she cries and pleads for forgiveness, her tears do not penetrate his concrete heart. Now that she is old, it seems as if the only thing that attracted him was her physical beauty. He has lost the love she believes he might have had for her at first. A close, tearful, and broken heart is not important to Blake. Through flashbacks like the one just mentioned, the reader observes that Blake has not changed because his wifes tears are not the only ones he has caused. A previous flashback lets the reader know that after the one night stand Blake had with Miss Dent, she was weeping. He felt too contented and warm and sleepy to worry much about her tears (Cheever 319). Despite Miss Dents crying, probably because of the sense of betrayal and no future with her lover, Blake remains content. He also has destroyed all possible friendships with his neighbors and people, yet he is still satisfied. Blakes unfeeling attitude is part of his non-changing, or static character. In this story, Cheever uses situational irony to show that Blakes actions have not gone unpunished. Situational irony is when the expected outcome is different than the actual outcome. He does this in a canny fashion. In the story to evade Miss Dent, Blake took the local train The Five-Forty-Eight, where he is sitting in a car alone trying to avoid speculation or remorse of Miss Dent. While sitting, he sees a piece of yellow light in the break of clouds that would normally signify freedom, a safe haven, or refuge. However, the story does not end there. Someone calls him, and it is Miss Dent. The irony is present in that he seems to have successfully evaded his stalker but apparently he hasnt and Cheever unveils just how big of a trap he is in as she sits next to him. Ironically, his neighbors are in the same train car, but they reasonably pay no attention to him but he needs their help. He is trapped with his insane stalker that clearly wants to eradicate him from the worldnot to era se him physically, but to change his soul. Despite the frenzied nature of her accusation, she is quite accurate in her judgment, if there are devils in this world, if there are people in this world who represent evil, is it our duty to exterminate them? I know that you always prey on weak people He feels nothing and she feels too much.(Bloom) Oddly, although checked by a gun, this normally unnerving situation does not faze him. To help him understand her hurt, she tells him of her damaged life after him. She begins to say how sick she has been and that she has had no job since. Then she tells him that she should kill him and her only punishment would to be readmitted into the mental hospital. She makes him read a letter that she was too sick to mail out to him while holding the pistol to his belly. Soon the train arrives at Shady Hill, his stop. Ironically, the name Shady Hill implies nothingness, and a place that readers liken to a forgotten graveyard where nothing changes. This is the place Blake comes from. Here they get off and Miss Dent forces him to the ground and after ignoring her voice for the train on the third scream, Kneel down! He got on his knees. (Cheever 325) Now it would seem that she has taught him a lesson. Examination of the text before and after his prostration reveal why Blake got down on his knees and did not escape Miss Dent in the first place. Before they exit the train in lines 30-35, Miss Dent interrupts his escape, Dont try and escape me. I have a pistol and Ill have to kill you and I dont want to. All I want to do is talk with you. Dont move or Ill kill you. Dont, dont, dont! (Cheever) Then Blakes body language shows he has entered survival mode. The only way to survive at gun point is to do what the gun holder wants you to do and that is what he did. Then after they exit the train and he prostrates himself in lines 60-end, she says, if you do what I say, I wont harm you Now, he knows he will not die if he does as she says. Then he realizes her motive I really dont want to harm you, I want to help you, but when I see your face is seems to me that I cant help you if I called to show you the right way, you wouldnt heed meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Put your face in the dirt!(Cheever) She ha d to say it twice to make him do it. In between that he had time to think of what he had to do to make her believe that he was a changed man and that her mission was accomplished. He knew that what he did next would satisfy her He stretched out on the ground, weeping. Now, I feel better, she said. When Miss Dent leaves, he fakes to get up warily at first, until he saw by her attitude, her looks, that she had forgotten him; that she had completed what she had wanted to do, and that he was safe. He got to his feet and picked up his hat from the ground where it had fallen and walked home. These actions show no remorse rather, this play that he performed so well fulfilled its purpose, self- preservation. In The Five-Forty-Eight Blake is introduced as a helpless victim of a stalking by a deranged woman. John Cheever uses informational flashbacks, situational irony, and clever imagery to show that actions have consequences. Blake has tricked and seduced his secretary, Miss Dent, whom he had fired, into having a one night stand with him, while he was married. This action along with many others shows that hurting others is no problem for him. The background information shows that he has grown a stubborn stone heart and he is a static character. Harold puts it best in his summary But then the gun is taken away, he gets up, and sees that Miss Dent is small, common, and harmless. These words, coupled with his final act, and long lifestyle of heartless selfishness and callous abuse of others shows the reader that Blake rises from the ground as the same man. (Bloom) What Is British Humour? What Is British Humour? In popular culture, British humour is a somewhat general term applied to certain types of comedy and comedic acts from the United Kingdom. Many UK comedy TV shows typical of British humour have become popular all around the world, and for good or bad, have become strong representatives of British culture to an international audience. Also, it is expressed through a lot of books, comic cartoons, and all the media. The British sense of humour is an ability to laugh at ourselves and others. It is not based on any particular belief or attempts to put any person or group down, but merely to observe some of our own odd habits and mannerisms which once highlighted in this way prove to be funny. It is unique in the sense that non-British people will not find any of it funny the first time they hear it. It is dry, it is sarcastic, and sometimes dark and macabre. Emotions are often not shown, and at first sight, most of the humour is hidden deep in the messages of the people expressing it. British humour has helped the rest of the world to understand British people, and to get to know them better, and it is one of the most recognizable elements of the British culture. What are the themes of British humour? A strong theme of sarcasm and self-deprecation, often with deadpan delivery, runs throughout British humour. Emotion is often buried under humour in a way that seems insensitive to other cultures. Jokes are told about everything and almost no subject is taboo, though often a lack of subtlety when discussing controversial issues is considered crass. Many UK comedy TV shows typical of British humour have been internationally popular, and have been an important channel for the export and representation of British culture to the international audience. [2] There is a variety of themes that are used to express British humour. Some of them are naturally used more, some less, but essentially, all of them form a unique type of humour. One significant element in the British sense of humour is that they dare to tell jokes about everything. No topic seems to be taboo as long some people laugh about it. A large part of British jokes is at someone elses expense. British jokes often include a sort of wordplay that is based on multiple meanings of a word. Over the last couple of decades, the best representative of British humour has been the television, and the BBC. Through many TV shows, they have portrayed the typical British men and women, their everyday life, their culture, and their sense of humour. The most used themes for British TV comedy are: Smut and innuendo with sexual explicitness and scatological themes (used a lot in British sitcoms of the 70s) Disrespect to members of the establishment and authority (through satire) The absurdity and banality of everyday life (very often, and most successful, Monty Python, The Mighty Boosh, Red Dwarf etc.) The embarrassment of social ineptitude (Mr. Bean comedy TV series) Making fun of foreigners is especially common in television sitcoms and films. (It can be seen in TV comedy series Allo Allo!, which mocked several national stereotypes, the British and the French.) British jokes often include a sort of wordplay that is based on multiple meanings of a word.) Macabre or dark humour, in which topics and events which are usually treated seriously are treated in a humorous manner. Humour inherent in everyday life, which is the humour, not necessarily apparent to the participants (Only Fools and Horses, The Office, The IT Crowd) British class system, where class tension between characters has been shown through comical situations ( most famous, Blackadder) Racial jokes and stereotypes ( Englishman, Scotsman and the Irishman jokes are the most popular, and also the stereotypes involving the French and the German people) Most popular TV comedy shows in Britain Monty Python First, the most important, and the most popular comedy show in Britain is certainly the Monty Python Flying Circus. Monty Python comedy group is considered to be the main pillar of British humour. The groups influence on comedy can be compared to The Beatles influence on music. The group is best known for its absurd humour that is also called pythonesque which has become a byword in surreal humour, and is included in English language dictionaries. Monty Pythons Flying Circus was comedy sketch show that combined surreal skits, deep sarcasm and dark humour. It has been called the most influential TV comedy of the post-war era [3] . Besides the TV series, they made movies such as the ,, Monty Python and The Holy Grail and the famous ,,Life of Brian with its song, Always look on the bright side of life. Mr Bean When it comes to embarrassment or social ineptitude, no one can beat Mr Bean. It is a television comedy starring Rowan Atkinson. The series follows the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson as a child in a grown mans body, in solving various problems presented by everyday tasks and often causing disruption in the process. Bean rarely speaks, and the largely physical humour of the series is derived from his interactions with other people and his unusual solutions to situations. [4] The show has had a huge international success, and it has had a spin-off in form of an animated cartoon and a couple of films that were well-received by the audience. Only Fools and Horses This classic comedy show belongs to the category of Humour in everyday life and its characters are so called loveable rogues. These characters are people who have a lot of wrong characteristics, a lot of flaws, and yet we love them, even if sometimes we fail to see why. Del Boy and Rodney Trotter are just these types of characters. The show itself is about a family of two brothers and their grandfather, who are trying to get rich by selling cheap, contraband merchandise, that is either stolen, or low quality. They come from Peckham, and they have a strong Cockney accent, which became worldwide famous after the show.The series had an impact on English culture, contributing several words and phrases to the English language. It spawned an extensive range of merchandise, including books, DVDs, toys and board games. A spin-off series, The Green, Green Grass, ran for four series in the UK from 2005 to 2009. [5] Popular British jokes As said before, not a lot of people get British jokes, and not a lot of people find them funny. It is not the kind of humour that slaps you in the face, but you have to have a knowledge of a certain political, social and historical references in order to understand the humour. Also, some non-British people will not be able to understand it simply because they are not British. Others might, but they wont find it funny. Still, it has been widely accepted as one of the best types of national humour in the world, and the internet and the new TV shows are making it even more popular and accepted. Finally, here are some examples of classical British jokes, hope you will find them funny. What is the longest word in the English language? Smiles. Because there is a mile between its first and last letters! An Englishman, roused by a Scots scorn of his race, protested that he was born an Englishman and hoped to die an Englishman. Man, scoffed the Scot, hiv ye nae ambeetion (Have you no ambition)? An English man and an Irish man are driving head on , at night, on a twisty, dark road. Both are driving too fast for the conditions and collide on a sharp bend in the road. To the amazement of both, they are unscathed, though their cars are both destroyed. In celebration of their luck, both agree to put aside their dislike for the other from that moment on. At this point, the Englishman goes to the boot and fetches a 12 year old bottle of whisky. He hands the bottle to the Irish man, whom exclaims, may the Irish and the English live together forever, in peace, and harmony. The Irish man then tips the bottle and gulps half of the bottle down. Still flabbergasted over the whole thing, he goes to hand the bottle to the Englishman, whom replies: no thanks, Ill just wait till the Police get here! [6]Â
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Introduction Of Entry Market Strategy
The Introduction Of Entry Market Strategy Introduction of entry market strategy Strategy is planning through companies achieve their goals and move forward. A company makes a decision to enter an international market, this strategy works to expand its wings. Company could use many ways to get it. These ways can be a shade of companys strength, potential and the level of interest in marketing. Exporting is main entry strategy in international arena which can be used direct or indirect mode. A companys aim to international market can require minimal investment and be limited to infrequent exporting with title thought given to market development. Or a company can make large investments of capital and management effort to get strength of its shares in foreign markets. Both approaches can be profitable. Entry market strategy can be fulfilled through these mechanisms. A company can decide to enter foreign market by exporting from home country. This means of foreign market development is the easiest and most common approach employed by companies taking their first international steps because the risk of the financial loss can be minimised. Many companies engage in exporting as their major market entry method. Generally early motives are to skim the cream from the market or gain business to absorb overheads. Even though such motives might appear opportunistic, exporting is sound and permanent from of operating in international marketing. Piggybacking Piggybacking occurs when a company (supplier) sells its product abroad using another companys (carrier) distribution facilities. This is quite common in industrial product but all types of product are sold using this method. Normally piggybacking is used when the companies involved have complementary but non- competitive product. Some companies use this method to share transportation costs and some companies do it purely for the profits as they can make profit on other companies (suppliers) products. This method also can be used a first step towards a companys own international activities to test the market. This particularly advantageous for small firms as they often lack the necessary resources. Once they realise the market potential, they can start their own exporting. Ref: Ref: Ghauri, p,cateora(2006)international marketing (2nd edition)McGraw-Hill Licensing A mean of establishing a foothold in foreign markets without large capital outlays is licensing patent rights, trademark rights and the rights to use technological processes are granted in foreign licensing. It is favourite strategy for small and medium-sized companies although by no means limited to such companies. Not many companies confine their foreign operations to licensing alone. It is generally viewed as a supplement to exporting or manufacturing rather than the only means of entry into foreign market. The Advantages of licensing are most apparent when capital is scarce, when import restrictions forbid other means of entry, when a country is sensitive to foreign ownership or when it is necessary to protect patents and trademarks against cancellation for non use. Although this may be the least profitable way of entering a market but the risks and headaches are less than for direct investments. Franchising Franchising is a rapidly growing form of licensing in which the franchiser provides a standard package of products, systems and management services and the franchise provides market knowledge, capital and personal involvement in management. The combination of skills permits flexibility in dealing with local market condition and yet provides the parent firm with a reasonable degree of control. Potentially the franchise system provides an effective blending of skills centralisation and operational decentralisation and has become increasingly important form of international marketing. Joint venture Joint ventures one of the more important types of collaborative relationship, have accelerated sharply during the past 20 years. Besides serving as a means of lessening political and economic risks by the amount of the partners contribution to the venture, joint ventures provide a less risky way to enter markets that pose legal and cultural barriers than would be the case in the acquisition of the existing company. Joint ventures are established divided legal body. Joint ventures should also be differentiated from minority holdings by an MNC in a local firm. It enables a company to utilise the specialised skill of a local partner. A joint venture can be attractive to an international marketer when the firm lacks the capital or personal capabilities to expand its international activities. Manufacturing Another means of foreign market development and entry is manufacturing within a foreign country. A company may manufacture locally to capitalise on low cost labour to avoid high import taxes to reduce the high cost of transportation to market to gain access to raw materials and or as means of gaining market entry. Seeking lower labour costs offshore is no longer an unusual strategy. A hallmark of global companies today is the establishment of manufacturing operations throughout the world. This is a trend that will increase as barriers to free trade are eliminated and companies can locate manufacturing wherever it is most cost effective. Ref: Ghauri, p,cateora(2006)international marketing (2nd edition)McGraw-Hill Foreign direct investment Foreign direct investment is a higher risk strategy as compare to other modes but it has positive impact for the companies which want to get new markets for their product so that they can make profit. FDI strategy helps to strengthen economic relationship with another country where the investment is made. It requires participation of joint venture, management, transfer of technology and capital. India and China are big markets where this strategy is being used a lot. Illustration of entry strategies related some organisations We can classify the organization in four types. Manufacturing firms A hallmark of global companies today is the establishment of manufacturing strategy throughout the world. There are three types of manufacturing investment by firms in foreign countries. Market seeking: Investment in china where companies are attracted by the size of the market. Resource seeking: investment in India, especially by a number of fashion garment producer such as Mexx and Marc O Polo. Investment seeking: Investment in Malaysia and Singapore by electronics manufacturers such as Philips and Motorola. Example: Renault, the French auto-maker entered India with joint venture and became partner with Mahindra, the Indian tractor and SUV maker to launch its Logan. The four door saloon car which is already sold in Romania and is a low-cost car suitable for emerging market purchasing power. Logan entered Indias mid-market and competed head to head with TATA, Ford and Hyundai Service firms These types of organizations provide facilities to others on some fee basis. They might use joint venture, licenses and franchising entry strategy. Example: Starbucks entered in UK, was the first European country. The UK provided facilitation this company to expand its business in Europe. That has been a milestone of its achievements and to go into a foreign market. Strategy was taken by Starbucks to enter and fulfil new or all sort of market, encourage countrys culture and traditions. Recently three different strategies are used in starbucks. Joint venture, licenses and wholly-owned subsidiaries. Ref: Ghauri, p,cateora(2006)international marketing (2nd edition)McGraw-Hill General electronic or big retailer as wall-mart or Tesco to sell their products abroad, use exporting (carrier) strategy as a way of broadening the product lines that they can offer to their foreign customers. These companies believe that offering a broader range of products will help them in boosting the sales of their own products. Vodafone is a mobile telecom company working in Africa, Asia, USA, Europe and Middle East entered in India with joint venture. They didnt use their existing strategy which they use in UK and rest of the world. Telenor is a Swedish telecom company which used direct investment strategy in Pakistan. Now telenor has become a 2nd largest telecom company in Pakistan. McDonald KFC including soft drinks, motel, retailing, fast foods, car rental and automotive services using Franchising for fastest growing market entry strategy. Multinational and Global firms These types of organizations sell their product globally and have branches all over the world. They might use foreign direct investment strategy. Example: Coca-cola Pepsi using foreign direct investment strategy to grow their business in the world. They take all measures to fulfil companys strategy. Unilever PG use foreign direct Investment to expand their business in the world. This entry market strategy has been successful for these sorts of multinational companies. Barclays bank is a financial service provider entered in Pakistan with foreign direct investment strategy. Pfizer pharmaceutical company has merged with four other research companies to get good economical growth. Small firms These types of organizations have limited resources to expand their business globally. They might use joint venture and merger strategy to grow. Example: General Mills has been in Europe since 1920 and controls about half of the Kelloggs cereal market entered in Europe with joint venture Nestle. Although the cereal business uses cheap commodities as it raw materials but Kelloggs has earned significant profit in Europe. A sager industry has been in Pakistan for last 40 years making soaps and detergents has merged in unilever to gain sufficient profit. Igloo ice-cream is a very famous in Pakistan has been working well in Pakistan now has merged unilever to achieve successful companys goal. Ref: Ghauri, p,cateora(2006)international marketing (2nd edition)McGraw-Hill Analysis of Market conditions and Risk We can discuss market conditions through these financial and political-legal factors. Economic-Financial Risk Amount of foreign debt carried Income distribution within the market Amount of foreign investment already in the market Natural resource base Inflation rate Political-Legal Factors Role of government in business activities (free or not free markets) Stability of government Barriers to international trade (whether or not favourable trade policies) Laws and regulations affecting the marketing mix (marketing regulations) Laws and regulations affecting business activities (acceptance of foreign investment, etc.) Stability of the workforce Political relations with trading partner Analysis of cultural factors We can discuss cultural factors through cultural and geographic distance Cultural distance Style of business within the market Attitudes toward bribes and questionable payments Language, race and nationalities, geographic divisions Role of institutions, religious groups, educational system, mass media, family Socio cultural (social interaction, hierarchies, interdependence, etc.) Geographic distance Number of organizations within the market Size and quality of workforce Population size and growth rate Composition of house holds Geographic distribution and density of population
Monday, August 19, 2019
Symbolism in the Play Everyman Essay -- Papers
Symbolism in the Play Everyman The play Everyman dates back to medieval times and has affected many people throughout the centuries. Many life lessons are looked at throughout the play through symbolism, which helps the reader understand life’s lessons easier. Everyman, an allegory, had symbolism scattered throughout the entire story, which helped to better show lessons learned through life. In Everyman, symbolism is present in many characters, including Good-Deeds, Confession, and Death. In the play Everyman, Good-Deeds is symbolic through his character name, costume, and actions. Good-Deeds shows symbolism through his many charitable acts. Good-Deeds wishes to go along with Everyman on his journey before death, but he has been too weak. With being to weak Good-Deeds’ sister, Knowledge, decides to go along. This shows symbolism through his charitable acts. Good-Deeds’ costume symbolizes happiness by far and peace and perhaps was the color yellow. Good-Deeds’ actions during the play are also symbolic. Good-Deeds helps Ev... Symbolism in the Play Everyman Essay -- Papers Symbolism in the Play Everyman The play Everyman dates back to medieval times and has affected many people throughout the centuries. Many life lessons are looked at throughout the play through symbolism, which helps the reader understand life’s lessons easier. Everyman, an allegory, had symbolism scattered throughout the entire story, which helped to better show lessons learned through life. In Everyman, symbolism is present in many characters, including Good-Deeds, Confession, and Death. In the play Everyman, Good-Deeds is symbolic through his character name, costume, and actions. Good-Deeds shows symbolism through his many charitable acts. Good-Deeds wishes to go along with Everyman on his journey before death, but he has been too weak. With being to weak Good-Deeds’ sister, Knowledge, decides to go along. This shows symbolism through his charitable acts. Good-Deeds’ costume symbolizes happiness by far and peace and perhaps was the color yellow. Good-Deeds’ actions during the play are also symbolic. Good-Deeds helps Ev...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sanctity of Life Essay -- Science Biology
Sanctity of Human Life Does a person have the right to kill another human life, at any stage of development? A city council debates over whether to sacrifice Bill, a man with no earthly attachments, to save five members of society. Two parents face the choice of using an embryonic stem cell treatment to reverse their son’s paralysis, or leave him paralyzed from the neck down. The mother wishes to employ the treatment while the stepfather is against the treatment because it kills an embryo. In both situations, sanctity of life compels one not to sacrifice an innocent human life, potential or existing, to improve the well-being of another. An embryo is potential human life; therefore, one cannot sacrifice it. Potential human life is present at the point of conception, when the egg and sperm join. Only nine months separate this embryo from being a developed human. Letting an embryo die to increase the well-being of the young man disregards the sanctity of human life. The young man still has potential; he is not dead. The embryo personifies the rawest potential in human life. Both are human lives that have inviolable potential. Kant’s categorical imperative is applicable here. The embryo is an end, not a means. It should be valued for its very existence; it is a significant life with equal standing alongside other lives. A universal law is moral only if applied to all persons. If one believes all should be honest, then he or she must be honest or that law is not universal. Universal application of the sanctity of life deems sacrificing one to save another as immoral, for then one is making an exception to that law . Thus, no form of human life is worthy of sacrifice. In the organ-harvesting dilemma, the sanctity of life prevents... endangers others. Works Cited Weston, Anthony. A 21st Century Ethical Tool Box. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford, 2008. Print. Pgs.127-144 Anthony Weston has taught ethics for 25 years and currently is a professor of ethics at Elon University. He has written numerous books regarding ethics and the employment of them. This book is a guide discovering ethics, their morality, and application. He utilizes vivid excerpts from renowned authors and philosophers to impart information effectively. While reading this book, one discovers new concepts about the world around one and oneself. Weston credits collaborative professors of similar studies, with helping produce this book in the beginning of the text. Information taken from Weston’s book was crucial for understanding ethics, especially the excerpt from Kant’s Grounding for the Metaphysics Morals.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Mechanics assignment friction
This lab was based on projectile motion and it was to prove the theory that was covered in lecture 5 to be correct. When dealing with projectile motion, it is the theory that when an object has been fired from its starting point into the air, it will come under the influence of gravity and is attracted to ground with an acceleration of g m/s squared.In the lab a projectile launcher was used to project two steel balls, one in the horizontal direction and one in the vertical direction. The ball that was launched in the vertical direction was ball 1 and the ball that was launched in the horizontal direction was ball 2. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate projectile motion through the use of a vertical acceleration apparatus which shows the independence of vertical acceleration from the horizontal velocity.Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object or particle (called a projectile) s thrown obliquely near the earth's surface, and it moves along a curved path u nder the action of gravity only. The path followed by a projectile motion called its trajectory. Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory, after which there is no force in operation apart from gravity. Introduction: Part B Part B of the lab was on Tractive Forces. Tractive force means the force available at the contact between the drive wheel tyres and road is known as ‘tractive effort' or tractive force'.As used in mechanical engineering the term tractive force can either efer to the total traction a vehicle exerts on a surface, or the amount of the total traction that is parallel to the direction of motion. The published tractive force value for any vehicle may be theoretical†that is, calculated from known or implied mechanical properties†or obtained via testing under controlled conditions. The example that was taken in the lab was of a train of 3 parts that were coupled together by couples (T 1) and (T2).Th e purpose of this lab was to prove the theory covered in lecture 6 was correct and to see the relationship between force, mass and cceleration in tractive forces which comes from Newton's 2nd law. We know that force = mass x acceleration and we also were giving the conditions to which the train was under. Table 1, Part A: recorded and calculated data Measured time and distance for the vertical ball and the horizontal ball projected from projectile launcher. Test 1st Ball (vertical) 2nd Ball (horizontal) Distance (s) (m) Time of flight (t) 0. 5 0. 93 0. 6 1. 38 0. 4 0. 51 1. 46 0. 43 0. 56 1. 36 0. 35 0. 57 1. 34 0. 60 0. 68 1. 39 0. 0 7 0. 40 0. 54 1 . 45 8 0. 28 1 . 31 9 0. 30 0. 47 10 1. 32 Average values 0. 391 1 . 387 Table 2, part A: Calculated Horizontal velocity, acceleration due to gravity, the % difference in the value of gravity, and the Vertical velocity. Horizontal velocity (Vh) (calculated) 2. 57 rrvs Acceleration due to gravity, g (calculated) 6. 38 m/s squared % diffe rence in the value of g -34. 96% Vertical striking velocity (W) (calculated) 3. 83 rms (Horizontal velocity) S = Vx T therefore S = 1. 39 = 2. 57 m/s T 0. 54 (Acceleration due to gravity) Sv = IJvT – 1 g(t)squared 2 Therefore = 2 (0. 93) squared T squared 0. 54 squared = 1. 86 = 6. 378 = 6. 8 rms 0. 2916 0. 2916 (% difference in the value of g) % difference = Calculated -g x 100 . 81 (Vertical striking velocity) V=U+GXT v = o + 3. 83571 v = 3. 83 rms Discussion part A =6. 38-9. 81 x 100 In this lab that was completed it was shown that the theory behind projectile motion is correct. It was proven that both balls came under the influence of gravity once they left the projectile launcher and that they were both attracted to ground. The two balls were launched from the same vertical height but the ball number 2 that was travelling in the horizontal direction travelled a further distance than ball number 1 in the vertical direction.Even though ball number 2 travelled a further dis tance the wo balls will hit the ground at the same time as they both come under the same force of gravity however this was not shown in our table 1 (Fig 1) because their was human errors such as, two people starting the stop watches at different times, the person pressing the trigger mechanism was releasing the balls faster sometimes than other times even though we would start the stop watches on the count of 3. The other factors that had to be taken into consideration is, if the projectile launcher was at any sort of an angle due to the work bench not been balanced or level or an even surface.However the readings that were taken were still very close to each other so experiment the initial velocity of each ball was O m/s. To calculate the acceleration due to gravity we manipulated the equation to find (g) gravity. When dealing with projectiles, we use the same equations as linear motion but the (a) for acceleration is replaced or substituted with (g) for gravity. The acceleration d ue to gravity was 6. 38 m/s squared. In theory this acceleration should have been 9. 81 m/ s squared but due to the human errors that occurred during the experiments there was a difference of -3. m/s squared these % errors came from miscalculating of the time taken for the balls to hit the ground and the distance travelled by the horizontal ball. When the steel ball number 2 is projected from the projectile launcher in the horizontal direction, the time it takes for the steel ball to hit the ground is independent of its initial horizontal velocity, the steel ball will continue to move in the horizontal direction with the same horizontal velocity in which it was projected from the projectile launcher with because there is no acceleration so it stays at a constant velocity.The distance that the steel ball number 2 travels in the horizontal distance before it hits the ground is dependent on the time of flight and the horizontal velocity that it was projected with. Projectile motion onl y occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning of the trajectory, after which there is no force in operation apart from gravity, this was proven in the experiment as ball number 1 was let fall from a height with no other force applied and ball number two was projected with a horizontal velocity from the projectile launcher and both balls were attracted to ground as they came under the nfluence of gravity.We found the value of acceleration using the average vertical height in which the ball was projected from and used the average horizontal time in which it took ball number two to hit the ground as ball number two was projected with an horizontal velocity it still should hit the ground at the same time as ball number one does as there both under the same force of gravity. If our measurements and calculations were 100% we should have got an acceleration of 9. 81 m/s squared. The horizontal component of the velocity of the object remains unchanged throughout the motion.The v ertical component of the velocity increases linearly, because the acceleration due to gravity is constant. It is important to note that the Range and the Maximum height of the Projectile do not depend upon mass of the projected body. The Range and Max Height are equal for all those bodies which are thrown by same velocity and direction. Air resistance does not affect displacement of a projectile; this is why we do not take the mass of the balls into consideration or the mass of any objects when dealing with projectiles. This experiment proves and supports the theory behind projectile motion to be correct.We do not take the mass of the balls or bodies into consideration when dealing with projectile motion as the air resistance does not affect the displacement of the projectile. The range and height are equal for all bodies which are thrown by the same velocity and direction. There was a small difference in calculating the acceleration due to gravity, this was because of the different readings and human errors that took place during the experiment. Both balls come under the influence of the same gravity and are attracted to ground and should hit the ground at the same time.In theory both balls should hit the ground at the same time, but because there were two people using stopwatches to record the times taking there was going to be a difference in the readings and calculation. The horizontal distance ball number two travels before it hits the ground is dependent of the time of flight and the horizontal velocity of projection. Ball number two will travel at the same horizontal velocity because there is no acceleration or any other force applied. The vertical component of the velocity will increases linearly because the acceleration due to gravity is onstant, so it picks up speed as it is falling from a height.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Philippine School vs. American School Essay
Being able to go to school is a privilege. Here in the United States, they offer public schools to everyone without a fee but in other countries like the Philippines, they don’t. The Philippines is one of the third-world countries which means that there’s more poor people than rich and not everyone can afford to get an education. From where I used to live when I was still there, I always see children in the streets selling flowers or rags and most of them are just below the age of 16. They have no other choice but to do this because their parents lack money and no company would hire them because they have never even learned how to read. As I have experienced going to school in the Philippines and the United States, I am able to recognize the great differences between both countries’ ways of education. I was shocked when my mom told me over the phone that I can go to a public school in the U. S. for free. I was expecting that public schools won’t be as good as going to a private school because I used to go to a private school in the Philippines. When I started going to Patrick Henry Middle School in Granada Hills, I realized that I was wrong. The teachers are great and I was able to focus on my studies more because there were only 6 periods each semester. In the Philippines, there are 8 periods. They even have a subject for religion, mainly for Catholics. I’m not a Catholic so the subject was a waste for me. I personally think it is the last thing I should learn about. Another surprise for me is that here, the school lends books to the students. In the Philippines, we have to buy them, one for each subject! They don’t even give out lockers for free, we also have to rent them. I chose to rent one of course, I did not want to look like a turtle by carrying a backpack full of books, notebooks, and other school things. The others used rolling bags in order for them not to hurt their backs. In some public schools, students have to share books because the school cannot get as many books as much as there are students in it but here, almost every one of the books lent to us are in good condition. Although going to school was painful in the Philippines, they make it a challenge for us. There are no shortened days and no minimum days. Everyday was a day full of lectures, tests, and homework except for that one day when everyone goes to a field trip. The teachers are also considered as second parents because they get to have the students with them from Monday through Friday. Their ways of discipline are harsh, they make you squat with books on your arms, and sometimes, they can even hit you with a ruler, or pinch you. Teachers here don’t do that, they warn you or send you to B-1. It is definitely one thing I think we should be thankful for. Whether or not going to school is a good experience, it is a lot better than not being able to. I wish they could offer a free education in my country so everyone there would get a chance to learn something even though they haven’t any money to give. The way of school life in the Philippines may not be the best experience for me but it has helped me to go this far. Students should not just look at school as a meeting place to find friends but also as something very beneficial to them.
Reflective Account of Increasing a Persons Observations
Reflective Account of Increasing a Persons Observations on an Acute Mental Health WardThis essay will discus a decision that was made on a local male acute ward. Using this example, an analysis of the decision making process has been made and a reflective model has been used in order to generate personal knowledge that will inform further practice (Rolfe, 2011a). A pseudonym of Tim has been used for the discussed patient to maintain confidentiality in accordance with the NMC code of conduct (2010a). Observation is one way in which mental health nurses can protect acutely mentally ill inpatients from harm and is commonly implemented for patients who impose a risk of harming themselves, others and for those who are vulnerable (Bowers et al, 2006). Tim, who was on a local male acute ward, posed a risk of harming himself and became very vulnerable during his stay. On admission he was perceived to be at low risk of harming himself and vulnerability, therefore was observed on the minimum level of observation, general observation, which includes all patients and involves an hourly eyesight check on the patient (DH, 1999; NICE, 2005). The decision to increase his observation level was jointly taken by the mentor and the author by gathering information from bank support workers about Tim's current presentation. After a noted deterioration in Tim's mental health, it was decided to increase observations to within eyesight of staff. Justification for this was that he was becoming a serious risk of harming himself as he threatened to jump from the ward roof, as he was determined to leave. Tim was detained under section 2 or the mental health act (DH, 2007). He felt that he needed to leave in order to find his son who he had recently lost contact with. He had been stopped attempting to climb a drain pipe to leave via the ward roof and had been in a very distressed state. Eyesight level of observation is seen as the second highest of four levels and demands intense nursing, only within arms length is higher (DH, 1999; Jones & Eales, 2009; NICE, 2005). Close observation is an example of decision making which is exclusive to mental health nursing. The Chief Nursing Officer described observation as a key area where good practice is essential and that nurses should ‘demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and limitations of the use of levels of observation to maximise the therapeutic effect on inpatient units’ (DH, 2006). Additionally NICE (2005) recommends the use of observation in the short-term management of disturbed/violent patients. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2010a) require nurses to be able to apply knowledge and an appropriate repertoire of skills that is indicative of safe and effective practice and based on the best available evidence. At the time of making the decision it seemed the right course of action. The mentor's final decision was taken for granted as he was an experienced nurse and a lack of personal experience meant that the author had limited personal experience to work with. Before undertaking this assignment it could not decided what could be done differently if faced with a similar situation on qualification. On qualification, such a decision will have to be well informed and made with confidence and one that has to be made in accordance with the NMC code of professional conduct (2010) which requires nurses to be accountable for their own actions and omissions in practice. By using the decision making tool below the advantage of hindsight can be used when analysing this decision to better inform future practice. Pritchard (2006) sees decision making as one of the most difficult processes that a nurse can undertake and one of the most important parts of nursing practice. Aitkin (2003) concludes that formal decision analysis can improve future decision making. The utilised decision making model, as described by Jasper (2003), asks the questions Who/What/When/Where/Why and How? These questions make a useful contribution to systematic, holistic, clinical judgement and enable evaluation and critical thinking about the made decision to take place Jasper, 2003; Standing, 2011). Tim has a long history of mental illness and was admitted to the ward following a deterioration in his mental illness after he lost contact with his son. His mood was elevated and he felt very restless and agitated. Prior to admission, he was found police in a very distressed state. Tim was placed on a section 2 of the mental health act (DH, 2007) and was originally observed generally where a member of staff would have to see him face to face on a hourly basis (NICE, 2005). Under section 2 of the mental health act Tim has lost the right to leave hospital at will and his responsible clinician has not granted him section 17 leave. A person can be detained for up to 28 days and treat against their will (DH, 2007). As Tim was detained it was important for staff to keep him on the ward. Increasing attempts by Tim to leave led to a change in observation level to within eyesight to make sure he did not leave the ward by any means. Staff levels were low, and for that reason it was felt that there was not enough staff to informally observe Tim. In addition there was a general feeling of fear that if Tim left the ward there would be inevitable consequences for the staff. The literature shows that the decision to increase a persons observations is common when faced with the above situation. Buchanan-Barker ; Barker (2005) are critical at the increase of observations on acute mental health wards following high profile tragedies placing practitioners in defensive mode to stop patient elopements and harm to patients. Organisations have responded to this risk by formalising observation policies to defend themselves against litigation. In addition, it is felt that observation policies dominate practice and reassure distant managers that ‘something is being done' (Horsfall ; Cleary, 2000). Equally, nurses use observation in ‘defensive mode' in order to prevent harm. Despite these measures, the effectiveness of observation to reducing patient risk and providing a therapeutic benefit is not at all clear (Mana, 2010). This indicates that observation is driven by risk culture and defensive practices concerned with physical integrity of the person and do little to address the origin of a person's distress (Cutcliffe & Stephenson, 2008; Buchanan-Barker & Barker, 2005). Tim was finding it hard to cope with the loss of his son and wants to leave the ward to find him. One study found that the most cited reason for ncreasing levels of close observations was the prevention of absconding from an acute ward which could lead to the patients self-harm, neglect vulnerability and violence (Dennis, 1997). During Tim's observation staff were tired and unwilling to engage with Tim. Staff were seen to be following Tim from one part of the unit to another which was aggravating him further. The observation was void of conversation which is in contrast to Peplau's (195 2) view that clinical observation should be carried out with the nurses attention to the interpersonal relationship with the patient. Likewise, Rooney (2009) reports that nurses acknowledged that observations were more about prevention than cure and keeping the patient safe was priority. On the other hand, Bowles et al (2002) found that distressed patients need both containment and engagement. In conclusion, there was a need to maintain a therapeutic relationship while considering the management of risk and the empowerment of the patient. The mental Health Act (DH, 2007) requires an appropriate package of treatment to be in place which includes one-toone time with staff which could have helped alleviate Tim's anxiety. Short staffing meant that Tim's one-to-one time had not taken place and from a personal view point a package that can only be theoretically provided is not be good enough. Bank support workers had been allocated to observe Tim as the qualified nurse had to complete paperwork. This is in agreement with the findings of Rooney (2009) who reported that observation was usually left to unqualified staff as nurses were often dealing with other matters. In contrast, NICE (2005) states that observation should be undertaken by registered nurses. Nurses may delegate to competent staff who have had the appropriate training. It is thought that the bank staff did not have the appropriate level of competence which created a poor skill mix on that shift which Aston et al (2010) see as a barrier to good decision making. In agreement Rooney (2009) found that staff acknowledged therapeutic work could take place during times of observation however, they felt that they lacked the relevant skills. Staff reported that no one had ever explained how to interact with the patient or had received any further guidance beyond the aspects of risk management and containment. Most nurses who took part in this study had no practical or theoretical preparation for observations. Tim attempts to leave by the door on the ward when it is opened for visitors and he will try several times a day to enter the court yard to leave by climbing onto the roof. The high level of staffing resources taken up by preventing Tim from leaving the ward prevented staff from engaging with other patients who felt that they were being ignored and neglected which in turn added further stress to staff. In agreement are a number of authors who have shown that formal observations consume nursing resources and that the patient being observed receive a disproportionate amount of nurses time (Mana, 2010; Bowles et al, 2002). Bowles et al (2002) argued that the time taken up by the demands of observation was to the detriment of of care of patients that were not seen as a high risk. To reflect on the above experience Rolfe's framework has been used which poses the questions what? , so what? , now what? (Rolfe, 2001; 2011a). This type of reflection which is done after and away from the actual event is referred to by Schon (1983) as reflection-on-action and the following discussion focusses on how the author and others did and what changes could be made. Despite this type of reflection being useful reflection-in-action is seen to have far more significance in professional practice. Reflection-in-action looks at the suitability of a particular intervention while it is been carried out. This is one of the distinguishing features as a nurse progresses from qualified status to an advanced practitioner (Schon, 1983; Rolfe, 2011b). In terms of clinical reasoning and decision making, reflection is seen as an invaluable resource for developing personal practice and learning from other people's perspectives (Aston et al, 2010). In addition to this, reflection can generate knowledge from practice rather than relying on external research findings (Rolfe, 2011a). Rolfe's (2001) framework allows the construction of personal theory and knowledge and how a similar situations outcome might be improved by future actions. The NMC makes it clear that nurses should take part in appropriate learning that helps develop competence and performance (NMC, 2010a). According to Benner's (2001) novice to expert the author recognises that as a management student working towards qualification he needs to be a proficient performer who looks at situations as a whole rather than their constituent parts. In strong agreement, Aston (2011), who uses a skills escalator approach, places a management student at level 4 which is a level where a student is expected to demonstrate they can draw on a wide range of resources using an evidence based rational for decisions. When the author collaborated with staff to assist in making a decision for Tim he felt equally involved in the decision making process however personal contribution was lacking due to limited knowledge at that time. The NMC (2010a) require that care is based on the best available evidence or best practice. The author's personal decision was not based on either. Furthermore, Aston (2010) recommends that confidence in making a decision is developed by a number of factors including relevant past experiences and practising using decision making skills. Pritchard (2006) argues that the process of decision making is learned gradually through practical experience of caring for patients and observing more experienced colleagues making decisions. Further inhibiting the authors ability to make a decision was a theory practice gap (Aston, 2010). This indicates that the author was practising at Benner's (2001) novice stage, in that he had entered a new clinical area and had a limited contextual understanding. The author was too inexperienced to made the above decision. Tim was placed on eyesight observations and the permanent presence of staff upset him. Tim was feeling distress and anger. There were no positive outcomes and the intervention was not effective meaning the wrong decision may have been made. Personal decisions and actions were not based on evidence or experience. One of the barriers to future decision making is making mistakes and reflection is one way of recognising what could have been done better. In addition, in the new clinical environment, the author should have been assisted to practice safely under constant supervision and possibly not able to make such a decision at this stage of nursing training (Aitkin, 2003). Despite this being the case a thorough theoretical knowledge before working on the ward would have better prepared the author for making the decision. In contrast to this is the notion that a nurse who is experienced in working with theoretical knowledge will find differences in practice that the formal theory fails to express (Benner, 2001). This indicates that a new understanding of the situation has been reached. Despite no real harm coming to Tim the author was not in a position to assist in making the decision. The author should have declined stating that he did not have the relevant knowledge. It is clear that the author had a low critical thinking capability at that time. It is argued that this is a problem faced by newly qualified nurses. Graduates do not meet expectations for entry level clinical judgement ability (Del Bueno, 2005). Similarly, Deuchester (2009) reports that newly qualified nurses go through a transition shock and have a poor ability to make decisions. Feelings of doubt, loss, confusion and disorientation for newly qualified nurses are reported along with a lack of knowledge that includes practical, theoretical and tacit. Despite this being the case the NMC (2010b) require students to demonstrate the ability to work as autonomous practitioners by the point of registration. Del Bueno (2005) concludes that newly qualified nurses should be expected to think critically and use clinical judgement in order to develop it. In conclusion the broader issues that have arose from this are that time needs to be taken to stop and think and consider whether whether the decision is meeting the patients needs. The main learning, for future practice, is to make sure that the author is exposed to as many situations as possible to gain practical knowledge. In addition, theoretical gaps in knowledge need to be eliminated in future practice. The best attempt to engage with the patient needs to be sought in the future. If observation levels needs to be increased the decision should be weighed up against the patient being allowed to move freely and not feel restricted and Mental Health Act (2007) requirements of offering one to one-to-one sessions.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Bus Reservation System Essay
Traveling is a large growing business in Pakistan and other countries. Bus reservation system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey. It also includes maintenance of information like schedule and details of each bus. We observed the working of the Bus reservation system and after going through it, we get to know that there are many operations, which they have to do manually. It takes a lot of time and causes many errors. Due to this, sometimes a lot of problems occur and they were facing many disputes with customers. To solve the above problem, and further maintaining records of items, seat availability for customers, price of per seat, bill generation and other things, we are offering this proposal of reservation system. By using this software, we can reserve tickets from any part of the world, via internet. This project provides and checks all sorts of constraints so that user does give only useful data and thus validati on is done in an effective way. 2. INTRODUCTION Our project is to computerize traveling company to manage data, so that all the transactions become fast and there should not be any error in transaction like calculation mistake, bill generation and other things. It replaces all the paper work. It keeps records of all bills also, giving to ensure 100% successful implementation of the computerized Bus reservation system. Our reservation system has three modules. First module helps the customer to enquire the availability of seats in a particular bus at particular date. Second module helps him to reserve a ticket. Using third module he can cancel a reserved ticket. 3. SYSTEM STUDY System study aims at establishing requests for the system to be acquired, development and installed. It involves studying and analyzing the ways of an organization currently processing the data to produce information. Analyzing the problem thoroughly forms the vital part of the system study. In system analysis, prevailing situation of problem is carefully examined by breaking them into sub problems. Problematic areas are identified and information is collected. Data gathering is essential to any analysis of requests. It is necessary that this analysis familiarizes the designer with objectives, activities and the function of the organization in which the system is to be implemented. 3.1. Study of existing system * Existing system is totally on book and thus a great amount of manual work has to be done. The amount of manual work increases exponentially with increase in bus services. * Needs a lot of working staff and extra attention on all the records. * In existing system, there are various problems like keeping records of items, seats available, prices of per/seat and fixing bill generation on each bill. * Finding out details regarding any information is very difficult, as the user has to go through all the books manually. * Major problem was the lack of security.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Let’s analyze the gaming console industry Essay
We can define two types of supplier: the hardware supplier and the software supplier. The hardware suppliers providing the elements needed to build the consoles have a low bargaining power because there have very low switching costs and there are a lot of them. On the other hand, the software suppliers (developers) have a high bargaining power because they choose and set the conditions to work with each console. Entry Barriers Entry barriers are high because of high R&D costs and the high capital investment needed to start a business in the console industry. Internal Rivalry There is high internal rivalry among competitors because the core player market is growing slowly, competitors have high exit barriers and the products developed turn obsoletes in less than 5 years due to the fast progress of technology. The players in the industry are: Sony, XBOX and Nintendo. Buyer Power The bargaining power of buyers is high because there are many options with very low switching costs. Substitutes Low substitute power because they are not very similar (like TV or other entertainment device) and don’t fulfill the same exact purpose. Sony has few competitors due to high barriers-to-entry and startup costs but buyers and suppliers (game developers) have high bargaining power and low switching costs. Sony should target a new market as Nintendo did. We could call this market the casual players market. In order to get in this new segment, Sony will have to develop a more interactive way of using their console without dropping the numerous features to avoid losing their core player market share. The key of success for Sony is to adapt a new technology such as Nintendo did with Wii that will enable the company to target a broader market and not only the males from 16-36 years old. The advantage of entering those two markets with one console is that Sony will enter a bigger market with bigger returns and consequently bigger economies of scales. Also, entering the casual player market is important for the company to avoid falling behind its competitors in both markets since this new segment will enhance the brand exposure and recognition. The risk associated to this option is to turn this high performing console in a low performing console (as Nintendo did) and lose the core players customers that are very important to Sony financial stability and growth. A big challenge for this new console will be to cut costs in order to make it more accessible to customers, since the casual players market will definitely be â€Å"guided†by price. Vis-a-vis the Five Forces, if Sony were to pursue this option, the company will be competing in the core player market and on the casual player market. On the casual player market the substitutes will have more power. Sony will compete with other activities such as watching TV, watching a movie and others living room activities. The main â€Å"purpose†of this market is entertainment in general while the core player market is about playing video games. Update: Sony and Microsoft had already implemented advanced interactive technologies. Nowadays, Microsoft has the most advanced software and hardware that don’t need controllers anymore, just your body.
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