Monday, September 30, 2019
The Art and Science of Creating a Monster
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the world, believes that there is one question human beings must answer in order to truly understand the implications of existence itself: Is the Universe friendly? In the vast body of thought both ancient and modern, the answers to this question are numerous and mostly contradictory. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the narrators uniformly answer this question in the negative. In spite of their disparate stations in life, each storyteller feels separated from his fellows in some way, physically, intellectually, and geographically. Society does not ease the condition of such lost souls because it is so quick to ostracize and dismiss anyone that departs from its grand ideals of what is acceptable (Williams, 1).Most artists, scientists, philosophers, and explorers are not celebrated until several centuries after death, if then. Human beings are extremely social creatures. In order to function well, people need to feel as though they are a part of something bigger than themselves, that they share a similar path to those around them. Though he was denied the decency of others, the creature had only one wish; to have a companion made for him. If he never encountered another living being except for her, he would have been contented in the spirit that there was someone in existence that could relate to him. Victor Frankenstein, brilliant scientist extraordinaire literally sold his soul for godhood.At the end of his story, he shares the same fate of his creature: friendless and alone with only strangers to ease his passage into death. In a sense, one could conceivably argue that Victor suffered just as much as the creature because he had his whole world taken from himâ€â€his little brother, best friend and his wife. In the end, he becomes as wretched as the creature without soul or companionship and perished among strangers. For one who has known genuine happine ss, life’s tragic moments become even more painful.Robert Walton, the sailor that tells the story of Frankinstein and his creature is equally marginalized. He is without friends because his aspirations were lofty and his education limited.  When one leaves the path of the establishment to explore new and sometimes frightening realms, or departs from the norms expected for one’s gender, race, or intellectual achievements: society exacts punishment by banishing him to the fringes.The creature is the most obviously reviled being in the story. On a dark and stormy November night, he awakes to Victor’s horrified screeches. His physical appearance produces instant disgust in everyone he meets, including his â€Å"father†and creator. During the Romantic Era and in Gothic literature, physiognomy was a way to determine a person’s character and inclinations (McLaren, 40). Elizabeth was thought to be an angel because of her bea utiful golden hair and fair countenance, while people assumed the creature was morally degenerate because of his ugly appearance.The creature had the sallow skin of a dead thing, he was extremely tall, strong, and bright, yet he was very malformed. In the eighteenth century, ugliness and deviance were heavily correlated. In many of the stories of the time, the hero and heroine were extremely good looking, virtuous, and talented in some special way. In contrast, the villain was ugly, amoral, violent, and without conscience. Even if there were a great degree of credence to this, it would seem that the violence toward others is simply a villain’s expression of loathing both self and society.â€Å"This violent response to his own oppression shares the same elements of many of the post-WWII protest novels. Protest novels often delineate a relationship between the mainstream dominant society and the â€Å"Other,†a character designated for his/her margin alization and oppression within that society†(Scott). Before departing to the wastelands of the North to end his miserable existence, the monster gives an accounting to himself to Walton, even though he believes that it would not move the sailor to sympathize with his plight.Little does the creature know that his confessor had lived without a friend or companion. Had things turned out differently, maybe Walton and the creature might have become friends because both were alone in the world. The creature’s story is very reminiscent of the tragic poor, malformed vagabonds living on the fringes of society, exposed to only the worst traits and abuses of other human beings. As a living creature, the monster wanted to be shown decency, compassion, gentleness and even love and he was denied at every turn. He hated himself and the world and turned his grief and rage into a force of darkness that would avenge itself on everything and everyone his creator h olds dear.â€Å"I desired love and fellowship, and I was still spurned. Was there no injustice in this? Am I thought to be only the criminal, when all humankind sinned against me?†(Shelley, 210).  While some literary critics believe that the monster represents the depravity that lies dormant in all human beings until pushed to the breaking point (Scott), others have determined that he is instead, a voice of social justice. When external conditions become so unbearable that it takes every ounce of effort to simply survive, this experience justifies any act of rebellion against the social order (Knoepflmacher & Lewis, 165).  To the creature, Victor Frankenstein represented the malignancy and callous disregard for life he encountered in his life experience. When his last chance for a companion was destroyed in his creator’s ultimate breach of trust, he made it his life’s mission to destroy everything his creator loved without assuming personal responsibility for his death.Victor Frankenstein, not content with pursuing a normal career in medicine, aspires to godhood. Because of his hubris, he loses everything he holds dear in his life and dies alone in an arctic desert. Unlike his unfortunate creation, he represents the very establishment from which his ambitions set him apart. His childhood was normal in an idealized sort of way. His parents lavished tons of attention on him and he never had a moment of feeling unloved, neglected, or spurned by other people. Growing up in Geneva, his life was extremely sheltered, and the people in his life were good and beautiful. His aversion to ugliness is one of his most pronounced character traits.When he enrolls in University, he immediately judges the character of his professors based on their physical appearances, â€Å"I found even in M. Krempe a great deal of sound and sense and real information, combined, it is true, with a repulsive physiognomy and man ners.   In M. Waldman I found a true friend. His gentleness was never tinged by dogmatism and his instructions were given with an air of frankness and good nature that banished every idea pedantry†(Shelley, 49).This passage makes Frankenstein appear shocked that M. Krempe would have anything of value to offer him because of his unattractive appearance. Another despicable character trait is Victor’s inability to take responsibility for his actions. Once the creature wakes up, he rushes from the room (Shelley, 57). Later, he allows an innocent womanâ€â€the family maid he grew up with no lessâ€â€to be executed for a crime she never committed to hide the existence of his creature (Shelley, 84).Robert Walton, not content to explore the vast inhabited regions of earth, braves the cold and ice to look for a northern route to the Pacific Ocean. He wants to â€Å"boldly go where no man had gone before†to paraphrase Star Trek. How ever, all he found was an endless wasteland that did not deliver the passage he had sought. Though he merely serves as the recipient of Frankenstein’s story, he has no one in the world except his sister. In this sense, he identifies with the creature’s feelings of loneliness. In his second letter he tells his sister, â€Å"But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy, and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most severe evil.I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate in my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection†(Shelley, 18). While he is normal physically, his educational background sets him apart from others. He is self-taught, and his curriculum included books of voyages and fantastic adventures, and the poets he had become familiar with were British. Later, he laments that he is  "more illiterate than many schoolboys of fifteen†(Shelley, 19).   Still, he could not help feeling a little pity for the creature’s ordeal since part of it resembled his own, â€Å"Once my fancy was soothed with dreams of virtue, of fame, and of enjoyment.Once I falsely hoped to meet with beings who, pardoning my outward form, would love me for the excellent qualities which I was capable of unfolding. I was nourished with high thoughts of honor and devotion. But now crime has degraded me beneath the meanest animal†(Shelley, 209). In that last desperate section following Frankenstein’s death, we realize that had Frankenstein not treated his creature so ill, he could have become a reliable companion, loyal friend, and confidant†¦the very thing Walton had become to Frankenstein when he was cold, alone, and starving. Even as two wealthy white European men, Walton and Frankenstein failed to flourish in a society that was uniquely designed for them.While the two men and the monster keenly felt their separation from others, the women are practically non-characters. Even though a woman that inhabited the extremely liberal artistic scene of the Enlightenment Era wrote the story, all the female characters assumed no importance of their own in a truly strong and heroic sense outside of their impact on Victor’s life. They were objects, not subjects. Even the monster was able to express himself as a subject, while the women served as props. Still, there was much about them that would potentially interest a reader if the characters were explored in greater depth. Frankenstein’s mother was a philanthropist who visited poor families and attempted to ease their lot in life.Elizabeth was very passionate in the defense of Justine when she was falsely accused of murder (Shelley, 81). As an orphan raised by peasants and adopted into a wealthy family, her character’s death would have been much more dramatic and poignant had she been flushed out more. While Shelley achieved much as a writer, she did not want to encourage women to become more assertive, and none of the female characters (other than Walton’s sister) survived until the end of the book.One account states that Shelley believes women must behave differently from men (Schoene-Harwood, 42).  During the Romantic Era, men were the heroes, the creators, the actors in public life and the centerpiece of home life. Women were the passive observers, and sometimes creators of brilliant artistic works. Otherwise, the rest of the world belonged to men.Times have certainly changed, but not as much as people think. Global travel exposes people to different cultures, ideals, and mores. In the field of social psychology, the most successful societies assimilate outsiders rather than marginalize them.  To maximize the likelihood of maintaining a peaceful civilization, the newcomers must adapt the mores, values, and language of the dominant culture and the institutions must be able to accommodate the tansition. When a population is exiled to the fringes, it would possibly create a volatile situation of accelerating tensions between the marginalized group and the dominant group to the point where the people on the fringe begin to attack the establishment in ways both subtle and explosive (Simon, 141-146).In American history, immigrants were looked down upon and many laws were passed to keep them out. Eventually, groups of immigrants had begun forming their own communities, keeping the spirit of their home culture alive in a country that neither wanted nor welcomed them. With the growth of these communities, people no longer have the need nor desire to learn the dominant language. On a whole, people in the West are gradually becoming more tolerant toward alternative lifestyles, minority groups, and religious preferences, but the bias and prejudice against people not gifted with physical beauty is the final socially acceptable prejudice to hold. Women in the Western World had finally been granted the right to vote; even so, a woman’s value is still vested in her looks and ability to become a wife and mother.Until a woman’s choice to attain worldly power is respected, they will never achieve the same level of equality that men assume. Shelley’s women were faithful in their duties of domestics, artists, and lovers, but like many women of the time; were not allowed to express the hidden passion they were forced to repress. Even in our own society, marginalizing others is still par for the course. In the US, a strict racial hierarchy is still perpetuated even though the apartheid was legally dissolved in the 1960’s. There is a great disparity between the races when looking at factors such as life expectancy, disease profiles, and income.Progress toward a better world is often slow and a lways painful. In order to maintain social stability, people did not evolve the ability to accept sweeping changes on all levels. Appearance in the twenty-first century will become an even greater obsession than it was in the past. With superior technology to alter, enlarge, or diminish undesirable characteristics, beauty will quickly become associated with social class and personal value. When Elizabeth was adopted, Frankenstein’s mother believed that she was a higher order of being by virtue of her physical appearance, â€Å"a being heaven-sent, and bearing a celestial stamp in all her features†(Shelley, 34).Victor Frankenstein’s monster was a different order of being himself, he was purely logical, empathetic, and selfless, but he was hideously ugly. Eventually, through repeated rejection, brutal treatment, and several attempts on his life, he was trained to mold his character to match his looks. To those living on the fringes, the un iverse is an extremely unfriendly place indeed.Works CitedCaldwell, Janis McLaren. Literature and Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Britain: From Mary Shelley to George Elliot. Cambridge University Press, 2004Knoepflmacher, Ulrich Camillus & George Lewis. The Endurance of Frankenstein. University of California Press: 1979Schoene-Harwood, Berthold. Frankenstein: Essays, Articles, Reviews. Columbia University Press: 2000Scott, Cynthia C. â€Å"The Other: Race, Rage, Violence and the Protest Novel in M. Shelley's Frankenstein†. The People’s Media Company. 3 Mar. 2007 ;;Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York: Signet Classic, 1965Simon, Bernd. Identity in Modern Society: A Social Psychological Perspective. Boston: Blackwell Publishing, 2004Williams, Kipling D. The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, ; Bullying. New York: Psychology Press, 2005
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Gender Archaeology Essay
Gender archaeology is a field of study that encompasses different approaches in the study of gender. It developed in the 1980s at the time feminist movement emerged in many societies including America and Britain questioning the male bias of the mainstream archaeology. Gender plays a significant role in constructing society and its values, categorizing which are female or male roles, and creating meanings and identity. However, studying the concept of gender is difficult as its meaning is influenced by many factors and relationships in the society. Arguments are raised that gender, unlike the biological sex, does not exist and complicated to test through archaeology. One of the traditional approaches in studying gender is through material culture where tangible evidences are correlated with the presence of men and women such as artefacts and tools excavated, suggesting a representation of the two genders and their activities (Shaw and Jameson 2000: 251). The productive use of material culture is one of the most significant contributions of archaeologists unlike other disciplines which ignore the potentials of material and its symbolic representations and meaning construction of gender (Bintliff 2004:85). Scholars should recognize the relevance of material culture as it is able to correlate the objects and its physical realities and consequences to gender, allowing varied ways of exploring an object or material. It provides resources for reference and medium for practice of gender. It aids the study of gender archaeology in all geographical regions, categories of material culture, and periods (Gilchrist 1999: 15). One of the research methods used in studying material culture is a case study, which is also commonly used in feminist archaeology, where archaeologist become ethnographers. They visit the site or region of analysis aiming to reconstruct the past societies with as much details as possible about the past people’s lifestyle, customs, traditions, beliefs, and other events (Nelson 2006: 45). In this way, history of people and its meanings are identified through material evidences which represent relationship to gender. Numerous studies have revealed astounding facts and evidence leading to an understanding on how the meanings of gender and its facets are identified. Many pre-historical studies have been conducted around the world in knowing how men and women are represented, particularly in artefacts, and how these representations construct or deconstruct the roles of each gender. In a study, Ungendering Archaeology: Concepts of Sex and Gender in Figurine Studies in Prehistory, Naomi Hamilton analysed and interpreted the prehistoric anthromorphic figurines from Eastern Europe and the Near East (Donald and Hurcombe 2000: 18). Hamilton devised as methodology to identify sex on the figures and analyse the stereotypes attached to it regarding Western gender roles. There were numerous figurines unearthed from Europe but the interpretations are different and sometimes contradicting. Some scholars argue that these figures, particularly those with women, represents ‘goddess worship’ but others did not agree. According to Hamilton, there is a need for a theory on gender and gender relations that would at least provide better explanations than the traditional studies. For any unfamiliar figure, it would be easier to assume that a certain object represents a male or a female goddess or creature but others might interpret it differently. In Seklo group from Greece, for example, an excavator thought of the distorted figure with womanly shape as representation of female centaur while other objects resembling male figure are assumed as enthroned men. Later, the female-like figure was interpreted in different views: seated figure, goddess, or female on a birth stool. These varied translations happen most of the times because, as Hamilton argued, archaeologists readily accept that aspects of human life have universal characteristics such that what is commonly associated with women in another region or era is assumed to be similar in another region of different period (Donald and Hurcombe 2000: 28). Hamilton argued that the ambiguity the two mutually exclusive genders (male and female) and its resemblance to historical Western societies have not been questioned. Traditional assumptions on these figurines readily announced as representation of sex and gender roles and not other things. Besides, interpretations are based conservative view on gender. Archaeologists assumed that there is a standard gender division in culture but anthropologists say otherwise. In many historical figurines, most represent female as it was how assumed by archaeologists. It must be that male is not so superior in the old times than now. Obviously, there are difficulties and contrasting views on identifying which gender figurines stand for. Hence it is important to consider not to identify each figure as sex symbol only but also gather other information on culture to avoid pre-conceive notions that men or women are represented in such matter for a period of time and also to avoid stereotypes on the roles of women. Research on gender might suffer if there is a strong bias on either gender or gender differences. The assumption that every culture has standard or similar male-female divisions of characteristics might lead to building a gender based on stereotypes (Hamilton 2004). These might influence on how men and women are viewed today and how their roles are determined in every aspects of life such as family, politics, or academe. Hamilton’s study on figurines has a plausible argument that the traditional assumptions of archaeologists have made conclusions that are inaccurate and lacks credibility. This is an important consideration since these kind of assumptions lead to opposing views damaging or overrating either gender especially women who has been, for a long time, regarded as subordinate to men. List of References Blintiff, J. L. (2004) A Companion to Archaeology. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Gilchrist, R. (1999) Gender and Archaeology: Contesting the Past. Taylor & Francis. Hamiton, S. M. (2004) Gender in Archaeology. Rowman Altamira. Nelson, S. M. (2006) Handbook of Gender in Archaeology. Rowman Altamira Shaw, I. and Jameson, R. (2000) A Dictionary of Archaeology. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Compare abd contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Compare abd contrast - Essay Example ference in the way these people eat, drink, dress, hang out, meet with new and known people, and bury their known ones as well as their day-to-day activities which vary a great deal when one thinks of them in a broader context. Hence the comparison holds solid ground due to the fact that these people, both from the American nation and the Saudi Arabian territories known how distinct and different they are from each other and it is good to know one’s strengths and weaknesses beforehand. The similarities exist within their nationalism and the attitude with which both the societies echo their voices in favor of the patriotism myth. Religion is pretty intrinsic to a culture of a society and in broader sense to a country where its different people carry out their rituals and activities in accordance with the customs and traditions as dictated by their respective religions. Same is the case for the two countries under study here which are basically being compared. United States is a much more developed nation that Saudi Arabia while the latter is an oil-rich state and fundamentally more than 90% of its inhabitants are pre-dominantly Muslims. While the super power nation of the world is more or less comprised of nearly all ethnicities that are found elsewhere, where one can find blacks known as the Afro Americans, the Asians consisting of Indians and Pakistanis mainly and so on and so forth. On the whole, United States of America has a lot of diversity has far as its single basic culture identification is concerned and hence the people obviously practice different religions in accordance with their beliefs and con victions. This paper discusses the comparison between America and Saudi Arabia in terms of their cultural values and religious bases. If one looks at the American distribution of people who have religion apart from that of Christianity, one finds that around 2% of them are Jews, 0.5% are Muslims while similar is the ratio for Buddhists. This accounts for the
Friday, September 27, 2019
A Communication Media Approach towards Marketing Essay
A Communication Media Approach towards Marketing - Essay Example From this study it is clear that most often the already existing patients constitute an accessible potential for generating additional business. Email newsletters not only allow the healthcare organizations to stay frequently in touch with their customers, but also allow them to keep their customers continually apprised of the availability of new procedures, latest developments taking place in specific fields and specialties, important events, available equipments and varied helpful promotional activities. The already existing patients are often more likely to subscribe to the additional services offered by a healthcare organization, provided they take the care to inform them and communicate with them. Hence, email newsletters are a great means of sharing ideas with the customers.This paper declares that email newsletters are an effective means of communication between the customers and healthcare services providers. They not only prove to be cost effective and efficient in the long run, but allow the service providers to customize their marketing approach, while taking into consideration the health records of the existing customers, available with them. They also allow the service providers to provide links to their central website, which can be used by the customers to access additional information and reassurances if and when required by them. In an E-commerce approach to healthcare marketing, it is essential to seek and retain customer confidence,... They can choose to subscribe to the newsletters published by the healthcare organizations by simply sharing their email address and ticking the box provided on the websites or the regular paperwork of these organizations (Blumberg, 2005). Anytime, the customers can unsubscribe these newsletters by visiting the oft provided link (Blumberg, 2005). So email newsletters allow the patients to access information, as and when they want. Effectiveness Email newsletters are an effective means of communication between the customers and healthcare services providers. They not only prove to be cost effective and efficient in the long run, but allow the service providers to customize their marketing approach, while taking into consideration the health records of the existing customers, available with them. They also allow the service providers to provide links to their central website, which can be used by the customers to access additional information and reassurances if and when required by the m (Blumberg, 2005). Confidentiality However, care needs to be taken to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the customers while using email newsletters to communicate with them. In an E-commerce approach to healthcare marketing, it is essential to seek and retain customer confidence (McFadyen, 2008). Any inability to safeguard customer confidentiality and privacy may lead to repercussions that may prove to be counterproductive to the business interests of an organization in the long run. It’s Different The suggested mode of conducting marketing communication differs in many ways to the other modes of communication. First and foremost it is quick and cost efficient. Besides, to a great extent it takes the customer consent and preferences into
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Global Connections Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Global Connections - Assignment Example The bordering countries are Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan and United Arab Emirates (Esses & Gardner, 2006). Saudi Arabia is the worlds leading oil producer and exporter. In fact, it controls worlds second largest hydrocarbon reserves. Having the world energy reserve, Saudi Arabia is considered as a high economy country and it is the only country that features in the list of G-20 economies. The high ranked economy has been the source of connection with many states of the world. The world economies heavily rely on these oil reserves. Oil fuels industrialization and many states have been linked to each other and particularly in Saudi Arabia due to the source of oil. For production to take place, they would need oil. Canada is not exceptional when it comes to the need to have the oil. Intuitively, Saudi Arabia has been part of the connection to many states not to mention Canada (Bothwell, 2006). In a rather negative note, countries such as Saudi Arabia has been using the revenues obtained from oil to operate criminal gangs. The Al-Qaida group owes its origin to these Arab states that have control over world’s oil reserves. The returns are good enough to lead to operation of criminal activities within the other state especially in western countries. Terrorism has been part of the global connection to all state of the world. The states of the world have been forced to unite to fight against terrorism. Indirectly, Canada and other states are united under the name of national security (Friesen, 2012). The proceeds obtained from the sale of oil have also been used to inspire investment across the global north. Many countries including Canada have benefited from oil extracted in Saudi Arabia hence making the global connections. Â
Insurance Fraud-Busting System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Insurance Fraud-Busting System - Essay Example There are two case studies which were referenced within this current assignment. One is a case involving an insurance claim to replace a computer network, after a company experienced an unexpected energy surge. The second involved a woman who had unnecessary dental work, after an unethical dentist advised her that she needed filings. Both of these instances are, unfortunately, not uncommon these days. An additional insurance scam that I am familiar with is one involving chiropractors. A relatively healthy person will visit a chiropractor’s office and receive multiple chiropractic adjustments and massages. The patient, in many cases, will not pay any out-of-pocket costs for these services. Instead, the chiropractor will claim that the person has a problem and is in need of constant care. The office assistant will bill the insurance company for each visit made by the patient. The patient enjoys multiple massages and chiropractic adjustments for however many visits the health ins urance allows. The reason why this is a fraud is because it is expressly stated within the policy that a patient must have a legitimate medical condition and be in need of treatment, in order to receive benefits. This type of fraud is rampant as well. Still there are other insurance scams that many people are familiar with. Some people stage car accidents or leave their own keys in the car so that it will be stolen. Others fake an accident at work so that they can file a worker’s compensation claim and/or file for short/long-term disability. All false claims have a profit motive of some type. If the claim is not filed for actual cash, the purpose of the claim may be to replace a valuable damaged item. The attitude of Americans towards fraud is disheartening. On the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud website, there is a statistic cited from a survey conducted by Accenture Ltd, that â€Å"one of four Americans say it’s ok to defraud insurers†(Accenture, 2002). Ano ther study, cited on the same website by Progressive Insurance, stated that â€Å"Nearly one of 10 Americans would commit insurance fraud if they knew they could get away with it. Nearly three of 10 Americans (29 percent) wouldn't report insurance scams committed by someone they know†(NICB, 2011). This is a startling statement of American lack of morality. The proceeding information leads to a very important question. How do insurance companies combat fraud at the present time? Most insurance companies have an in-house Special Investigation Units (SIU). They normally seek to hire those with a law enforcement background for such positions. These groups are specifically tasked with attempting to uncover and investigate cases of fraud, specifically as it relates to claims filed through the insurance company. The group specifically will look for holes in a customer’s story. If there was an auto accident, for example, and both parties’ statements do not match, this can raise a red flag.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cold War Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Cold War Final - Essay Example Between 1947 and 1991, the Soviet Union faced up to the United States and its allies in a political tension that threatened the peace of other uninvolved nations. With the two groups having nuclear capabilities, the world nearly suffered due to differences. While none of the two actually engaged in military attacks against each other, threats were issued as diplomatic rows raged on (Totten, 2013). Unfortunately, even though the row involved only two groups, whatever else happened in the world was largely dictated by the events unfolding between the two. War- whether real or cold- is a detriment to education, and if could be avoided, that is the best option. Totten (2013) claims that the status of US education and the world at large was greatly affected by the standoff. Before the war escalated, the effects were not felt that much but that situation changed as the intensity of the war took to new heights. Sadly, the flashpoints witnessed during this war were passed on to the children hence affecting their lives negatively. Consequently, the relations between the students from the countries at war expressed similar attitudes to each thus polarizing the education status. Great fear seized the Western countries and their respective citizens with many fearing the worst in terms of economic status (Richards, 2012). Many feared that Russia’s financial gains would worsen the matter; the US feared domination of the rest of the world by Russia. As a result, every side tried as much as possible to assemble its allies in case the war turned violent. Furthermore, crisis happening elsewhere in the world saw each of the side support one and oppose the other with stakes. Today, though the intensity of the war is nowhere near that time, Bayulgen and Arbatli (2013) claim that there is still a cold war between the US and Russia. Recently, the US has
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Political socialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Political socialization - Essay Example The changes are not always demanded for the comforts of living. In a culture of mixed races, ethnic groups and castes it becomes demanding to survive, to expand, to initiate and to change for the benefit of the future generations. Hence it becomes very necessary to analyze the process by which political opinions are formed and take shape. If we look at the process more closely any member of the society would not be having his or her own opinion till the age of pre teen that is twelve. That is the age when one is in awe with the figures of authority in the family. Then the figures are replaced by more closer to life figures such as leaders, political figures etc. However at a later stage the person starts forming his or her opinions. The later stage the opinions start taking shape and are consolidated over a period of time. These opinions then change into matter of policies and become guiding principles of one’s life. At the same time these principles now determine the voting decisions and the capacity in which the citizen participates in the political process or the system of the country. This process of political socialization also throws light on formation of groups, parties and lobbies that come from various sections and races of the society. Political socialization creates the awareness in the people to come together and be together till the goal is achieved. With this perspective unification of various racial groups in American society needs to be observed. This holds a good deal of reference to African American people coming together. Tracing the history we observe that the Africans came as slaves to the continent. Even though they were living into deplorable conditions there was no voice and unity amongst them even after they were given the independence by the then Lincoln government, they still did not know the means to work and survive.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Gentrification and Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Gentrification and Class - Essay Example In these circumstances, two sides to the debate exist that include the non-gentrification residents and the gentrified residents. However, the upgrade tends to come with a price attached in which the resident that were pre-gentrified may not afford the new pay rates or property taxes. Driving out those cannot afford to pay the new rent rates and property taxes may be the most acceptable practice as the argument is that they could decrease revenues. In many cases, the transformation may include the conversion of old buildings to developed shops and areas of living, which translates to increased rents. However, John Arena negated this process in his book Driven from New Orleans in which African-Americans had to pave the way for the advancement of New Orleans after the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina. After Katrina, the African Americans that were of local income levels did not receive financing to build and repair their homes, but instead demolitions took place (Arena 87). In his book, John Arena argues that the plan to demolish the old buildings in New Orleans began in the 1980s, long before the Hurricane hit the area meaning that the White Republicans conceived the gentrification plan before. Reasons why Arena says that the battle for public housing in New Orleans was a long struggle As the local community had named it, â€Å"the Negro removal†began in the 1960s in which the elite in New Orleans sought to upgrade the public houses at the cost of the low-income earners residing there (Arena 37). In essence, this neo-liberal economic activity is of the view that the low-income earners lived in impoverished states and it was their duty to help them. However, the residents of New Orleans viewed this to be a federal disaster as the hatching of this plan was national, but the implementation had to be at the federal level. Ideally, New Orleans became a city with the African American population being the highest in the late 1970s because of agricultura l mechanization through those that were on their way route to Crescent City. From that time, New Orleans became significant in the fight against racial inequalities and protecting the rights of the poor hence making the demotions on the public houses to be a vital setback to the advancements that this population had managed to achieve. The white and the black elites saw the move to demolish the old buildings in New Orleans as the only way to eradicating poverty, but the African American population did not share the same views. The impact of Hurricane Katrina on the New Orleans city leaders’ desires to progress private development According to Arena, the African American elite and the leadership failed the residents of the New Orleans as they were not vocal enough to reverse the decision to demolish the old buildings that belonged to the people. The arena’s argument is that the non-governmental organizations, the elected officials from the African-American community, an d other foundations had a hand in displacing the African American population of New Orleans. Many lost their homes because of the devastating Hurricane, but this did not deter the white Republicans from bringing down these structures in an attempt to establish modern day complexes. The arena’s view is that the demolition of the old buildings in New Orleans did not intend to benefit lower income earning African Americans from its onset, but it was rather immoral (Card & Raphael 112). The low income earners
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Political Science Final Essay Example for Free
Political Science Final Essay Mushrooms have been part of religious rituals for thousands of years ago in the early tribes of Central America and Mexico (Health Education, 2008). Psilocybin is extracted from psilocybin mexicana mushrooms and other genus related mushroom species or artificially prepared in the drug laboratory (Health Education, 2008). Chemically, it is related with lysergic acid diethylamide and commonly known as â€Å"shrooms†, â€Å"psychedelic mushrooms†, or â€Å"magic mushrooms†(Health Education, 2008). Historically, for Indians in the Southern and Central America, psilocybin-containing mushrooms were sacred mushrooms and regarded as a means to the world of the spirits. At present time, Psilocybe mushrooms are widely available in fresh and dried forms that are usually ingested, chopped or brewed in tea (Health Education, 2008). Generally, psilocybin users experience tingling physical sensations, mild euphoria and increased music visual sensations and music sensitivity (Health Education, 2008). Literature Review Brief History Sculptures and human-like mushroom arts were prevalent during 1000-500 BC (Freeman, 2004). It was inferred that these artifacts have religious implications. As direct evidence, thirteenth century manuscript of Codex Vienna Mixtec proved the utilization of sacred mushroom in religious rituals (Freeman, 2004). The â€Å"Seven Flowers†was known as Mixtec God of hallucinatory plants represented through an image with a pair of mushrooms in hands (Freeman, 2004). Also, Aztec believed that moving from earthly to super natural realms back and forth was possible under the power of entheogen, the Prince of Flowers. This was called â€Å"the flowery dreams†by the Aztec and ascribed to hallucinatory effects of the sacred mushrooms (Freeman, 2004). In relation to this, Gordon Wasson personally witnessed the â€Å"velada†session led by curandera Maria Sabina at the Mazatec village in Huatla de Jimenez. This â€Å"velada†session is a religious ceremony involving the magic mushroom (Freeman, 2004). Pharmacological Properties Mushrooms with hallucinatory effects are naturally cultivated in the cow pastures and fields of the southeastern and northwestern parts of the United States (Freeman, 2004). The most common of all these mushrooms is Psilocybe mushroom containing psychoactive substances. The stems of psilocybin-containing mushrooms are slender and long with caps having underside dark gills. While the caps of fresh mushroom are dark brown along the edges, white or light brown central part topped in whitish-gray or white stems, dried mushrooms are rusty brown with scattered whitish parts (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2006). In 1958 Dr. Albert Hoffman, the lysergic acid diethylamide discoverer, identified psilocybin and psilocin as the active components of Psilocybe mushroom (Freeman, 2004). About four to ten milligrams per gram of this mushroom is its average psilocybin constituent (Freeman, 2004). In addition, psilocybin is classified as hallucinogenic drugs typically found in the United States, South American regions, and Mexico (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2006). This mushroom contains trace amount of psilocin and 0. 2% to 0. 4% of psilocybin (National Drug Intelligence Center, 2006). Further, psilocybin was reported as a very stable substance that can last even for 150 years in a sample mushroom (Freeman, 2004).
Friday, September 20, 2019
Impacts of media violence on violence against women
Impacts of media violence on violence against women Media Violence as a Causal Agent for Violence Against Women Through Desensitization, Reinforcement of Gender Roles for Women, and Social Learning Theory. Media Violence as a Causal Agent for Violence Against Women Through Desensitization, Gender Roles of Women, and Social Learning Theory In the span of about one century the western world has made significant strides to amend the discrepancy in equality between women and men (Crow Gotell, 2004). Beginning with the first wave of feminism in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the official rights of women were sought and established, resulting in important and favourable amendments to the existing legislation, such as womens right to vote (Johnson-Odim, 1991). Nonetheless, inequalities between women and men were not confined to court documents and legislation, rather they extended further into the community (Johnson-Odim, 1991). As a response to this the second wave of feminism took precedence to address unofficial, social issues including those related to sexuality, the workplace, and reproductive rights (Johnson-Odim, 1991). Yet, and despite the contributions made by both movements, several issues remain on the changing and diverse identity of women (Crow Gotell, 2004).In response to this, the third wave of feminism was dedicated to refuting the notion of a universal female identity and instead prioritizing diversity among women (Crow Gotell, 2004). Ultimately, however, the forms of violence and aggression toward women have evolved, become more subtle and implicit, but equally unjust (Rice, 2005). That is, although womens rights and freedom are made present on the surface, there continues to be questionable events that threaten the dignity of women (Rice, 2005). Specifically, popular media has played a significant role in facilitating, as well as perpetuating, violence against women (Bocock, 2006). With liberalism becoming more adamant in western culture, the visual depictions of women to capitalize on products and services has become normalized (Bocock, 2006). As a result, women are often directly associated with sex and sexuality, completely negating the rest of their being (Bocock, 2006). Currently, there is a large body of research dedicated to exploring the relationship between violent media and aggression, but few studies have been done to specifically address the transition between exposure to violent media and committing acts of violence towards women (Ferguson, San Miguel, Hartley, 2009). Because this issue is still a relative novelty, it is important to be cognoscente of extra variables that influence violence towards women in real life, all of which should be considered and weighed. However, the intent of this review is to decons truct the ways in which violence in the media, specifically in television, can facilitate and perpetuate violence towards women in real life. The type of real life violence under consideration focuses on physical and sexual violence, as well as negative stereotypes and attitudes about women. Although several perspectives and paradigms can be used to explain the contributions to violence towards women, this review will detail the mechanisms of psychological desensitization, reinforcement of womens gender roles, and social learning theory to analyze the role of violent media as a contributing factor in violence towards women. To begin, and as aforementioned, the exploration of the relationship between media violence and real life violence is not a new subject, rather an ongoing quest to further break down the phenomenon. A common reoccurrence is the issue of media violence and the desensitization of traits that allow us to associate inappropriate acts with human suffering (Fanti, Vanman, Henrich, Avraamides 2009). Fanti et al (2009) define desensitization as diminished emotional responses to a negative or adverse stimulus after repeated exposure to it. Essentially, repeated exposure to media violence can habituate adverse reactions, voiding a persons innate and natural negative response when viewing violence (Fanti et al, 2009). One plausible explanation for the way desensitization works is that exposure to violent media eliminates inhibitions to violence, which in turn may foster pro-violence attitudes and lower empathic responses (Fanti et al, 2009). This proposal further confirmed by Fanti et al (2009 ) in their empirical study, in which they exposed young adults to violent or comedic television clips. They hypothesized that repeated exposure to violent media would not only lower the empathic responses of participants, but also increase their levels of enjoyment when watching violent media (Fanti et al, 2009). Ultimately, their study showed that desensitization to media violence can occur after repeated exposure to media violence, and that these results can be seen in a short-term period (i.e. desensitization does not need extensive time to develop) (Fanti et al, 2009). In addition the researchers found that with repeated exposure to violent media not only was the psychological impact and sympathy of the participants reduced, but they reported an increased enjoyment of viewing violent media (Fanti et al, 2009). To further strengthen their results, the researchers were also able to discount existing personality traits (i.e. aggressive individuals) as being correlated with desensit ization (Fanti et al, 2009). However, there is an extensive body of research that counters the argument that media is accountable for violence, and instead analyzes other factors that have a heavier contribution to anti-social acts like violence. To illustrate this, a study by Ferguson et al (2009) looked at 603 youths in Texas, half of which were male and half female. Their aim was to evaluate the multiple variables that are associated with violent behaviour in youth (Ferguson et al, 2009). They found that in comparison to exposure to violent television, the most influential factors on the existence of aggressive behaviour were: delinquent peer influences, anti-social personality traits, depression or depressed mood, and parents or guardians who use psychological abuse in their personal relationships (Ferguson et al, 2009). These results undermine the argument, as proposed by Fanti et al (2009), that violence in the media is the most influential agent in desensitization, leading to violent real-life behaviour by the viewer. Although it is certainly important to consider the multivariate relationship linked with acts of violence or aggression it is important to acknowledge how detrimental violent media can be. The argument that violent media can desensitize individuals and disinhibit their violent impulses or behaviour can be supported within a biological framework (Strenziok, 2010). In a study by Strenziok et al (2010) 37 healthy male participants were tested to analyze the relationship between their exposure to media violence and left orbitofrontal cortex density (LOFC) as mediated by synaptic pruning. Because the orbitofrontal cortex is responsible for important regulatory functions, such as decision-making, social adjustment, and inhibition, any changes that occur in the cortex as a result of pruning can have significant effects (Strenziok et al, 2010). When synaptic pruning occurs the process happens within context (Strenziok et al, 2010). That is, the en vironment plays a major role in selecting which neuronal connections will be pruned and which will be maintained (Strenziok et al, 2010). Strenziuok et al (2010) found that there was a negative correlation between exposure to violent media and left orbitofrontal cortex density. Their findings suggest that media violence can facilitate synaptic pruning in the LOFC, which then short-circuits/decreases neuronal connectionsultimately disrupting normal orbitofrontal cortex functions and allowing for anti-social violent behaviour (Strenziok et al, 2010). Furthermore, the desensitization process and the serving biological functions can be applicable to violence towards women. In a society that upholds equality, freedom, and rights as priorities, there continues to be sensationalized displays violence in the media. One study aimed to examine the effects of repeated exposure to sexually violent films on emotional desensitization toward victims of domestic violence and abuse within sample of 138 males. (Mullin Linz, 1995). The results showed a decrease in emotional response, physiological arousal, and ratings of how sexually violent the films were with repeated film exposure (Mullin Linz, 1995). These statistically significant results were relative to the results of the control group, and lasted for three days. That is, when re-evaluated three days after the initial experiment, the results remained static (Mullin Linz, 1995). However, it is important to also acknowledge that these results did not extend further than three days (Mullin Linz, 1995). When tested again five days after the initial experiment, participants baseline responses were restored, essentially suggesting that the effects of sexually violent films were only maintained for a limited and short-term period (Mulling Linz, 1995). The authors suggest that the results may reflect a lack of ecological validity in the study, since exposure to violent media is longer and more continuous over time compared t o exposure in a clinical setting (Mullin Linz, 1995). What this implies then, is that in a real life setting these results may be inapplicable and possibly irrelevant to violence towards women. Above differential perspective, what this study ultimately supports is the existence of a strong relationship between exposure to gender-based, sexually violent films and overall desensitization (Mullin Linz, 1995). Lastly, a study by Linz and Adams (1989) measured physiological desensitization (i.e. heart rate) and its relation to cognitive, affective, and attitudinal components of desensitization. Participants were exposed to either a videotape depicting violence against women or a videotape of non-violent, but exciting content (Linz Adams, 1989). Then all participants watched video clips of violence towards a woman, with a male as the aggressor (Linz Adams, 1989). Linz and Adams (1989) found that heart rates of participants in the violent videotape condition were lower during the final 90 seconds of each violent video clip compared to the control group. In addition, participants in the violent videotape condition attributed less injury to the female victims portrayed in the media in comparison to the control group (Linz Adams, 1989). To further delineate the contrast between the experimental and control conditions, the control condition experience significant increases in hostility, anxiety, and depression during the violent video clips- a testament of their adverse responses to and disapproval of violent media (Linz Adams, 1989). Ultimately, based on the growing body of literature on violence and media, there is significant evidence to support the role of exposure to violent media and its facilitation of real life violence, as it pertains to women. Such evidence not only addresses sociological perspectives of desensitization, but also provides psychophysiological support to explain the biological processes that enable such a relationship. Because humans tend to be swayed from and influenced by several variables, it is important to further analyze sociopsychological and cultural variables in the relationship between media violence and women. Specifically, gender norms and roles as they relate to women will be discussed in the context of media and real life violence. Although these roles and norms are an integral part of our identity beginning from birth, one must consider the unanticipated consequences. Often times with such social and cultural standards there runs a risk of placing individuals into very concise and finite societal niches, which may be difficult to break free from. For example, in western societies, the moment a baby is born he or she is often assigned a colour, according to gender appropriateness, be it pink or blue. The process of socialization begins from the moment an infant is introduced into society. From that moment onward, the child is brought up to meet societal and cultural standard of correc t ways of being, according to their sex. Unfortunately, this strenuous and confining process is difficult to stray away from, and individuals who attempt to establish themselves as persons first, rather than male or female, often experience disapproval, backlash, and even social isolation. In addition, the role of the media has been another influential means by which to enforce norms and roles in western worlds. Specifically, recent literature has proposed arguments that violent media reinforces the self-image of women in accordance with gender roles, and can even foster intra-female real life violence. What this implies then is that not only is violence towards women a reality, but that women themselves are now engaging in their own demise and contributing to the same hegemony that oppresses them. Although it was traditionally understood within the scientific realm that aggression is primarily related to males, and that aggression is singular in nature (i.e. direct, physical), rece nt literature is debunking this claim. Specifically, indirect aggression, which is not physical or explicit, in female-female relationships has take centre stage (Bjorkqvist, 1994). In theory, there is no reason to suggest that women are as violent as men, considering their physical ability. In reality, however, women have adapted to this difference by using indirect hostility and aggression by way of verbal and social manipulative (e.g. spreading rumours, excluding peers, etc) acts as a means of being violent ( Bjorkqvist, 1994, Cote, 2007). Bjorkqvist (1994) suggests that this indirect aggression can even be considered more sophisticated and powerful than conventional aggression (i.e. physical) because the aggressor is able to harm another person without being identified. However, the nature of aggression displayed by women and men cannot be solely attributed to biological or physiological differences. Social and cultural variables, and their influence on learning help perpetuate these modes of aggression (Bjorkqvist, 1994). With violent media being so pervasive and omnipresent, particularly as it relates to women, it is important to explore its effects on real life actions. Ringrose (2006) examines the way in which media sensationalizes indirect violence, now being referred to as the mean girl phenomenon and the implications it brings forth. This novelty depiction of women poses a bilateral problem, in that aggression is often synonymous with power but remains as a type of behaviour frowned upon in women. For example, Gonick(2004) proposes that the stereotypical vulnerable girl has now been replaced by the mean girl in the public eye. What would be ideal is to avoid polarizing womens behaviour, or homogenizing them into black or white categories, figuratively speaking. Nonetheless, what is ideal is rarely reality. Although the recent creation of the mean girl in the media appears to provide equality between women and men, as it provides an over reactive res ponse and antidote to the idea that women are nurturing and not aggressive, there a are serious side effects to this new sensation (Gonick, 2004). The pervasive presence of this construction of the mean girl in the media is now redefining normal behaviour for women and girls, allowing femininity and aggressive behaviour to be re-pathologized (Ringrose, 2006). Now that popular media, specifically televised and print media, is disguising indirect female-female aggression behind the facade of female empowerment, a new template of appropriate girl and women behaviour is being inherited by newer generations. The media often portrays indirect violent behaviour as exciting, dramatic, sexy, and especially as a marker of status and power. For example, feature films such as Mean Girls and Thirteen glorify indirect and relational aggression, depicting relating such behaviour to physical attractiveness, popularity, and success. Not only are such media positing that such behaviour is appealing a nd even glamorous, but is also negates all other equally important aspects of existence, such as stable family relationships, and a breadth of education. In addition to assigning indirect aggression as a vehicle of power, violent media also sets up such aggression to take place in female to female social relationships. It is often said that a civilization destroys itself from within rather than being conquered by outsiders and the western female population exemplifies this heuristic. That is, because violent media sensationalizes indirect aggression in female-female relationships, the integrity with which women relate and identify with one another is compromised. As such, this population is left vulnerable and more susceptible to patriarchal standards of life, and is once again turned into a commodity that can be regulated according to trends and demands. A study by Lavin and Cash (2000) demonstrates the complex relationship between violent media portrayals of women and real life in direct aggression in female-female interactions. They conducted an experimental study to break down and examine the effects of mass media and womens body-image experiences (Lavin Cash, 2000). In this study 66 college women were made to listen to one of two audio tapes: one containing information on the subject of appearance stereotyping and discrimination and the other containing information on television violence aggression (control condition) (Lavin Cash, 2000). At the conclusion of their study they found that although neither condition differed in the altered mood of the participants, exposure to t he appearance-related condition versus the control condition yielded significantly less favourable body-image evaluations (Lavin Cash, 2000). The results, produced by Ten Visual Analogues Scales and the 14-Item Appearance Schemas Inventory, demonstrate the ways in which western media showcases beauty and physical attractiveness in conjunction with covert and overt social benefits (L avin cash, 2000). In addition, the violent media often depict strong associations between beauty and desirable traits. That is, women are learning that beauty is good, and that is it the most important factor in leading a fulfilling life is the virtue of beauty. Because of this trend in the media of using womens physicality as commodities and means to capitalize and turn a profit, women become more invested in their aesthetic selves. In turn, women who have deep psychological investments with their self aesthetics become more susceptible to adverse social events, such as negative feedback about their weight or comparison cues (Lavin Cash, 2000). Such events become critical experiences, and pose the possibility of increased body dissatisfaction. For example, the images of dismembered women in print ads are rampant. What is meant by dismemberment is that only parts of womens bodies are used to sell a product of service. A good illustration of this is the prototypical beer print ad, in which the only thing visible is a womans torso with specific attention paid to the bust, followed by a posing hand holding a beer bottle. Such media pays no attention to the woman in question, rather reduces her to specific anatomical parts, in total disconnection to her individual self. In fact, a face is not only unnecessarily in such violent media, but is also obstructive because violence is more acceptable when identity is unknown (CITATION). Ultimately, violent media not only encourages and portrays indirect aggression as a means of power and representation of status, but also regulates its usage in womens relationships with one another, such that women become active participants in their own oppression and violence. To add to this, women also internalize their roles in western society as portrayed by the media. That is, women begin to see themselves and their bodies in terms of their sexual and aesthetic worth, disregarding other important aspects of their lives. Clearly, t he role of violent media cannot be ignored in light of the consequences it brings. This is not to imply that violent media the sole cause of such effects, as there are other variables to consider. There is a significant amount of research that supports the argument that exposure to violence and aggression enacted in parental relationships in the home have the most significant impact on violence inRather, the aforementioned information should be used to support the significant contributions and influences between violent media and violence towards women. Another mechanism by which violence in the media influences violence in real life violence is through the social learning theory. Bandura (1978) defines the social learning theory as a process in which people learn new behaviours by observing the behaviours of others, and assessing the benefits of exhibiting that behaviour to determine whether the behaviour will be sustained over time. That is, if the behaviour in question results in positive outcomes, then the observer is more likely to display this behaviour (Bandura, 1978)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays
Educational Goals and Philosophy When I finally decided what I wanted to do with my life, the ultimate answer was that I wanted to become a teacher. Of course, after telling my family and friends what I had determined, they all wanted to know why. At first, my answer was simple, and the words â€Å"just because I do†were uttered from my lips all too frequently as I realized that I had not given any serious thought as to the reason why I had chosen the teaching profession. It has been about five years since I first decided that my fate lay in the field of education, and now after thinking long and hard, I have an answer to the question posed so often: why? The reason why I want to be a teacher is because I want to help educate others, and also to aid them in discovering their own purposes in life. I want to help students to understand that it is okay to be yourself, to be creative, and to be outspoken. I want to share with my students all of the knowledge that I have gained throughout my life and education, and teach them how to relate that knowledge to their own personal experiences. It is my belief that teachers are the ‘miracles workers’ of the world, and that without them, we would have no doctors, lawyers, or even plumbers. I have strong faith in the belief that teachers are the people who are wholly responsible for opening the doors of realization when students are looking for their own occupational niches. After I have graduated from Concord College, and am able to instruct in my own classroom, I plan to incorporate a number of educational philosophies and teaching methods into that classroom. The educational philosophies that I plan to base my teaching methods on are Progressivism, Existentialism, and Behaviorism. From the philosophy of Progressivism, I will bring the idea of respect for one’s individuality, and make my classroom more receptive to the individual wants and interests of my students.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
To Kill A Mocking Bird Essay -- To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
2. â€Å"What is the significance of the title of the novel†â€Å"I’d rather you shoot at tin cans in the backyard, but I know you’ll go after the birds. Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mocking bird.†Atticus Finch recites these lines to his two children, Jem and Scout after he gives them air-rifles for Christmas. Scout is curious, as this is the first time that she has ever heard her father refer to anything as a sin, Scout asks Miss Maude what Atticus meant by this. Miss Maude tells Scout that mocking birds don’t rip up people’s garden’s or annoy them in any way, all they do is play beautiful music for us to listen to. To Kill A Mocking Bird is set in a small town in South America called Maycomb. Most of the town’s people of this happy town are not at all what they seem for there is a great hate for all coloured humans. At first glance many readers would wonder how the title evolved, but once you explore the text you begin to understand what the bases of Harper Lee’s message. Harper Lee has portrayed two characters as Mocking Birds. The first of these is Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson is a Negro living in Maycomb who becomes notorious when he is wrongly accused of the rape of a white woman. Atticus knows that the battle will not be an easy case to win, but decides to represent Tom Robinson, as he says that he couldn’t hold his head up in town or tell the children what to do. Tom Robinson was a harmless member of society who nev...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Magical Realism and Mans Search for Meaning :: Literature Essays Literary Criticism
Magical Realism and Man's Search for Meaning Five Works Cited Real life experiences that happen in a person's life are important, and these are what magical realism is all about. The meaning of life is wrapped all into our way of living. The world is full of passion and magic and without this passion and magic the world would not exist. Victor Frankl, a 2oth century psychiatrist, had this passion as well as a lot of other people who have survived many obstacles in their lives. Magic is the marvelous in reality. Everyday living is magic alone, trying to survive the rat race of today's society, yet the marvelous is there, too. Simpkins spoke of the marvelous, fantastic, and other things pertaining to magical realism (146). Simpkins states that magical realism appears to overcome the "limits" of realism (145). Leal also has given his opinion of the magic and the passion of magical realism. Leal spoke of the emotions that magical realism has. He states that magical realism is unreal and fantasy like fairy tales or made up stories (119). Leal states that the job of magical realism is to express the emotions not evoke them (121). A writer must confront reality and try to untangle it (121). In magical realism, key events have no logic or explanation (123). Frankl, in his book Man's Search for Meaning, addresses some of the same issues that are associated with magical realism. Frankl's will to meaning is used in distinguishing several forms of neurosis and traces some of them to the failure of the sufferer to find meaning and sense of responsibility in his existence. Freud stresses frustration in the sexual life, and Frankl stresses frustration in the will-to-meaning (9). Frankl refers to the strategies to preserve the remnants of one's life though the chances of surviving are slight. Hunger, humiliation, fear, and deep anger at injustice are rendered tolerable by closely guarded images of beloved persons, by religion, by a grim sense of humor, and even by glimpses of the healing beauties of nature-a tree or a sunset (10). Frankl noticed that people who survived the horrors of the nazi concentration camps had purpose. The reasons for their survival is Frankle's will to meaning. Comparing Like Water for Chocolate Frankl's Man's search for Meaning gives a great discussion of the magical in reality. Both stories had passion in the people's lives, enough to make the magical realism show.
Cosmic Creations Myths Across Culture Essay
Many Christians have a very vague idea about the collection of the Old- Testament. The Old-Testament books are stories of the most famous myths. The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is a book of Hebrew text, assemble by Jewish scholars of the seventh to tenth centuries A. D. It also contains two stories of creation. In addition, the book of Genesis is known as the book of creation of humankind. The book is also believes to be written during the reign of King Solomon and known as possessing two authors. The first story of creation states that, â€Å"In the beginning God creates the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1 – 2:4, is the story of creation in six days and resting on the seventh. The emphasis of this story is the creation of order out of chaos. The second author speaks of the creator of humankind, â€Å"Yaweh. †This story focuses more on human temptation and punishment. The creator, Yahweh made the heavens and the earth. It is said that Yahweh took dust from the moist land and shapes it into the shape of man. He breathes the breath of life into man and he comes to life. Yahweh is the creator of all things from the Garden of Eden, to the rivers that flow from the four corners of the world. He is also the creator of the Garden of Eden, the tree of life, and the tree knowledge of good/evil. One day after watching man, he decides that man should have a help-mate. He causes man to fall into a deep sleep and remove one of his ribs, creating woman. The man was Adam (earth or clay) and the woman name was Eve (life). The myth goes on to state how Adam and Eve eats the apple from the tree of knowledge after the serpent deceives them. In addition, eating the apple opens their eyes to the knowledge of good and evil. They are then ban from the Garden of Eden. Yahweh curses the serpent, Adam, and Eve. He places a half-human, half-lion creature with wings at the gates to keep them out. The emphasis of this story, generally agrees to be the older story of the two, is on the development of the problem of evil and what its origins are. Another recognizes the division of the two accounts; the first gives details accountable for the whole creation whereas the second one is focuses on the creation of man. The world consists of many myths like the universal flood. The universal flood, from the book Genesis: Chapter six-eight, is a world- wide historical myth. The Book of Genesis, believe to be written by Moses, is an interesting myth. The Old-Testament states that the earths receives rain for 40 days and 40 night to exterminate all of mankind. Liberal Christians believe the legendary Noah’s flood is just a spiritual myth. However, the Conservative Christians, believe the book of Genesis was written by Moses under the inspiration of God. Interpretations of the ark, plays an important role in early Christian doctrine. They believe the worldwide flood happens just as Moses records it. That God gives Noah instructions for building the ark: it is to be of gopher wood with the inside and out with pitch. There were three decks, one door (in the side) and a window 18 inches high probably running around the top of the vessel under the roof. It was about 450-feet, long by 75-feet in beam, and 45- high. The creation of the ark is to protect those who would reproduce the earth. The supernatural myth is that all humans and animals will be extent, except for those who made it to safety on the ark: two or seven animals of each â€Å"kind,†and Noah, his wife, and family. The universal flood was the largest genocide in history, involving the extermination of all almost every man, woman, youth, child, infant, and newborn. Christians believe God intentionally triggers the physical processes that would lead to the extermination of all of the land animals and all but eight humans in the flood because of humanity’s sinful behavior. Typically liberal Christians of the Old-Testament, Noachian, Babylonian, and hundreds of other believe a myth. There are many links in some ways of the Old-Testament and the Babylonians historic flood. There is no source of sufficient water to produce a worldwide flood that covered the highest mountains. Even if it did happen, there is no place to which the flood waters could subside. Genesis was written over an interval of many centuries by at least five author/editors. The universal flood story was derives from an earlier Babylonian myth by two of these authors. The Genesis flood myth is obviously base on an earlier Babylonian myth; there are many correspondences between the two legends. The Babylonian myth appears as an earlier legend that in turn, bases memories of the Black Sea catastrophe. The â€Å"Epic of Creation,†of the Babylonian, also known as Enuma Elish, dates to the second millennium B. C. Before anything had a name there was Aspu (sweet water) and Tiamet (salt –water). With the creation between the two they begot Lahmu and Lahamu. With the joining of the gods create Ansha, Kishar, and Anu. As the creation proceeds through generations, there is creation of Ea and his brothers. Ea and his brothers cause disruptions and Aspu becomes furious. He plots with gods of the first generation to slew Ea and his brothers. However, Ea hears of the plot and kills Aspu first. Tiamet hearing of her husband death sends out an army of creatures she creates. She creates the Kingu, a leader for the creatures, to avenge Aspu death. Ea, however; has a plan of his own. The myth states that Ea and Damkina create Marduk (Assur) to defend divine beings from the attack of Tiamet, the ocean goddess. Marduk propositions the gods and ensures their safety only if he becomes their supreme leader and forever. The gods agree that he would be their leader even after the treats pass. After agreeing to the terms Marduk slew Tiamet by ripping her body into two halves. These two halves became the earth and the sky. After the death of Tiamet the gods and Marduk in agreement and the creation of Babylon begin. Marduk creates the planets, stars, coordinate the moon, sun, and the -whether. In addition, Marduk becomes the sun. He decides to relieve the gods of external labor by creating mankind. It is said he creates bones (from the monsters he slew), cover them with flesh and breaths the breath of life forever freeing gods work. In conclusion, many parallels with the Genesis, accounts for that some historians concluding that Genesis account was simply a rewriting of the Babylonian story. As a reaction, many who wants to maintain the uniqueness of the Bible, argues either that there is no real parallels between the two accounts or that the Genesis narratives are written first and the Babylonian myth copies the biblical account.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Importance of Language and Culture
There are two forms of communications–verbal and non-verbal. Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Language is not the only source of communication, there are other means also. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. Meaning can also be communicated through object or artifacts (such as clothing, hairstyles or architecture), symbols, and icons (or graphics). Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, rate, pitch, volume, and speaking style, as well as prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation and stress. Dance is also regarded as a form of nonverbal communication. Verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and interpersonal communications all play an important role in different languages and cultures. Sign languages and writing are generally understood as forms of verbal communication, as both make use of words  although like speech, both may contain paralinguistic elements and often occur alongside nonverbal messages. Nonverbal communication can occur through any sensory channel  sight, sound, smell, touch or taste. Nonverbal communication is important as: â€Å"When we speak (or listen), our attention is focused on words rather than body language. But our judgment includes both. An audience is simultaneously processing both verbal and nonverbal cues. Body movements are not usually positive or negative in and of themselves; rather, the situation and the message will determine the appraisal†(Givens, 2000, p. 4). Hair color, gender, race, origin, clothing, appearance, and personality send nonverbal interactions during communication. Communication can be judged many different ways and that is why it is important to understand the different types of communication. Communication failures often result in lack of knowledge of communicating skills. A lot of people do not know or understand what kind of communication they are develop with their appearance. Verbal interactions are not used quite as frequently or not noticed as much. On average, to a moderate degree, women are better at nonverbal communication than are men (Hall, 1979). Verbal communications include body language, facial expressions, eye contact, paralanguage, environment, and the use of silence and time. Several thinks take part in the importance of communication. The world revolves because of communication. Without education to teach us how to communicate we would not be able to resolve important matters in everyday society and at home. Children learn culture through their parents, because they are the primary people in thier lives to teach them how to talk. That is why when children are born they speak and communicate like their family, environment, and origin. It is very important to teach children what communication means rather than just teaching them how to talk. The knowledge of understanding communication is important to be successful at communicating. Language and culture play a huge role in education. Without education the world would be very unorganized. We would not know how to even sign our name or manage our finances. It is important to learn different languages so you can communicate with other origins when needed. You may have to communicate with someone who speaks another language at your local grocer, the bank, the school, the courthouse. There are a wide range of languages in which people speak, and sometimes just because they live in the same country as you it does not mean they know how to speak the same language. When people encounter that can’t speak the same language, verbal communication is the only other way to communicate. Verbal communication often leads to failure to communicate between to origins, because they both communicate differently verbal as well. Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. Language is arguably the most important component of culture because much of the rest of it is normally transmitted orally. It is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deep meanings of another culture without knowing its language well. Different languages are easier to learn at a younger age before completely understanding a first language. Trying to learn a second language can be difficult for an adult, because the language they speak can confuse them while trying to learn. Different languages come from different backgrounds and when crossed can lead to great misunderstanding between the two languages. Anthropologists have found that learning about how people categorize things in their environment provides important insights into the interests, concerns, and values of their culture(Oneil, 2006). Language determines the way a person reviews the world. One’s culture determines the way one processes information and how one copes with reality. Concepts and objects have frames of reference that differ from culture to culture. The meaning of a word partly depends on the culture’s historical relation to the concept or object described. Different cultures see the world differently. Different cultures have different beliefs and values and these are expressed in their language, whether it be verbal or non-verbal. Many misunderstandings occur in intercultural communications because many are unaware of these differences. It is important for one to learn the differences of various cultures for one to understand one’s own identity. It is through knowing about others that one learns what is truly important to oneself. In our American culture, new skills are typically taught and learned through verbal instruction (Slobin, 1979). In some cultures, new skills are learned through nonverbal observation. A distinction has also been made between cultures that encourage independent learning and those that encourage cooperative learning (McLeod, 1994). The power of language to reflect culture and influence thinking was first proposed by an American linguist and anthropologist, Edward Sapir (1884–1939), and his student, Benjamin Whorf (1897–1941). The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis stated that the way we think and view the world is determined by our language (Anderson & Lightfoot, 2002; Crystal, 1987; Hayes, Ornstein, & Gage, 1987). Instances of cultural language differences are evidenced in that some languages have specific words for concepts whereas other languages use several words to represent a specific concept. For example, the Arabic language includes many specific words for designating a certain type of horse or camel (Crystal, 1987). To make such distinctions in English, where specific words do not exist, adjectives would be used preceding the concept label, such as quarter horse or dray horse. Cultural differences have also been noted in the ways in which language is used pragmatically. In our American culture, new skills are typically taught and learned through verbal instruction (Slobin, 1979). In some cultures, new skills are learned through nonverbal observation. A distinction has also been made between cultures that encourage independent learning and those that encourage cooperative learning (McLeod, 1994). Differences in the social roles of adults and children also influence how language is used. Home and school contexts may represent different cultures, subcultures, or both and may influence language acquisition in noticeable ways. Nonverbal cues (e. g. , facial expression) and contextual cues (e. g. , shared experience) have different communicative roles in different cultures (Kaiser & Rasminsky, 2003). People develop their language and culture as a child. It is important to understand different language and cultures to be able to communicate with different people from all around the world. Conflict is a part of most every interpersonal relationship. Managing conflict, then, is important if the relationship is to be long lasting and rewarding. Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals. Two sides must communicate about a problem for there to be a conflict. They must also have different perceptions or ideas to create a conflict. The most important thing with an interpersonal relationship is to know how to handle the situation. Avoiding a conflict can cause communication damage and lead to greater problems. It is best that both individuals discuss their differences in a civilized manner. Conflicts can be resolved by trying to understand the other person’s point of view. Criticism and judgment of others only makes the conflict harder to resolve. Communicating openly and honest, asking for opinions, expressing interest, expressing a willingness to listen, and focusing attention on the task are ways to improve a personal conflict with someone. Emotional intelligence represents an ability to validly reason with emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought. Perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and managing emotions play a big role in emotional intelligence. Perceiving emotions is the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, and cultural artifacts. Perceiving emotions represents a basic aspect of emotional intelligence, as it makes all other processing of emotional information possible (Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). Using emotions is the bility to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem solving. The emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon his or her changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand (Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). Understanding emotions is the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions. For example, understanding emotions encompasses the ability to be sensitive to slight variations between emotions, and the ability to recognize and describe how emotions evolve over time (Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). Managing emotions is the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals ( Salovey P and Grewal D, 2005). All these roles help form emotional intelligence and play a part in successful communication. Even though these aspects all play an important role in emotional intelligence, for most people, emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than one’s intelligence (IQ) in attaining success in their lives and careers. As individuals our success and the success of the profession today depend on our ability to read other people’s signals and react appropriately to them. Therefore, each one of us must develop the mature emotional intelligence skills required to better understand, empathize and negotiate with other people  particularly as the economy has become more global. Otherwise, success will elude us in our lives and careers (Bressert S. , 2009). Five major categories of emotional intelligence skills are of value to professional accountants ( Bressert S, 2009). Self-awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills are all part of the five major categories of emotional intelligence. Verbal and nonverbal communication, self perception, emotional intelligence, cultural differences, and conflicts are all very important in understand different languages and cultures. Being able to communicate effectively with different cultures has almost became a requirement in today’s society to be able to live successfully. Many different languages and cultures express themselves differently. The most important thing in understand the different cultures is knowing how to communicate with anyone and everyone whom you may come in contact with in your life. Understanding different people and the way they commincate, and all the different types of communication can make a huge difference in communication efforts. Language is obviously a vital tool. Not only is it a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it forges friendships, and economic relationships (Kilgour D, 1999). Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today knowledge is one of the key factors in competitiveness. Brains and knowledge are what create the prosperity and growth we tend to take for granted. In an advanced industrial society in an increasingly interdependent world, the knowledge of other languages becomes indispensable. Just think of how the advent of the Internet has changed our lives. For the last few years, millions of people across the world, who share common interests, are able to communicate with each other and exchange ideas. Not only are they able to do this due to the various technological advances, but also because they share a common language.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Occupational Health And Safety Practices Construction Essay
As mentioned in Chapter 1, the purpose of the study was to analyze the occupational wellness and safety patterns in topographic point at the Municipal Council of Port Louis, concentrating on the administrative cell. Correlating the consequences of the survey to the aims set, grounds shows that the existent wellness and safety patterns at the Council are really hapless and on the job conditions are in a distressing province. The first observation made is the deficiency of consciousness of respondents with respects to affairs associating to wellness and safety issues. For case, 72.6 % of the 84 respondents are non cognizant of the OSHA 2005, which sets out all the commissariats modulating wellness and safety at work ( Figure 1 ) . 77.4 % of the respondents are non cognizant of the Council ‘s Health and Safety Policy ( Figure ) . A Health and Safety Policy, as explained in Chapter 2, sets the way for the administration to follow on affairs associating to wellness and safety and demonstrates how aims of wellness and safety are integrated in the overall direction system. The two grounds that can explicate this state of affairs are: The involuntariness of employees to larn about the OSHA 2005 or the Council ‘s Health and Safety as they may non experience concerned by them these paperss were non communicated to the Staff of the Council as it can be observed that even 6.2 % of senior and 23.1 % of in-between directors are non cognizant of the Policy ( Figure ) . Health and safety does non fall to the full under the duty of direction. Under the OSHA, employees have the duties to larn about the commissariats of the statute law and to collaborate with direction in staying by the rules dependably. Besides, by non larning about the jurisprudence, they are seting themselves at hazard by non continuing good wellness and safety patterns in their day-to-day undertakings and direction can non be entirely blasted for any accidents, as dictated by the celebrated antediluvian Latin legal philosophy â€Å" Ignorantia juris non excusat †( Ignorance of the jurisprudence does non pardon ) . However, ideally, direction should hold communicated the necessities of the Act to the employees, informing them of their rights and responsibilities. From the secondary information available, it was found out that the Council has a Health and Safety Policy which is dated back to 2002 ( Find at extension ) . It was besides found a Health and Safety Officer, who has late been appointed by the LGSC on a substantial footing has been posted at the Council. This was confirmed by the extremely positive response ( 88.1 % ) of the respondents ( Figure 5 ) . A 2nd observation made is the presence of physical jeopardies at the Council. This substantiates consequences found on the hapless conditions of the office environment ( Table ) . Harmonizing to 61 % of respondents, the edifice is in a distressing province. This can be explained by the fact that being a public establishment, it is really hard to happen financess for the building of new office edifices. However, edifices should hold been maintained on a regular footing. Harmonizing to Section 34 of the OSHA 2005, the office constructing demand to be of sound building, have a watertight roof, kept free from moistness and be decently maintained. Proper drainage system is needed. Therefore, it can be seen that the Council is non following with the jurisprudence. It was found that there is hapless airing ( 51.2 % ) and the uncomfortable temperature in the office ( 59.5 % ) can be explained by the hot clime in Port Louis. The office contains countless beginnings of air pollutants and therefore demands to be aerated on a regular footing to forestall diseases like the Legionnaires disease which occurs as a consequence of ill maintained airing systems. Management should imagine the installing of mechanical air conditioning, and modulate temperature to do workers comfy. High noise degrees are upseting to the concentration of respondents ( 52.4 % ) . As explained in the literature reviews, inordinate noise can take to interference in communicating and can impact the concentration of workers, cut downing their productiveness. Poor housework has resulted in dirty offices ( 52.4 % ) and obstructors such as draging computing machine and electrical overseas telegrams ( 65.5 % ) which represent a serious trip and autumn jeopardy. Accumulation of trade wastes as explained before, can give rise to biological jeopardies like genteelness of sources taking to diseases. Harmonizing to Section 35 of the OSHA 2005, the office country needs to be unbroken clean so as to forestall accretion of soil and trade wastes have to be removed on a regular footing, with the floor being cleaned atleast one time hebdomadal. This shows non-compliance to the jurisprudence. Besides, in the populace sector, it is common cognition that files are stored in unfastened filing cabinets which consequences in accretion of dusts, taking to the dissatisfaction of employees ( 61.9 % ) . It was found that though many respondents are satisfied with the degree of illuming ( 50 % ) , it should be noted that they were non asked to stipulate the types of illuming used. Artificial lighting can be damaging to the wellness of employees in the long term. 36.9 % of respondents who claim on occasion suffer from occupational unwellnesss and strivings stated the cause of their agonies to be the hapless office environment: hapless temperature and airing systems doing allergic reactions in workers, concerns and oculus annoyances owing to the lighting provided, trips and falls from draging overseas telegrams and unequal filing cabinets. The unequal safety steps were besides noted. Harmonizing to 66.7 % of respondents, electrical equipments are non serviced on a regular footing. This consequence in electrical contraptions being damaged taking to overheating, short circuits, or detonations. Harmonizing to the Guidelines from the Government Fire Services dated 28 November 2006, the chief cause of fire is â€Å" defective electrical installation/equipment †. Hence, electrical installings and equipments have to be decently maintained and tested so as to minimise the hazard of fire. For an administration to be certified by the Fire Services, it has to fulfill some standards, which has been explained in inside informations before. It has to be able to supply to life safety, fire bar, fire protection and fire combat steps. From the statement of consequences, it can be noted that:   % of respondents claim that no clear fire instructions have been issued to them ( Figure ) Inadequate safety marks displayed harmonizing to 60.7 % of respondents in Table Inadequate exigency exits harmonizing to 51.2 % of respondents ( Figure ) Harmonizing to 83.3 % , equal fire contending tool are available ( figure ) Lack of fire drills harmonizing to 61.9 % of respondents ( figure ) Fire dismay system, but whether it is effectual of non, is s really subjective inquiry, as from the above information, it can be deduced that no drills have been carried out to prove the effectivity of the fire dismay system Lack of emptying programs harmonizing to 70.2 % of respondents ( Figure ) Therefore, from the above observations, it can be deduced that the Council has non been award a Fire Certificate. This is confirmed by the 44 % of negative responses and 42.9 % of impersonal responses ( Figure ) . A 3rd observation made was the deficiency of proper hygiene provided to the employees ( Table ) . Without proper public assistance installations, workers may experience that their demands are non being catered by direction. The deficiency of separate healthful comfortss harmonizing to 81 % of respondents, indicates a misdemeanor of Section 39 of the OSHA 2005 where it has been stipulated that each organisation has to do proviso for separate and clean healthful comfortss which are good lighted and ventilated for each gender. This creates a deficiency of privateness for members of both gender and this can take to much uncomfortableness among them. Harmonizing to Section 41 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005 â€Å" suited installations for rinsing which shall include a supply of clean H2O, soap, clean towels or other suited agencies of cleansing and drying, and the installations shall be handily accessible and shall be kept in a clean and orderly status †. This shows that the Council is non following with the jurisprudence ( 67.9 % respondents non satisfied ) . The deficiency of proviso of a muss ( 83.4 % ) , which consequences in go againsting Section 44 of the OSHA 2005, leads to workers holding their repasts in the office itself. This causes the workstation to be untidy, ensuing in hapless housework. The deficiency of first assistance box is noted with much concern. Coupled with the deficiency of show of exigency phone Numberss ( Figure 32 ) , and a first assistance box, in instance of any incidents or accidents, there is a hazard of employees non being given first assistance intervention which can ensue in their status being aggravated by the clip they are taken to the Hospital. A 4th observation made is the ill designed workstations of workers ( Table ) . Out of the 61.9 % of respondents who are non satisfied with the infinite allocated to them in the office ( Figure 40 ) , 75 % are operational workers ( Figure 41 ) . This can be explained by the fact that they have to portion their office infinite with other office equipment like the photocopiers, scanners, pressmans, which take up much office infinite. Besides, ozone gas from these equipments can be really damaging to the wellness of the employees. Inadequate seating ( 68.2 % ) can do musculoskeletal upsets as explained in the literature reviews. It can besides be noted that non merely of respondents, ergonomic computing machine equipments are non provided harmonizing to 57.9 % of respondents, but they are non good positioned in the workstation. Harmonizing to 66.9 % of respondents, their computing machines are non straight in forepart of them when working. This can be explained by the cramped office infinite allocated to them, which causes them to strive to the sides to be able to work on the computing machine, doing MSD as explained before. Poor workstation design coupled with a deficiency of proper office accoutrements as indicated by the 74.8 % of respondents, this makes office work more uncomfortable and boring and besides deleterious to the wellness of the workers. This explains the 23.8 % of workers who claim to endure all the times while 36.9 % on occasion suffer from strivings and hurts ( Figure ) . Respondents were asked to stipulate the grounds for their strivings or unwellnesss, and it was found that many of them stated they suffer from back hurting owing to hapless siting agreements and leg strivings owing to miss of footrest, arm and carpus strains to work on the keyboard, insistent clicking of the mouse ensuing in strivings in fingers and carpuss and blaze from computing machine screen ensuing in concerns and oculus annoyances. A 5th observation made is the hapless interpersonal relationships of workers at the Council. Merely 28.6 % of respondents entertain good relationships with their co-workers ( Table degree Fahrenheit ) . As has been noted in the statement of consequences, it was found that employees holding more than 24 old ages of working experience at the Council tend to hold better relationships among co-workers compared to the younger coevals ( those holding less than 7 old ages of service are non on good footings with co-workers ) It was besides found that all respondents holding less than 7 old ages of service in the organisation are operational workers. ( figure 80 ) The younger coevals tends to be more competitory as they have merely joined the Council and are get downing to construct their calling. As such, they are really ambitious which consequences in the office atmosphere being fraught with competition. On the other manus, those basking more than 24 old ages of service in the organisation are those holding more than 42 old ages of age ( Table 5 ) . Hence, most of them have already reached the pinnacle of their callings which makes them less competitory six a vis their co-workers. Merely 11.9 % of respondents claim to be on good footings with their supervisors ( Figure 47 ) . One ground that could explicate this is the bureaucratic system of direction in topographic point at the Council. As pointed out by Jerald Hage et Al ( 1971:860 ) ‘as organisations become more formalistic and centralised, communicating between individuals in different sections tend to diminish ‘ . Hence, owing to the hierarchal construction of the Council, the lower class employees do non acquire to pass on much with the top direction. Another ground for the hapless relationship with direction is the favoritism about the distribution of undertakings to the employees. 40.5 % of respondents feel they are overloaded with work ( figure 49 ) . Figure 53 throws more light to this statement, as it was found that out of the 34.5 % of respondents who claim to be enduring from favoritism at work, 96.6 % are workers holding less than 15 old ages of service at the Council and most of them stated that they are discriminated onthe distribution of undertakings by their supervisors. They stated that they are allocated more and complicated undertakings than their older co-workers. 58.3 % of respondents feel they are working below their capablenesss ( figure50 ) . An in-depth analysis ( fig ) shows that workers throughout all degrees of the occupational hierarchy feel they are non working up to their degree. It can be noted that even workers holding less than 23 old ages of working experience at the Council feel they are non working up to their degrees. Today, many employees of the Public Sector are good educated, but owing to the high criterions and processs in topographic point by the LGSC, it is non easy to be awarded publicities. This leads to frustration in workers that they are non accomplishing their coveted place in the administration. They feel they can make a much better occupation than the 1 that has been allocated to them. This explains the competitory behavior among co-workers. This besides leads to extremely qualified and skilled employees go forthing the Council as they find better occupation chances in the private sector. This consequences in a encephalon drain of the administration, which it will endure in the hereafter when it would miss qualified staff. It has been found that 26.19 % of respondents are harassed all the times and 30.95 % who claim to be harassed on occasion ( Figure ) . They were asked to stipulate the types of torment they faced and many stated that they are verbally harassed by their higher-ups and members of the populace. Some even stated they are harassed by their co-workers. As has been described before, torment of strong-arming at work have a negative impact on the mental province and morale of the worker. Some workers stated that they have suffered from aggressive behaviors and even physically abuse by members of the populace. This confirms the unequal system of security in topographic point at the Council by 64.3 % of respondents ( Table ) From the above information, it can be concluded that the Council ‘s population is psychologically ill. Workers are faced with excessively much force per unit area at work to run into deadlines and they have to cover with verbal torment from their supervisors to acquire the occupation done more rapidly. This explains why 40.5 % of respondents feel they have excessively much work to make. As has been explained before, this leads to defeat, high degree of emphasis which can be harmful to the wellness of workers. Coupled with this, there exist hapless interpersonal relationships among workers. From Hawthorne surveies, it can be said that it is non the physical conditions or the organisation construction which affects public presentation but it was the quality of interpersonal relationships, peculiar workers ‘ relationships with their higher-ups that aid to hike morale and productiveness. Another observation made is the deficiency of wellness surveillance provided to the workers harmonizing to 96.4 % of respondents ( Figure ) . Another observation made was the deficiency of preparation provided harmonizing to 92.9 % of the respondents ( Figure ) . Without proper preparation, workers would non be able to execute their plants safely, ensuing in the high rate of unwellnesss and hurts as shown in FigureaˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. From the above observations, it can be deduced that hazard appraisals are non carried out as confirmed by 86.7 % of respondents ( Figure ) . Had hazard appraisals been carried out, the jeopardies observed in the Council would hold been identify and measures taken to extinguish them. Coupled with this, 57.1 % of respondents claim that accidents are non reported, registered or enquired into ( figure ) . This demonstrates hapless accident coverage system ensuing from a deficiency of communicating between direction and employees. Another observation made is the absence of a good established Health and Safety Committee. Figure 9 substantiates the statement. 91.7 % of respondents confirmed that there are no wellness and safety commission at the Council. This hypothesis supply some accounts for the above mentioned defects and non conformity of the Torahs detected. Had there been a Safety and Health Committee, it would hold taken into history the grudges of the employees, devised a suited preparation programme, set up a codification of behavior for employees with respects to proper wellness and safety patterns. It would hold ensured that hazard appraisals and audits are carried out to place jeopardies and reported to Committee for appropriate steps to be taken to command or extinguish them. It has besides been observed that overall, there is been a negative response ( 65.5 % ) about the wellness and safety patterns at the Council ( Figure ) . Sum uping the statements of consequences of the study, based on literature reappraisals and associating the office environment, workstation design, hygiene installations, safety and interpersonal relationships, there are ample cogent evidence that the wellness and safety patterns at the Municipal Council of Port Louis is really deficient. This consequences from a deficiency of direction and the council members ‘ committedness and employees ‘ engagement, ensuing from the stiffly hierarchal construction of the Council. This stems besides from the deficiency of wellness and safety officer in the yesteryear. Correlating the findings of the study and the rules of the OHSMS described in the literature reviews, it can be said that there is an absence of a proper system of occupational wellness and safety direction. However, as has been stated earlier in this chapter, a Health and Safety Officer has late been posted at the Council. With the coaction of direction, council members and the employees, he will hold the duty of puting up a proper OHSMS to heighten the wellness and safety patterns at the Council. This can assist construct the psychological environment in which workers would experience healthy, secure, safe and most significantly, they will experience valued.
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