Thursday, August 27, 2020
Social Responsiblity free essay sample
Corporate social obligation is characterized in Chapter 5 as the corporate obligation to make riches by utilizing implies that stay away from damage to, ensure, or improve cultural resources. Did GE in the Welch time satisfy this obligation? Might it be able to have been improved? What would it be a good idea for it to have done? Jack Welch made GE the most important organization on the planet. He was portrayed as â€Å"the generally significant and compelling business pioneers of the twentieth Century†by some Wall Street investigator. By the by, Jack Welch as the CEO didn't satisfy the obligation of social duty. He didn't maintain a strategic distance from hurt or ensure cultural resources. Under Welch’s authority the GE Company added to natural harms in territories of the nation which made GE items. One moments is GE vigorously dirtied the Hudson River with PCBs, one of the most poisonous and industrious man-made substances that can cause malignancy in individuals. From 1947-1977 GE dumped upwards of 1. We will compose a custom article test on Social Responsiblity or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 3 million pounds of PCBs into the Hudson River. It has transformed 197-mile stretch of the stream into the nation’s superfund site. From that point forward there has been a battle for GE to tidy up the chaos. In 1980 Congress passed the Superfund law which has made an assessment on the compound and oil enterprises and gave expansive Federal position to react straightforwardly to discharges or undermined arrivals of perilous substances that may imperil general wellbeing or the earth. GE has neglected to agree to this law. They are battling the improvement of tidy up plan with each apparatus it can purchase by campaigning congress, assaulting the Superfund law in court, and propelling a media bitz to spread disinformation about the handiness of cleanup, asserting that digging the stream would really work up PCBs which was bogus guaranteed by EPA and outside specialists. In the event that they don't tidy up the chaos it could cost citizen $350 to 400 million dollars. This is indicating that GE isn't securing society and is really hurting individuals. When Welch was CEO he could have quite recently tidied up the chaos and it would have lessens the wellbeing hazard it cased to individuals. Rather he decide to battle the tidy up process which cost him millions while he could have quite recently gone through to cash and tidied it up to maintain a strategic distance from hurt, and secure society. Another way he hurt, and didn't improve society is the quantity of individuals he laid off in the organization. With is five years of him assuming control more than 1 and 4 individuals would leave GE finance. The book states, association pioneers gauge that in his most recent 15 years GE dispensed with 150,000 employments in the United States through cutbacks, subcontracting, and out sourcing to remote nations. With the broad about of cutbacks and re-appropriating occupations it harms the United States economy by expanding the joblessness rate and the American charge proportion. Welch has included the economy of re-appropriating which is forgetting about American’s with occupations here and incapable to secure positions. This isn't upgrading are society when the joblessness rate is expanding because of cutback representatives and redistributing employments over oceans. The main way Jack Welch satisfies its essential monetary obligation in making good on charges. They paid 5. 7 billion dollars in charges in 2000. Duties do help from multiple points of view however. The expenses paid to state and neighborhood purviews help pay for police and fire security. Government annual assessments help pay for protection for the nation. They likewise pay for capital offices, for example, parkways and other transportation administrations and for help for the individuals who are poor or sick. Jack Welch accepted that he satisfied his social obligation by paying expenses since how that helps society. He stated, â€Å"I think a company’s social duty is as a matter of first importance to winning since winning organizations are the main organizations that can give back. Winning organizations make good on charges. †However, GE forced urban communities, nations, and states to bring down charges by taking steps to move tasks somewhere else. This affected schools and the foundation by bringing down the spending plans. He has faith in paying duties is his social duty yet will successfully bring down the charges which demonstrating his absence of social obligation and effectively lower cost to expand benefits. Paying charges is great and everything except it isn't the main social duty that an organization ought to have. Jack Welch ought to have been proactive in his tidied up the PCBs in the Hudson River, to help forestall the damage of the fish and the residents who live close and on this American water source. He ought to have considered the cutbacks and what impact re-appropriating had on the US economy. It would have been all the more socially capably to have searched for approaches to improve American work power through inventive thoughts and collaborating with different organizations on the planet. With all due respect, he fulfilled the financial duty of paying expenses to elp society; he would have done anything in his capacity to bring down the assessments however. He could have accomplished more! 2. Does GE under Welch represent a smaller perspective on corporate social obligation closer to Friedman’s see that the main social duty is to expand benefits while complying with the law? Welch shows a thin perspective on the corporate social duty closer to Friedman’s see. Jack Welch believed the main social obligation is to build benefits while complying with the law. Welch said a â€Å"CEO’s essential social obligation is to guarantee the money related accomplishment of the organization. It is tied in with hitting the numbers with Jack Welch. He did this by effectively bring down the expense and he conveyed the development figures that must be imagined by lesser organizations. He improved the company’s showcase esteem from twelve billion dollars in 1981 to around 280 billion dollars in 2001. He accomplished this by shutting, selling, or fixing fabricates inside GE, and by re-appropriating occupations to cut expense in Mexico. Welch’s vision was that each GE business would be the main or number two rival in its industry. On the off chance that the business couldn't hit its numbers he would fix it, sell it, or close it down. He shut 73 plants, sold 232 organizations and wiped out 132,000 laborers from GE finance all to build benefits. Another way he expanded benefits was re-appropriating employments. It cut expense by moving offices occupations to Mexico’s low pay work markets. Ed Fire, the union’s president, evaluated that 66% of the 30,000 lost positions were basically moved to low-wage nations. He would locate the least wages, least advantage levels, and most narrow minded working conditions to help support income. GE has dispensed with extra employments in the United States by constraining its providers as while to relocate alongside it to Mexico. By this they have wiped out countless employments in the US. This isn't ensuring society with employer stability. It is just helping the organization increment benefits which show that GE just accepts its social obligation is to expand benefits and not help the general public. GE increased benefit by comply with the law. Anyway they are such a ground-breaking organization with a lot of political force and for the most part the laws are written in support of themselves. This makes it simpler for them to comply with the laws since Welch utilized his persuasions to get decisions in GE’s favor. A case of Welch persuasive forces is a legal dispute in 2004. For the situation, Judge S. R. Underhill decided for GE in an assessment case including occasions that occurred from 1993-1998. The primary issue is whether a company can morally abuse highlights of the assessment law. For this situation, GE moved 98 percent of the available salary to two non-available Dutch Banks, yet didn't move 98 percent of the advantages. Additionally, the GE charge process brought about completely deteriorated planes being devalued a subsequent tome. The courts administered in support of himself (Bierman). Jack Welch had a restricted imminent to corporate social obligation. He sole idea that expansion benefits was it. He should this by saying the main great organization is a â€Å"winning†organization. . How all around did GE agree to the â€Å"General Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility†set out in the area of the title in the part? The general standards expressed in the book are and how Jack Welch consented to the standards are: †¢ Organizations are financial instincts run for benefit. This standard is about the best duty is to give monetary advantages. Jack Welch masculine showed his organization to this guideline alone. In this standard it accepts that they ought to be judged principally on monetary models and can't be relied upon to meet absolutely social goals without money related motivating forces. All organizations must observe different assemblages of laws. This standard incorporates obeying enterprise laws and contracting arrangements, the common and criminal laws of countries and assemblages of guideline that ensure partners, and universal laws. GE complies with the laws and guidelines stowed flourish them. Be that as it may, the organization is excessively politically amazing and guidelines are written for GE a few pundits state. †¢Corporations have an obligation to address the unfriendly social effect they cause. It expresses that they should attempt to disguise outer expense, or cost of creati on borne by society. GE has not satisfied its obligation with this standard. GE in 1977, as expressed being referred to on, dumped 1. 3 million pounds of PCBs into the Hudson River which sway the general public around the zone and the fish in the waterway. The hurtful poisons have been connected to malignant growth. GE has wouldn't tidy up the wreckage. They are battling the tidy up with each mean fundamental. They are doing whatever it takes not to assist society with the harm it has caused. It will most likely at long last reason citizens cash to tidy up the chaos. †¢Managers should attempt to address authentic issues of partners. In t
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tobacco Advertising Is Illegal but Alcohol Is Not Free Essays
string(100) , for example, cirrhosis of the liver represented more than 1400 passings in 2003 (Statistics Canada, 2009). COMM 3P14 †Media Industries Tobacco Advertising is Illegal, yet Advertising for Alcohol isn't, Is This Hypocritical? Rebecca Stewart 4574927 Russell Johnston Seminar 3 November 11, 2012 Advertisements are a crucial piece of any company’s promoting technique, and are utilized to illuminate or convince a group of people about a specific item or administration. Actually, North American organizations are among the world’s most elevated sponsors (Boone et al. , 2010, 502). We will compose a custom article test on Tobacco Advertising Is Illegal however Alcohol Is Not or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Today, a normal buyer is presented to several ads consistently. It is the point at which these organizations endeavor to advance a risky item that limitations must be, and have been set up. For quite a while, Canada’s guidelines on tobacco ads have gotten stricter, while liquor notices are still allowed over numerous mediums. This leads one to scrutinize the contrast between the two substances, and if this idea is in truth dishonest. The partners recognized in this paper are the watchers and audience members of the commercials, explicitly the adolescent crowd. The standards engaged with liquor advancement are analyzed with a focal point that fuses the perspectives on Horkheimer and Adorno’s viewpoint on publicizing. Alongside a short history of tobacco promoting guidelines, this paper will examine the moral issues engaged with liquor publicizing, and proof to help that alcoholic items are still a peril than tobacco, and ought to have a similar promoting limitations. There is likewise proof to recommend that most of Canadians are agreeable to more tight limitations on liquor promoting. The current misleading condition of permitting liquor to be publicized, yet expelling all tobacco related advertising is additionally talked about in detail. Writing Review Not just is publicizing unlawful for tobacco organizations, retailers are presently committed to hide these items. Cigarette organizations are additionally no longer allowed to name their item as light or mellow on the bundle (Pollay, 2004, 80). The primary Canadian enactment effectively went for publicizing guidelines was the Tobacco Act of 1997 (Pollay, 2004, 80). Wellbeing Canada made arrangements in this demonstration, for example, tobacco items must not be advanced, and all makers must share data about the product’s emanations and wellbeing perils emerging from utilization of the item on the bundling (Health Canada, 2011). The purpose of this demonstration was to shield youngsters and others from being urged to attempt tobacco related items without being educated regarding the risks to their wellbeing (Polley, 2004, 81). The conviction was that tobacco advertisements were focused on new smokers, and that organizations were attempting to pull in youngsters towards their image. This thought is conceivable in light of the fact that so as to keep up a solid business over an extensive stretch of time, new clients must be focused on. Further, there is proof supporting the way that present smokers are not prone to be changed over to another brand, making youth focused on notices almost certain (Polley, 2004, 83). There was strain to reinforce the publicizing limitations after innumerable wellbeing dangers and passings were ascribed to smoking. â€Å"Smoking has been assessed to bring about approximately 45,000 passings yearly and is a significant reason for respiratory ailment, malignant growth and circulatory disease†(Sen, 2009, 189). An examination led by the American Journal of Public Health took a gander at 481 arbitrarily chose tobacco retailers after the item show boycott to comprehend the progressions that brought about tobacco advancement (Cohen et al. , 2011, 1879). Their investigation uncovered that this boycott effectively constrained the introduction of tobacco items, and exhibited the significance of a total prohibition on retail tobacco shows (Cohen et al. , 2011, 1880). Obviously, constraining publicizing introduction to dangerous items, for example, cigarettes genuinely confines purchaser presentation, and in this manner advances the possibility of a sound open. Since these promotion guidelines have end up being a triumph, it would almost certainly have a fundamentally the same as impact when applied to liquor. Morals is a fundamental thought in the realm of promoting. Advertisers should settle on dependable choices, and not simply center around producing benefits, since it is lawful. â€Å"Ads should address crowds not similarly as purchasers who care about material interests however as residents who care about social temperances and the open good†(Hove, 2009, 35). Advertising mixed refreshments is dishonest. While there are mellow limitations in Canada with respect to liquor advancements, there is an interest for additional. A few territories run advertisements that advance mindful drinking, or the threats of driving drunk trying to reveal insight into liquor misuse (Boone, 2010, 525). Be that as it may, these endeavors don't counteract the large number of lager and alcohol notices in today’s media. Some liquor ads incorporate the philosophy that drinking a specific brand of lager will impact their social class, or improve their personal satisfaction here and there. This is amazingly dubious. An article from the South African Journal of Psychology notes, â€Å"there are no laws against [alcohol] commercials; in any case, dependable corporate and expert activity, would keep the utilization of these ads from a social and good standpoint†(Dubihela, 2011, 209). Unmistakably, a moral quandary is available. The Canadian Radio-TV and Telecommunications Commission is one association that has seen liquor notices fundamentally. Since 1968 they have expected telecasters to report the quantity of liquor related messages communicated every year (CRTC, 2011). The messages likewise should cling to their Code for Broadcast of Alcoholic Beverages (CRTC, 2011). This code incorporates arrangements to guarantee advancements for mixed refreshments don't energize non-consumers or youngsters to drink or buy liquor, infer a specific brand is unrivaled in view of a higher liquor rate, and that utilization of liquor improves delight in an action (CRTC 2011). These guidelines are undeniably progressively indulgent contrasted with the limitations on tobacco promoting. Publicizing Standards Canada has now picked up obligation to audit notices concerning liquor to guarantee they are as per the CRTC’s code (Darling, 1996). Also, liquor is similarly as risky to society as tobacco. Insights Canada shows that liquor use by drivers was a factor in about 30% of engine vehicle related passings from 2003-2005 (Statistics Canada, 2011). Additionally, passings from other liquor related scatters, for example, cirrhosis of the liver represented more than 1400 passings in 2003 (Statistics Canada, 2009). You read Tobacco Advertising Is Illegal yet Alcohol Is Not in class Article models The most important partners in this issue, youngsters, are seriously influenced by liquor use in Canada. In 2011, 13. 2% of Canadian youth ages 12 to 19 fell under the substantial consumer class, that is, devouring at least 5 beverages on one event at any rate once every month (Statistics Canada, 2011). Also, â€Å"the pace of people blamed for impeded driving offenses was most elevated among youthful grown-ups between the ages of 19 and 24†(Statistics Canada, 2011). Also, 28. 8% of Canadian understudies confessed to being driven by somebody who was legitimately weakened (Statistics Canada, 2011). Numerous Canadians bolster the general conclusion that tries to implement stricter guidelines with regards to liquor items. An investigation from the Drug and Alcohol Review Journal reports that 50. 1% of Canadians concur with precluding liquor publicizing (Macdonald et al. , 2011, 653). So also, 47. 4% thought the current lawful drinking age of nineteen ought to be expanded, and 40. 1% accepted expenses on mixed refreshments ought to be raised (Macdonald et al. , 2011, 653). These sorts of changes would make liquor less accessible or appealing to youthful grown-ups. The CRTC’s report that plots the structure for their promoting guidelines states, â€Å"parties contended that over the top liquor utilization is as hazardous as smoking and, thusly, ought to be treated similarly: the buyer ought to be cautioned of the perils related with harsh consumption†(Darling, 1996). Unmistakably, promising the offer of any item that can cause this sort of damage is ethically flippant. Clearly, numerous Canadians accept liquor is a perilous substance that ought not be effectively available to youngsters. Set up an Interpretive Context This examination is utilized to set up whether an inclination exists. The demise and illness rate brought about by both liquor and tobacco is inspected to demonstrate that false reverence is available. Hurtful impacts brought about by the utilization of liquor and tobacco is contrasted with reveal why this lopsidedness of promoting limitation is treacherous. It is not necessarily the case that tobacco items ought to be reintroduced, however that the two substances ought to be dispensed with from media publicizing out and out. Moreover, the perspectives on genuine Canadians are considered in light of the fact that this encourages an open circle and structures a far reaching conclusion on the issue. Likewise considered is the measure of time went through with media by Canadians and explicitly youngsters. Insights that plot hours spent sitting in front of the TV and riding the web will be thought of. The best result for this circumstance is to limit liquor notices dependent on similar grounds sketched out in the Tobacco Act. Conversation After investigating the accessible information, it is clear a treacherous inclination exists. The situation of this conversation remains that liquor ought to be dispensed with from promoting for similar reasons tobacco is. Tobacco has been
Sport Tourism Essay Example for Free
Game Tourism Essay Sports the travel industry presents an open door for the City of Kent, Kent State University and City of Kent schools to use existing games and amusement offices to make new financial and network an incentive by facilitating novice games at Kent scenes. These occasions carry new dollars into the Kent economy, exhibit Kent’s resources, and give chances to Kent’s children to go up against probably the best understudy competitors in the country in their own old neighborhood. This report gives a diagram of how different urban communities have joined nearby assets to make a serious games the travel industry system. July 17, 2006 Office of the City Manager 1 Table of Contents I. II. III. Sports Commission Missions Sports Commission Membership Sports Commission Practicing Models Big City 1. Cleveland, Ohio 2. Columbus, Ohio Small Cities with Universities 1. Cortland New York 2. Gainesville, Florida 3. Huntsville, Alabama 4. Lehigh, Pennsylvania 5. Southbend, Indiana 6. Yakima, Washington Small City without a University 1. Peruse more: Wallace great peopleâ essay Kingsport, Tennessee Greater Cleveland Sports Commission Greater Columbus Sports Commission page 3 page 4 page 5 page 5 page 8 Cortland Regional Sports Council Gainesville Sports Organizing Committee Huntsville Sports Commission Lehigh Valley Sports Commissio Southbend Regional Sports Commission Yakima Valley Sports Council page 13 page 25 page 27 page 30 page 34 page 36 Kingsport Convention and Visitors Bureau page 38 IV. National Association of Sports Commissions page 48 V. Monetary Impact of Sports Events 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A Review of Economic Impact Study on Sport Events Greater Chattanooga Sports Committees Estimated Economic Impact Surpasses $15 Million Kingsport Sports Tourism Dollars in 2005 Cortland Sports Tourism Dollars Economic Impact of Amateur Softball Events Cities Compete to Host Sporting Events Economic Impact Calculation Examples Comparative Economic Impact Analyses page 53 page 53 page 55 page 59 page 60 page 62 page 64 page 66 page 67 2 I. Missions Summary To make Greater Cleveland the countries chief goal for games and exercises. The crucial the Greater Columbus Sports Commission is to give administration, direction and promoting aptitude in drawing in territorial, national and worldwide games and exercises to profit Greater Columbus financially and socially. The mission of CRSC is to advance Cortland County for sports related business, occasions, rivalry and training. CRSCs objective is to make a positive monetary effect through brandishing/recreational occasions inside the Cortland people group. Our central goal is to be a main voice of the games and the travel industry businesses in Alachua County; to encourage financial turn of events and add to our personal satisfaction through games using open and private part assets; to enlist and make sports, amusement and diversion open doors for the network that produce a constructive monetary effect; to assemble a comprehension in the network of the significance of sports and the travel industry; and to do as such with aptitude, while satisfying all industry proficient guidelines. By enrolling and holding occasions, the association tries to expand the travel industry, make a critical financial effect and accommodate an improved personal satisfaction for Lehigh Valley occupants. The crucial the Lehigh Valley Sports Commission is to pull in games to the Lehigh Valley through powerful advertising, offer coordination and facilitating exercises. The games commission will build up a raising support component for offer expenses, and cultivate associations with national overseeing bodies, backers and nearby media. Our strategic structure a volunteer base to help novice games all through the Lehigh Valley. The South Bend Regional Sports Commission exists to draw in and hold worldwide, national, territorial, state and neighborhood games to St. Joseph County and encompassing networks. To advance the South Bend district as a world-class game goal and to seek after and help sports-related exercises which animate the neighborhood economy, upgrade the area’s picture, give remarkable amusement and participatory chances while adding to the community’s personal satisfaction. To propel the crucial the Yakima Valley Visitors and Convention Bureau by invigorating financial development through games that create monetary effect for the Yakima Valley. Accentuation is set on advancing the Yakima Valley as a debut sports goal to occasion organizers, members and observers while giving exemption client assistance. 3 II. Enrollment Summary Columbus Board of Commissioners Brian Ellis, Chair Nationwide Realty Investors Nick Ashooh American Electric Power †¢Paul Astleford Experience Columbus Irwin Bain Schottenstein Stores Corporation †¢Butch Moore The Dispatch Printing Company †¢Michael Priest JMACRhett Ricart. Franklin County Convention Facilities Authority †¢Gene Smith The Ohio State University Gainesville Sports Organizing Committee Wende Blumberg, the 2006 GSOC President, drives the twenty-five part GSOC Board of Trustees. The Board originates from an expansive cross segment of Alachua County residents. Trustees are region agents with an enthusiasm for sports and monetary turn of events. The board incorporates individuals from sports offices including the Stephen C. OConnell Center, different Alachua County urban communities, Gainesville Raceway, nearby banks, insurance agencies, and neighborhood print, radio and TV organizations. Huntsville Sports CommissionRonald Evans Von Braun CenterCharles Winters Huntsville Madison County Conventions and Visitors Bureau More noteworthy Cleveland Sports Commission VISION To make Greater Cleveland the countries preeminent goal for games and exercises WHY BOOK A VENUE WHEN YOU CAN BOOK A CITY? There are such a significant number of reasons why Cleveland is an extraordinary spot to have your game. We can help make your occasion a triumph! The Greater Cleveland Sports Commission is committed to making Cleveland the countries head goal for novice games and exercises. The Sports Commission offers a wide cluster of administrations and help to pull in occasions to Cleveland, however to guarantee their prosperity. Sponsorship Event Management Marketing Public Relations Facility and Site Selection Volunteers Hospitality Vendor Referrals Connections to the Cleveland Community If you might want to examine carrying YOUR occasion to Cleveland, if it's not too much trouble call us at 216. 621. 0600 Host Commission of: 2004 International Children’s Games 2004 NBC Gravity Games 2007 NCAA Women’s Final Four Basketball Championships 2004 U. S. Short Track National Speedskating Championships U. S. Acrobatic Championships McDonald’s All-American High School Basketball Game U. S. Olympic Trials Box-Offs. David E. Gilbert is President CEO of the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission, whose objective is to make Greater Cleveland the nation’s chief goal for beginner games and exercises. The association is liable for pulling in, advancing and overseeing significant beginner athletic occasions and to make wearing open doors for youth and novice competitors. Since its refounding in late 1999, the Sports Commission has just had critical accomplishment by making sure about in excess of 50 occasions for Cleveland including the NCAA Women’s Final Four, NBC Gravity Games, U. S. Aerobatic Championships, International Children’s Games, McDonald’s All-American High School Basketball Game, and U. S. Olympic Trials Box-Offs. These occasions speak to a financial effect of more than $160 million for Cleveland’s economy. Preceding this position, David filled in as Director of Community Affairs and Special Projects for the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Greater Cleveland where he was answerable for progressing Cleveland’s travel and the travel industry administration guidelines and related turns of events. Features of his residency with incorporate financing and improvement of two new, full-administration guest data focuses and leading the subsidizing, creation and activities of the Spirit of Hospitality Career Training 5 Program, an imaginative, new government assistance to-work activity that got national acknowledgment and praise. Preceding his work with the CVB, David filled in as official chief of North Coast Harbor, Inc. , a nearby improvement enterprise liable for the ace arranging and promoting of Cleveland’s downtown lakefront advancement locale. He additionally held the situation of executive of corporate advancement for The Cleveland Play House. David Gilbert We are carrying individuals to town for reasons other than shows, he said. Our main goal is to make Cleveland a national capital for beginner sports. With the Commissions occasion plan at 41 (33% having just occurred, including the Gravity Games and the U. S. aerobatic and figure skating titles), Gilbert evaluated the monetary effect at $160-162 million. Without the money to pay a $200,000 offer charge for a run of the mill occasion, the non-benefit Commission won the figure skating titles, for instance, by paying just piece of the offer expense yet assuming liability for neighborliness, transportation, field rental and different viewpoints off the shoulders of the occasion coordinators. With imaginative strategies, for example, this, and the help of our accomplices, Gilbert said were beating the heck out of different areas. 6 Red floor covering treatment for skaters By MAYA R. PAYNE 2:21 pm, April 5, 2006. Cleveland is in the racing to have the 2009 World Figure Skating Championships, and zone pioneers are wagering that a touch of North Coast accommodation will give the city an edge more than two different urban communities wanting to have the occasion. The U. S. Figure Skating Association site determination council visits Cleveland today and Thursday and is looking for data to enable its individuals to limit th
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Top 14 Miracle on 34th Street Quotes
The Top 14 'Wonder on 34th Street' Quotes Do you recollect the most critical statements from Miracle on 34th Street? In the event that you grew up viewing thisâ feel-great 1947 Christmas exemplary, the same number of individuals did, you no uncertainty have held the fundamental plotline of the film. Or on the other hand, you might be comfortable with the 1994â theatrical change. Edmund Gwenn stars, in an extraordinary presentation, as Kris Kringle-the altruistic Santa Claus. Christmas time, be that as it may, has become a business racket where customers attempt to get the best arrangements and stores exceed each other in pulling in purchasers. This film turns that a piece and brings a mess of fun and amusement. Be that as it may, after some time, the most touchingâ lines in the film may have gotten away from your memory, except if youre an especially lifelong fan. Remember the film, and your youth, with these Miracle on 34th Street cites. Confidence, Commercialism, and Santa on 34th Street Kris KringleOh, Christmas isnt only a day, its an attitude... furthermore, that is whats been evolving. That is the reason Im happy Im here, possibly I can take care of business. Fred GaileyLook Doris, some time or another youre going to find that your method of confronting this sensible world just doesnt work. Furthermore, when you do, dont neglect those flawless intangibles. Youll find those are the main things that are beneficial. Susan WalkerI accept... I accept... Its senseless, yet I accept. Susan WalkerIf youre truly Santa Claus, you can get it for me. What's more, on the off chance that you cannot, youre just a pleasant man with a white facial hair, similar to mother says. Fred GaileyAll my life Ive pondered something, and nows my opportunity to discover. Im going to discover the response to an inquiry that is astounded the world for quite a long time. Does Santa Claus lay down with his stubbles outside or in? Kris KringleNow hold up a moment, Susie. Because each youngster cannot get his desire that doesnt mean there isnt a Santa Claus. Susan WalkerYou mean its like, If from the start you dont succeed, attempt, attempt once more. Kris KringleTo showcase, to advertise, to purchase a fat pig! Home once more, home once more, jiggety-dance. To showcase, to advertise, to purchase a fat hoard! Home once more, home once more, jiggety... Doris WalkerFaith is putting stock in things when good judgment instructs you not to. Doris WalkerSusan, I communicate in French, however that doesn't make me Joan of Arc. Doris WalkerAnd by filling them loaded with fantasies they grow up thinking about existence as a dream rather than the real world. Mr. ShellhammerI simply realize that with that man on the position of authority my area of expertise will sell more toys than it ever has. I simply feel it. AlfredThere is a great deal of awful isms skimming around this world and one of the most exceedingly terrible is corporate greed. Charles HalloranAll right, you return and reveal to them that the New York State Supreme Court rules theres no Santa Claus. Its everything over the papers. The children read it and they dont hang up their stockings.
CFPBs Kraninger on Financial Education Todays consumers need these skills more than ever. - OppLoans
CFPBs Kraninger on Financial Education “Today’s consumers need these skills more than ever.†- OppLoans CFPBs Kraninger on Financial Education: “Today’s consumers need these skills more than ever.â€Inside Subprime: April 26, 2019By Aubrey SitlerIn a speech to the Bipartisan Policy Center, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau head Kathleen Kraninger expressed what she had gathered during a “listening tour†designed to inform potential public safeguards from predatory institutions.While the mission of the consumer watchdog agency has always been to protect consumers and defend against bad actors engaging in unfair and abusive financial practices, Kraninger shifted the focus to consumer education in her speech.“Empowering consumers to help themselves, protect their own interests, and choose the financial products and services that best fit their needs is vital to preventing consumer harm and building financial well-being,†Kraninger stated.“Today’s consumers need these skills more than ever,†she said. “For example, fewer than half of Americans set aside money for the ir children’s college education. More and more people reach retirement with incomes and savings that simply won’t meet their needs.â€She also cited data from a Federal Reserve report that found 40 percent of Americans couldn’t manage a $400 emergency expense without selling something or borrowing.In February, Kraninger proposed a rollback to the Obama-era payday loan rule, which would have protected consumers from abusive practices of predatory payday lenders, a plan that received harsh criticism from Democrats.A report from the Consumer Federation of America revealed an 80 percent decrease in enforcement activity since 2017, and consumers’ average restitution sharply fell by 96 percent.But a spokesperson for the bureau insisted that Kraninger’s goals were still in line with the CFPB’s intended mission. “It goes without saying that the director is committed to taking swift action against bad actors,†she told the LA Times. “The director could not have been more cl ear in her speech: ‘Let me state emphatically my view that enforcement is an essential tool Congress gave the bureau â€" particularly because education, rulemaking and supervision will not prevent every violation.’â€But Kraninger also called for an overhaul of the regulatory process, and stated that financial institutions should “self-examine, self-report, and provide restitution where appropriate.â€Learn more about payday loans, scams, and cash advances, and check out our city and state financial guides, including Chicago, Florida, Illinois, Texas and more.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Friday, June 26, 2020
Ask an Expert Do Colleges Consider Campus Visits in their Admissions Decision
Do colleges consider your campus visit in their admissions decision? In this blog post, we ask four of our New York and Cambridge college admissions coaches a simple question. Based off of their expertise in coaching prospective applicants, four of our coaches weigh in on the discussion. Do colleges consider your campus visit in their admissions decision? Weike "Long story short the answer is no. Visiting schools is meant to help the student decide and the parents to engage. When visiting, students can get a better sense of the campus vibe and through this experience, bond with their parents who most likely drove them there. Unfortunately, colleges don't have enough resources/admin staff memory space to remember everyone who has visited and asked an insightful question. However, I have seen some special cases. If a student is not quite as competitive as the other applicants, and he/she makes a personal visit to the college (not just take one of the generic tours but meet with the regional admissions officer or the director of admissions or an influential professor) then that could weigh in his/her favor. This however requires much more planning and foresight than what usually goes into a college visit road trip and there are no promises that it will work 100 percent. Overall, if you are a student, I would recommend visiting the school for y our own sake rather for the school's." Danielle D. "Colleges primarily track visitors just so they can send out mailings, not for admissions decisions, and that colleges who do weigh campus visits or 'interest' in their decisions usually only take this into account for borderline cases--it doesn't make or break an admission for a clearly qualified candidate." Manoah "I wouldn't counsel a student to visit a school just to get an edge there, especially if the only metric tracking that visit was a sign-in sheet in the visitors center. If the student could meet with a professor or have an interview with an admissions counselor lined up, then yes, I'd offer that it's a valuable experience to be on campus -- beyond, of course, just being there to get a sense of things. As to whether or not the standard campus visit will make or break an application, I would agree with you in saying no -- I think that overall, counselors put very little stock in on-campus presence as a determining factor, unless a visit could signal some outsize kind of commitment (like you flew from India just to see this one school or something)." Zuzanna What I can say here comes from when I was an alumni interviewer at Columbia (which, granted, is different from small schools like Swarthmore): They wanted us in interviews to gauge how much the student actually knows about the school, whether it be from a visit or from talking to alumni/current students. Basically they don't want to get the sense that people are blindly applying based on name. I work with a lot of students from Poland who have no opportunity to do college visits, so I just reach out through my network to get them to talk to alumni or current students of their top choice schools, and in their "why school X" short responses we make sure to include that part of their motivation in applying to these schools comes from how excited they were after these conversations. Are you interested in college application coaching, or meetin one of our incredible college tutors in Cambridge, New York, or online? ;
Monday, May 25, 2020
How Terrorism Law Enforcement Prepares For Terrorism
Introduction The tragic events of September 11, 2011 have changed the way Americans lives their every day lives. Especially, with members of the law enforcement community. Guidelines have been implemented in order to better prepare law enforcement agencies in handling suspected terrorist and potential targets for attacks. Nationwide agencies have been created to better serve local law enforcement agencies investigate potential terroristic threats, and alleviate any unsolved questions of what is required to better protect the security of the U.S. Due to terrorist attacks that have occurred across the world and in the U.S., law enforcement agencies and citizens now have the proper resources to help prevent future terrorist attacks. How Terrorism Law Enforcement Prepares for Terrorism Throughout the 21st century, the United States has continually faced threats of terrorism from abroad and domestically. Some of these threats were deemed creditable, and others were not. These threats have caused not only every day Americans to be vigilant, but it has changed the way law enforcement officers conduct their duties. Police officers are on the forefront in society and have the ability to understand the behavior of members of the community than other law enforcement agencies. Due to the fact that terrorism can happen in many forms, police officers need to be alert of potential threats to the community such as terrorist activity. Some of the forms of terrorism are: car orShow MoreRelatedFirst Responder Terrorist Risk: International Terror Events.1737 Words  | 7 PagesGary Roberts Homeland Security 03/23/2017 â€Æ' Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, EMS personnel and other first responders serving in the United States of America face many daily challenges and concerns regarding their safety and well-being while performing their assigned duties. In the past two decades first responders in the U.S. have increasingly been subjected to threats and incidents of terrorism. Both domestic terrorism and international terrorism incidents have occurred with increased frequencyRead MoreQuestions On Local Law Enforcement1609 Words  | 7 Pages Local Law Enforcement Response to Terrorism William Lynch Saint Leo University â€Æ' â€Æ' Abstract The threat of terrorism is constantly growing and evolving. As such, our response to acts of terrorism must evolve with it. With the increased security posture at many of our larger cities with industries, municipal buildings, and other large venues that would be desirable terrorist targets, it is possible that extremists will turn to targeting smaller, less prepared targets such as state and local facilitiesRead MoreUrban Shield : A Preparedness Training For Prevention, Protection, And Prevention1618 Words  | 7 Pagesnecessary training program to implement within local law enforcement agencies. It trains law enforcement and the sheriff’s office to prepare for terrorist threats, and how they can respond to threats or attacks without use of the military force. With the numerous events going on in today’s world with alleged attacks from terrorist groups like ISIS to not only the US but to other countries in the world, Urban Shield highly prepares law enforcement to r espond to threats. Nobody expected those suddenRead MoreImpact of Terrorism on Law Enforcement1566 Words  | 7 PagesImpact of Terrorism in Law Enforcement The devastating events of 9/11 provided a forewarning to our country concerning the dangers of terrorism. However, it has created a particularly greater impact on the duties and standards expected of law enforcement agencies on all levels (local, state, and national). Law enforcement has begun implementing new tactics in an effort to prevent future terrorist attacks from threatening our national security. One aspect of policing in which terrorism has broughtRead MoreThe Impact Of International Terrorism On A Country And Its People914 Words  | 4 Pages11th attacks in 2001, I have been deeply impacted by the effects that international terrorism can have on a country and its people. This has instilled the desire within me to not only help people, but to prevent attacks like this from happening in the future. This mindset is what led me to begin seeking a career in Federal Law Enforcement working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and specializing in terrorism cases. My firs t step to achieving my ultimate goal of an FBI Special Agent was gainingRead MoreSecurity Systems, Procedures And Developments1274 Words  | 6 Pagesworld event that I chose is the plot to behead police officers in Boston by Usaama Rahim. He was subsequently shot and killed in Boston by members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force. It is believed that Mr. Rahim’s plans were to behead a police officer and it was supposed to take place this past Tuesday (June 2, 2015). The Joint Terrorism Task Force had Mr. Rahim under twenty four hour security and believe the plot had been inspired by ISIS who in the past have called on followers in the United StatesRead MoreThe Future of Criminal Justice1954 Words  | 8 Pages The Future of Criminal Justice Terrorism has never been in the States; only in third world countries. Since 9/11-2001 is has been a reality and ongoing nightmare and hit close to home. The attack on the World Trade Centers in New York was a wakeup call. United States has been on high alert ever since, waiting for the next possible Terrorists attack. This paper will explain why terrorism is a law enforcement concern as well as how terrorism is considered a crime. At last the paper willRead MoreThe Patriot Act Impact On America1428 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: When an incident occurs the government and public react in various has changed the mind set of many Americans. Terrorism on the rise around the world made government officials to take proper precautions and changes in protocol. Our nation attempted to prepare for the worse scenarios. Events of 9/11 shocked most citizens and government officials. In response President Bush signed the Patriot Act, however since provisions expired later President Obama had to reactivate the PatriotRead MoreThe Strategic Challenges Of Homeland Security1564 Words  | 7 Pages The six strategic challenges that the Department of Homeland Security has identified as â€Å"†¦prevailing challenges that pose the most strategically significant risk†are: terrorism, cyber terrorism, nuclear terrorism, biological concerns, transnational criminal organizations, as well as natural hazards (Department of Homeland Security. 2014). These six challenges all pose a threat to the safety of the homeland and because of that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS has to issue a review to CongressRead MoreTerrorism Training : White, Department Of Criminal Justice, Faulkner State Community College2855 Words  | 12 PagesTerrorism Training Bronze R. Green Faulkner State Community College Authors Note Bronze R. Green, Department of Criminal Justice, Faulkner State Community College. Bronze R. Green is still at Department of Criminal Justice, Faulkner State Community College. Correspondence concerning this article should e addressed to Bronze R. Green, Department of Criminal Justice, Faulkner State Community College, Bay Minette, AL 36507. Contact: â€Æ' Abstract This paper explores various published
Monday, May 18, 2020
An Introduction to Vanitas Paintings
A vanitas painting is a particular style of still life that was immensely popular in the Netherlands beginning in the 17th century. The style often includes with worldly objects such as books and wine and you will find quite a few skulls on the still life table. Its intent is to remind viewers of their own mortality and the futility of worldly pursuits. Vanitas Reminds Us of Vanities The word vanitas is Latin for vanity and that is the idea behind a vanitas painting. They were created to remind us that our vanity or material possessions and pursuits do not preclude us from death, which is inevitable. The phrase comes to us courtesy of a biblical passage in Ecclesiastes. In the King James Version (Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity,) the Hebrew word hevel was incorrectly translated to mean vanity of vanities, when it means pointless, meaningless, futile. But for this slight mistranslation, vanitas would rightfully be known as a meaningless painting, which is far from the intent of the makers. The Symbolism of Vanitas Paintings A vanitas painting, while possibly containing lovely objects, always included some reference to mans mortality. Most often, this is a human skull (with or without other bones), but items like burning candles, soap bubbles and decaying flowers may be used for this purpose as well. Other objects are placed in the still life to symbolize the various types of worldly pursuits that tempt humans. For example, secular knowledge like that found in the arts and sciences may be depicted by books, maps, or instruments. Wealth and power have symbols like gold, jewelry, and precious trinkets while fabrics, goblets, and pipes might represent earthly pleasures. Beyond the skull to depict impermanence, a vanitas painting may also include references to time, such as a watch or hourglass. It may use decaying flowers or rotting food for the purpose as well. In some paintings, the idea of the resurrection is included as well, represented as sprigs of ivy and laurel or ears of corn. To add to the symbolism, you will find vanitas paintings with the subjects placed in disarray compared to other, very tidy, still life art. This is designed to represent the chaos that materialism can add to a pious life. Vanitas is very similar to another type of still life painting, known as memento mori. Latin for remember you must die, this style tended to include only those objects that remind us of death and refrained from using the materialistic symbols. A Religious Reminder Vanitas paintings were meant not only as works of art, they also carried an important moral message. They were designed to remind us that the trivial pleasures of life are abruptly and permanently wiped out by death. It is doubtful that this genre would have been popular had the Counter-Reformation and Calvinism not propelled it into the limelight. Both movementsâ€â€one Catholic, the other Protestantâ€â€occurred at the same time as vanitas paintings were becoming popular, and scholars today interpret them as warning against the vanities of life and the representation of the Calvinist morality of the day. Like the symbolic art, the two religious efforts emphasized the devaluing of possessions and success in this world. They instead, focused believers on their relationship with God in preparation for the afterlife. The Vanitas Painters The primary period of vanitas paintings lasted from 1550 to around 1650. They began as still lifes painted on the backside of portraits as an explicit warning to the subject, and evolved into featured works of art. The movement was centered around the Dutch city of Leiden, a Protestant stronghold, though it was popular throughout the Netherlands and in parts of France and Spain. In the beginning of the movement, the work was very dark and gloomy. Toward the end of the period, however, it did lighten up a bit. The message in vanitas paintings became that although the world is indifferent to human life, the beauty of the world can be enjoyed and contemplated. Considered a signature genre in Dutch Baroque art, a number of artists were famous for their vanitas work. These include Dutch painters like David Bailly (1584–1657), Harmen van Steenwyck (1612–1656), and Willem Claesz Heda (1594–1681). Some French painters worked in vanitas as well, the best-known of which was Jean Chardin (1699–1779). Many of these vanitas paintings are considered great works of art today. You can also find a number of modern artists working in this style. Yet, many people wonder at the popularity of vanitas paintings by collectors. After all, doesnt the painting itself become a symbol of vanitas? Sources and Further Reading Bergstrà ¶m, Ingvar. Dutch Still Life in the 17th Century. Hacker Art Books, 1983.Grootenboer, Hanneke. The Rhetoric of Perspective: Realism and Illusionism in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still Life Painting. Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press, 2005.Koozin, Kristine. The Vanitas Still Lifes of Harmen Steenwyck: Metaphoric Realism. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 1990.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Diabetes Mellitus Type II Or Simply Diabetes - 1143 Words
Risk Factor Diabetes mellitus type II or simply diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar. This condition arises from insulin resistance and in some cases a relative lack of insulin (Kommoju, Reddy, 2011; Xinli, Huijie, Yan, Yan, 2013). A review of my family background reveals that I am at considerable risk of developing diabetes in my lifetime. A critical examination of the existing literature on the causes of diabetes reveals that a group of genes is involved in most cases of diabetes (Kommoju, Reddy, 2011). Within my family, my maternal grandmother suffered from diabetes from her early forties. Furthermore, one of my maternal uncles and paternal aunts have both been diagnosed with diabetes. Currently I am seven months†¦show more content†¦Studies show that intensive lifestyle based strategies can halve the risk of developing diabetes (Penn, White, Lindstrà ¶m, den Boer, Blaak, Eriksson, Feskens, Ilanne-Parikka, Keinà ¤nen-Kiukaanniemi, Walker, Mathers, Uusitupa, Tuomilehto , 2013). Moreover, the gains made from exercise are independent of the weight of a person. This shows that regular exercising can reduce the risk of diabetes regardless of my weight. However, there is very limited evidence on the effectiveness of dietary changes without regular exercising (Penn et al., 2013). The increase in the rates of diabetes is blamed on poor attitudes towards exercise and healthy eating (Rawal, Tapp, Williams, Chan, Yasin, Oldenburg, 2012). Most adults that suffer from diabetes have access to information on the causes of the disease and the personal measures they could have taken to minimize the risk. Poor attitude towards exercise and healthy eating affects the willingness to transform knowledge on prevention of diabetes to actionable plans and the implementation of these plans. Social factors such as ethnicity play critical roles in influencing the perceptions people develop towards health information. Cultural values and beliefs regarding food can negatively affect the adoption of strategies that target healthy eating and regular exercising. Therefore, individuals have to reflect on their value systems to determine and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assessment Report On Health Issues With Patients And Or...
The purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment report in relation to the various assessment tools, interviews, conclusions, diagnosis, and treatment plans that are specifically relevant for a high school senior. The paper will further examine the utilization of these assessment tools and results for the purpose of appropriate diagnosis and treatment. It will also emphasize the selection, interpretation, and communication of psychological test results and highlights the basic principles of the formal assessments taken. Furthermore, the assessment of such tools will include validity and reliability of the instrument utilized in that particular assessment, and make recommendations based on the findings of this client and how it correlates with the reason and purpose of her visit. Final Assessment Report Project Behavioral health issues with both patients and or clients provide opportunities for counselors, clinicians, and other mental health providers to obtain essential information about symptoms and complaints in order to diagnosis and tea clients or patients. The information provided by the client and or patient can be used to form diagnostic impressions and guide subsequent behavioral issues and concerns for further the counseling procedures. Furthermore, this report will include a full clinical assessments utilized to report adequate and appropriate finding of this client. Therefore, with these assessments a full descriptive report of documented resultsShow MoreRelatedClient and Counselor Safety for Mental Health Counselors Essays925 Words  | 4 PagesWhen mental health counselor’s work at outpatient mental health facilities; it is inevitable they will work with numerous clients who have multiple issues with multiple diagnosis. 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Essay about An Invisible Shield - 836 Words
Every community has their own standards for the men, women and children. If a child were to grow up in a white dominant, high-class town like Poway, CA, they would be expected to complete high school, go to college, get a well-paid job and then marry in their mid-twenties. In The House on Mango Street, a Hispanic, second-class community expects their women to grow up, drop out of school, marry early to escape their family and depend on their husband. For a girl who grows up in that kind of society, it will most likely become her fate. No matter what her dreams may be, there is an established invisible shield that blocks most of the women from escaping their mothers and grandmothers destiny of a sheltered housewife. Cisneros writes†¦show more content†¦My Name gives the reader a good idea of the macho stereotypes that dominate Esperanzas life. She tells how she was taught that the year of the horse, the year she was born on, is unlucky for females. Although Esperanza understa nds the Mexican ideal of an obedient woman, she completely rejects the lifestyle. She was a horse woman too, born like me in the Chinese year of the horse which is supposed to be bad luck if youre born female but I think this is a Chinese lie because the Chinese, like the Mexicans, dont like their women strong. The strong tone Esperanza writes in shows her admiration of her great grandmothers free spirit as a horse woman, which is much like her own. The metaphor shows how like the independent, free animal, some are doomed to be captured, trained, and ruled by men. Like a horse, Esperanzas great grandmother was caught when my great-grandfather threw a sack over her head and carried her off. Esperanza is amaze at the legitimacy of male domination when she says ...just like that, as if she were a fancy chandelier. Here, Esperanza learns to understand that her society refers to women as objects and their worth is determined by their appearance and function. There are three consecutive vignettes that give examples of three different vulnerable, tragic women. In the first vignette, No Speak English, Esperanzas neighbor worksShow MoreRelatedMedical Devices Are Needed For Modern Medicine1700 Words  | 7 Pagesnew defensive techniques was developed. These are called Communication Cloacker. These cloackers are to be worn externally. The cloacker coordinates interactions between IMD and the doctor. When the patient is wearing a cloacker, the IMDs become invisible to unauthorized programmers and therefore attackers cannot access the patient’s data. In cases, when cloacker is lost or damaged, the emergency practitioner can still access the IMD. 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One of her arm carried an enormous shield that revealed the once feared Medusa’s head, in her other hand she held a long sharp sword that a few scratches and dents from the previous fight. Athena took off her helmet and smiled brightly as she looked to the sky. Swooping down from the skyRead MoreThe Lenni Lenape And The Delaware Indians1129 Words  | 5 Pagesfishing. Like the other Indian people in this region, they raised corn (maize), beans, squash, sunflowers, and other crops. The crops were looked after by the women and were not planted in fields which were fenced. Thus, Indian agriculture was often invisible and unseen to the English who assumed that agriculture was men’s work and had to be done in fenced fields. The Lenni Lenape hunters preferred to hunt when they were hungry. This is because they felt that hunger would continually remind them of why
Poetry Analysis Persimmons Essay Example For Students
Poetry Analysis: Persimmons Essay In the poem, the reality revealed is that we will someday fade away from people and this world. But that the true beauty lies during the events in our lives and until the finale, we are the ones to hold the sweet, ripe Persimmon, a sacred and distinct sun inside Golden warm. Lie-Young Lee implements imagery and symbolism to underline the metamorphosis of the early life of the struggles of social placement of a young American Chinese boy to the deep passions of a young man. Persimmons teach us that even if we may go blind, Just like the speakers father in the poem, it comes to show that our experiences of life, that despite not everyone will appreciate, or understand fully, that it is something that will forever remain etched in our souls. At first the poem starts out a bit scattered. There were several pieces that did not seem to follow the time and meaning, but while seemingly scattered, his memories do in fact connect in several ways. As one specific device, most of his recollections involve the symbol of the Chinese fruit, persimmons. The poem begins with an unpleasant memory from the speakers sixth grade classroom where he recalls being slapped on the head and ordered to stand in the corner for not knowing the difference/between persimmon and precision(3-5). Right at that moment the speakers attitude is that of confusion. In the first stanza, we learn that Mrs.. Walker was the speakers teacher in sixth grade: In sixth grade Mrs.. Walker Slapped the back of my head and made me stand in the corner for not knowing the difference between persimmon and precision. How to choose persimmons. This is precision. 1-6) To Mrs.. Walker, the point is simple; the young boy, whose native language is Chinese, simply cannot attain and grasp the elements of English. Clearly he confuses the words that are seen from Mrs.. Walkers point of view to have nothing in common, but Poetry maybe only holds similar sounds and that is all. But in the boys min are connected in a way that Mrs.. Walker will never grasp without del particular lite rary device that Lee uses is the choice of enjambment choose, (6) which breaks the first stanza and draws attention to the and the process of making choices. Although in the first stanza it is s beaker, as a child and as a student is stripped from the power to chi process and codes of the incident of his classroom assimilation, he r justifying his linguistic conflations of the words persimmon and pre connecting the words through their similar sounds and by symbolic How to choose/ persimmons. This is precision (6-7) and fight and yarn (31). While Justifying the melting pot of his words, he also re-CLC demonstrating his command of the English language. In the second Lee elaborates on the correct way of carefully selecting and eating a along with that it is affirmed that the speaker does in fact know the teens the two words. The speaker reveals his understanding of diction being used by Lee to describe how to pick out and eat a peers words soft, sweet, sniff, and brown-spotted, are given to the fur it and transcending the physical sense of the Chinese fruit and trans an important element, and symbol. Whereas the character of Mrs.. N the category of the teachers that one may meet throughout life. Anyone: from a school teacher, a semester -long college peer, a rand society itself. However, these teachers not Judge ones personality, ignorant. In defined terms; a person may be treated as a sheep, whew re the ones fenced in, not able to reach, see or feel further; they do survey into the deep and enigmatic waters of people, Self, and emote the boys mind. The teacher is not aware that his mind is full of differ world or emotions, and his rich culture. .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 , .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .postImageUrl , .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 , .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9:hover , .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9:visited , .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9:active { border:0!important; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9:active , .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9 .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u74f1ba0d7a444feb287f48bef2ebb0e9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analysis of the Bioethical Issues in Gattaca EssayThe only thing they perceive may have a problem; that the boy has trouble with words, which in a but for him, the words that tend to stick out of the page for him are assimilations that they induce: soft and brown-spotted. Sniff the bottoms. The sweet one Will be fragrant. How to eat: Put the knife away, lay down the newspaper. Peel the skin tenderly, not to tear the meat. Chew the skin, suck it, and swallow. Now, eat the meat of the fruit, so sweet, all of it, to the heart. Can Mrs.. Walker and anyone belonging to this pragmatic world even the world within him? To the speaker a persimmon is precision, beck the ability of perceiving a precise persimmon and the persimmon it by its existence; a soft fruit, the shape, the smell off ripe one is an has the talent to spot one and the proper knowledge of how to eat o -01 Ft-m 3-1 r. -x n Walker incorrectly prepares the persimmons for the class, as she it up (41) as if she were cutting up this demonstrates her violate ultra of the speaker. The poem takes on a dramatic turn at the third stanza, where the s forwards through time. Here the speaker describes the moment of experience with his lover. Here by Lees use of symbolism and con choice is significant because of specific time and place it is being moment, the speaker has forgotten his Chinese, this could repress problems of assimilation to have faded in the aspect of the triumph language. Although he has perhaps gained societal acceptance as American, he has also gravely lost, where his loss out wins his gain native language, the loss of his culture. As a second interpretation when the speaker forgets about the DeW and the fact that they a recalls the Crickets: Chic chic and that woo: you and his total captivation in the moment, the moment when two lovers union, one perhaps forgets that fact of nakedness, because perhaps moment, one does not feel naked, because their significant other are all they need to feel covered, a moment were all barriers are b free comfortable in the bareness, where he even forgets the back playing. By the use of symbolism, it is known that Persimmon is t and so acts as a metaphor of the love scene, focusing on the pass hat marks the speaker for life. In the ninth stanza, a new scene there is another shift in time, this time the speaker is a mature ad parents, but also revisiting old memories, that arouse ancient feel particular stanza, Lees use of vivid imagery is openly present, whew the speakers elderly father who has gone blind: . 1 rummage, looking for something I lost. I find a box. Three paintings by my father: Hibiscus leaf and a white flower. Two cats preening. Two persimmons, so full they want to drop from the cloth. . Which is this? . Eh, the feel of the wolf tail on the silk, the strength, the tense pr iris. Eyes closed. These I painted blind. Some things never leave a person: Scent of the hair of one you love, The texture of persimmons, in your palm, the ripe weight. (62-88). Concrete details allows has a great impact and effect on this paretic because it draws the reader in, allowing them to engage and become the feelings the poet is trying to transmit: the sight of the Hibiscus of the cats preening (75). Although the speakers father has lost can still see the world. When a person goes blind, they are shut but the thing that stays with the person transcends the sense of vision; the smell, he texture, the weight of the persimmon that the father speaks of that will never leave a person, (85) that the feel off ripe persimmon in the palm will remain a part of you , Just like the speakers culture, his memories and experiences. .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 , .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .postImageUrl , .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 , .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5:hover , .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5:visited , .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5:active { border:0!important; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5:active , .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5 .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u663c094a444f25cd13a95d0ba0f03ba5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Salvador Dails The Persistence Of Memory Analysis Art EssayThis could also represent an important shift in the poems tone, in that the speakers finally accepts his culture or art of reminiscing of familiar emotions, both like being back home. His experiences, although not entirely positive, have helped him grow into the man he is now. Lie-Young Lee, by using sensory imagery and precise diction along with the informal stanza structure, reveals to the reader that, despite the speakers his bi- cultural past, he has now realized, through his experiences, that some of the most important things will not always be visible and he is at peace with his culture. The obscurity of words that Lee demonstrates in this poem correlates with the obscure and that of which is not accepted in our materialistic, and practical world. But the bitter-sweet irony of it all is that at times, as soon as something alike marvelous feeling or thought is put into words, its mystical beauty may diminish. This poem is tot only a self contained piece of poetry. It is art, a ticket to see, witness, and feel between our and the poets inner world.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategic Information Systems Trends in Computing
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Information Systems Trends in Computing. Answer: Introduction An accounting software/package is a system that is used on a computer and it perfoms all accounting tasks, such as recording, storing, sorting, retrieving, analyzing, presenting and conveying accounting information to different shareholder groups (Spathis, 2006). Applications enhance the quality of accounting data and promotes moving efficiency between organizations sectors and among organizations branches and their numerous users or investor groups. The literature review on accounting software/packages used in Australia. All the necessary information to the organization of any company requires the valuation of numerous cost objects to do a proper evaluation; correct data is required regarding all resources that are consumed directly or indirectly (Drury, 2008). The introduction to using accounting software is precious to organizations. However, the software applications should have a general guideline on what application standards the software need to have. There are four general features that accounting packages must have (Rushinek and Rushinek, 1995). They include; ease of installation, ease of use, should have seller support and the capability to be updated. Training should also be done on how to use the applications so that the future needs of the organization or business can be met. This can only be achieved through training. An appropriate accounting application should have a compatibility feature. A compatibility feature is smooth functional system constant with operations, workforce and administrative structure (Byrd Turners, 2000) Flexibility is of great importance in accounting applications. Flexibility can be defined as an n application capacity alongside a variation of course or a deviation from the programmed path of activity (Genus Dickson, 1995). History, development, and adoption The commonly used accounting system also known as general ledger is a book with distributed pages for every account i.e. payables, receivable, cash, equity. Each day transactions are entered by use of hand into the journal. Intuit came up with a computerized application named Quicken. The company later introduced Quickbooks for small business accounting in 1983. Turbo Tax, an application for calculating income taxes and federal, were presented to Nivinson. That saw the end of using manual entries and computers was embraced because it made the work of accountants much easier. They gave accountants an opportunity to be more productive. In the recent past, there has been a significant improvement in the innovation in technology and organizations now depend on machines to help in the running of businesses. Since the formation of Intuit in the year 1983, It has played a significant role in developing applications for the current age. Intuit products are vast, but QuickBooks is the most commonly used (Miller, Hopper Laughlin 1991: 396). The current market size Australia has two accounting software companies competing for the market share; Xero which is from Zealand and QuickBooks Online (QBO) from is US-based Intuit. They are not the only companies in the market but because of the recent developments, they are outshining the others throughout other continents. (Smith, 2013). Quickbooks has been on the market for quite some time, but its entry to Australia is relatively recent. Whereas Xero has been in the Australian market for a couple of years and has seen its widespread use by accountants and small businesses due to its capability to communicate with customers. Despite Xero being wide known in Australia, Quickbooks has launched a new user interface for Quickbooks Online (Harmony), customized with Australian localizations to the product, employed staff and opened an office in Australia and is trying to capture the Australian market share (Smith, 2013). Leaders in the market and what gives them the competitive advantage. Intuit QuickBooks MYOB Reckon Saasu Xero Intuit QuickBooks - A highly ranked accounting software in Australia. QB is among the most widespread accounting application used by small businesses in Australia. The factors that contribute to this include:- Price which is $12/month and $21/month for the premier version. QuickBooks provides a wide-ranging level of features that businesses in Australia use to trail business revenue, expenditures, and earnings (Claire, 2010) MYOB: - Australias best accounting software. It targets to be more than a functional accounting application. It has an additional feature that helps owners of businesses to increase productivity and make enhanced choices with a simultaneous view of a companys fiscal operations. It integrates the point of sale transactions into the entire business operations. It has an interface known as Kounta which works both online and offline, and the clientele hardly notices if the Internet connection slows down. They have a compliant capability known as ATO which is a huge attraction (Best, 2005) Reckon: Purposes to be the best accounting application for accountants, bookkeepers, and companies in Australia. Its one of the affordable cloud accounting software for small businesses in Australias and is well recognized. It uses a platforms known as Reckon Pay. This platform accepts debit/credit card payments using cell phones (Chibber, 2010) Saasu: - It claims to be the future of accounting. By using the application, business people in Australia can immediately execute cash flow cashing with just a click without additional setups. It offers smart bank payments that efficiently execute bank settlements thus, helps on saving time. It manages transactions in different foreign currencies. Its considered the best accounting applications for businesses in Australia. It has all that is needed to run a business from anyplace, by use of any podium (Rushinek and Rushinek, 1995). Xero: - Xero is a highly popular online accounting software in Australia. It offers real-time data monitoring abilities. It has over half a million subscribers who use the application. It has a wide range of business accounting functionalities since it offers speedy internet billing. It has a cutting-edge reconciliation process that allows the user to import and group bank transactions. Xero has two subscription categories (Smith, 2013). Starter software subscription $9/month Premium accounting software $70/month Current gaps or challenges encountered by users or customers of accounting Leading accounting software packages are cloud based, or they intend to do so. Security of any data is essential to any business. Online content is prone to hacker attacks, fraud, and other threats. It needs a high level of security which might be very expensive. Software/Packages A software/package is an of application that records and processes accounting transactions by use of well-designed components i.e. accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and trial balance. There are different types of accounting application in the market which depend on business requirements. Small business/individual accounting applications are mostly intended for home users. The applications are straightforward and low-priced through the simple functionality e.g. managing one's budget. Low-budget accounting applications are meant for small business markets that are capable of serving a single market. These applications are characterized by single entry products. Mid-market accounting applications is meant for establishments with large businesses. These applications serve the requirements of multiple nationwide accountancy principles due the the multi-currency facility (Rushinek and Rushinek, 1995). Relevant suggestions or recommendations Accounting users have demands for enhancing the quality of software. They software is expected to have general application features i.e. ease of installation, ease of use, should have seller support and the capability to be updated. Accountants and bookkeepers to undergo training on how to use the applications so that the future needs of the organization or business can be met, this can only be accomplished through training. An appropriate accounting application should have a compatibility feature. A compatibility feature is smooth functional system constant with operations, workforce and organizational structure. Flexibility is of a key important factor in accounting applications. Flexibility can be defined as the systems capacity alongside a change of course or deviation from the programmed direction of course. Conclusion: An accounting software that is per the standards discussed above should easen an accountant work since computers are being used instead of the manual book keeping methods. Research indicates that the use of accounting applications minimizes the amount of time accounting professionals spend while undertaking accounting tasks to minimal. Reference Avi Rushinek, Sara F. Rushinek, (1995) "Accounting software evaluation: hardware, audit trails, backup, error recovery and security", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 10 Iss: 9, pp.29 - 37 Byrd, T. A., Turner, D. E. (2000). Measuring the flexibility of information technology infrastructure: Exploratory analysis of a construct. Journal of Management Information System, 17(1), 167-208. Carnegie, G. D. Napier, C. J. (1996). Critical and interpretive histories: understanding accountings present and future through its past, Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal, 9(3): 7-39. Claire Kamm Latham (2009), Business-student partnership: Linking accounting information systems, internal control, and auditing, in Bill N. Schwartz, Anthony H. Catanach (ed.) Advances in Accounting Education (Advances in Accounting Education, Volume 10) Emerald Group Fleischman, R. K. Radcliffe, V. S. (2005). The roaring nineties: accounting history comes of age, Accounting Historians Journal, 32(1): 61-109. Frishammar, J. (2002). Characteristics in information processing approaches. International Journal of Information Management, 22(2), 143-156. Genus, A. and K. Dickson, 1995, Technological Analysis and Strategic Management 7(3), 283285. Ramazani, M., Zanjani, M., Vali, F. (2012). Accounting Software Expectation Gap Based on Features of Accounting Information Systems (AISs). Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 3(11). Rushinek, A., Rushinek, S. F. (1995). Accounting software evaluation: hardware, audit trails, backup, error recovery and security. Managerial Auditing Journal, 10(9), 29-37. Spathis, C. 2006. Enterprise systems implementation and accounting benefits. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19, 67-82. Tabachnick, B. Fidell, L. 2007. Using multivariate statistics, Boston, Allyn Bacon. Tornatzky, L. G. Fleischer, M. (1990) Processes of Technological Innovation, Lexington books, Lexington, Massachusetts. Venkatesh, V., Thong, J. Y. L., Xu, X. (2003) Consumer acceptance and use of information technology: extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology MIS Quarterly, Vol 36 No 1, pp. 157-178. Zeff, S. A. (2000) Henry Rand Hatfield: Humanist, Scholar, and Accounting Educator (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press). Publishing Limited, pp.205 255
Saturday, April 11, 2020
How to Get a Sample Word Scholarship Essay
How to Get a Sample Word Scholarship EssayAre you in need of a sample word scholarship essay? If so, then you will find that there are many great opportunities for students to obtain them. Most college students struggle with writing a good essay and applying it to their college application. In order to avoid going through this process, and instead have more time for studying, or even play sports, they must learn how to write a great sample word essay.The best way to learn how to write a sample word essay is to go to an online course. You will need to find one that is accredited. Be sure to read the reviews that the course has received and check to see if it has any students who are currently enrolled in a course. This will give you an idea as to whether or not you will be comfortable completing the course and can do it without a problem.Another thing to look at is the's format. It should be brief, but you should also make sure that it is something that the average college student wou ld be able to understand. Make sure that your sample word essay addresses the following questions:You will want to answer each question. For example, you will want to address what the main points of the essay are, what the key points are, and how they relate to the rest of the paper. Once you have answered these questions, you should put your focus on answering the next two questions.You will want to briefly explain why the students apply to the college, and what the admissions officers look for in applicants. You will also want to make sure that you answer each question as best as you can. Your main point should explain why the student needs to apply to the college.Then you will want to put together a proper format for your paper. If you can't find the perfect template, you can use Microsoft Word, which has a function for creating documents. You will want to make sure that you know the proper format for each part of the paper.Finally, you will want to spend some time getting the co rrect answers to all of the questions. You will want to get past the random test questions, and review them once you know the correct answers. Once you are finished reviewing your essay, you should save it in Word format and then email it back to the instructor, or send it off to an editor.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Fredrick Douglas Essays - Slavery In The United States, Racism
Fredrick Douglas Imagine yourself at the mercy of another human being. You are dependent upon this person for food and shelter. This person controls your life in every way possible. You are told when to wake up, what to do, how to do it and when to stop doing it. If you do not cooperate you will be beaten severely and possibly killed. Imagine a society of people that live like this! How would human character be affected by this power? How would religion be influenced by this institution? How would family life be affected by these activities? I will attempt to answer these three questions in the following essay. Fredrick Douglas was born in Maryland, he does not know the date of his birth, as did most slaves. He never really had a chance to know his mother, only having seen her four or five times. Fredrick taught himself how to read and write despite it being against his slave-owners wishes. He could not let knowledge be known to anyone except for other slaves. Fredrick saw his knowledge of words both as a blessing and a curse. In words of John Cotton, Let all the world learn to give mortal men no greater power than they are content they shall use---for use it they will. Limitations of Government (1655). This statement is proven true in the institution of slavery. White men were given supreme power over their black slaves and it corrupted their character. Otherwise noble men were forced to be torturous towards their slaves in order to keep them in line. As Douglas recalls an incident where a slave named Demby, was being whipped by a Mr. Gore. After receiving his lashes, Demby proceeded to run into the river, not to escape but to relieve the pain. Mr. Gore gave Demby to the count of three to come out of the river. When Demby did not comply, he was shot dead. It is my belief that no sane man would b compelled to shoot another without good reason. The institution of slavery gave these men a good reason. That is an extreme of slavery can cause. Most slave-owners were not so brutal, but they were not distant from the behavior. They had to become fairly evil to keep the slaves in line. Brutality had to take the place of consent in slaves and without limitations man was bound to exercise the power. Slavery not only affected the male slave owners but the women also. Mrs. Auld wasnt raised with slaves, She has been in a good degree preserved from the blighting and dehumanizing effects of slavery. (Page 46) When she first married into the family she began to teach Fredrick the ABCs. Soon after, Mr. Auld found out and put a stop to it. To his belief it was unsafe to teach slaves to read. Before long Mrs. Auld changed, The fatal Poison of irresponsible power was already in her hands, and soon commenced its infernal work. (Page 46) Religion teaches us to be kind to one another, perhaps to make us more humane. But Douglas found religion to have the opposite effect on slaveholders. They, found religious sanction and support, (page 65) for the cruelty they showed their slaves. I could not believe that religion could or would support slavery. Didnt they know God sees no color? This could only come from men who preached liberty and practiced slavery. The fear of losing slaves must have been so great a burden on their minds they would look for anything to justify their behavior. Slavery debased religion all across the south. This s what Douglas refers to as the slaveholders religion (page 118). Douglas perceives a big difference between Christianity and the slaveholders religion, to receive Christianity as good, pure and holy, is of necessity to reject the slaveholders religion as bad, corrupt and wicked. (Page 118) Douglas refers to the church members as cradle plunderers, the ministers are men-stealers and the missionaries are women-whippers. (Page118) Religion came to rely upon the slaveholders for financially support, The dealer gives his bloodstained gold to support the pulpit. (Page 119) Douglas describes this companionship by stating, Here we have religion and robbery allies of each other. (Page 119) The
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